Panal (voice)
Santa Company is an original work brought to life by Kenji Itoso. A short animation was released in 2014 after a successful crowdfunding campaign, followed by a feature-length version released in Japan in 2019. This work is a spin-off featuring some of the same characters. Upon their visit to a tropical island just below the equator, Mint and co. from Santa Company find themselves confronted with a mountain of ocean debris. Small acts of carelessness upon carelessness have, quite literally, piled up into a big problem—just what have Mint and the others gotten themselves into...? A splendid, yet strange, secret Christmas story.
Master Roshi (voice)
Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D is a cinematic attraction at Universal Studios Japan, as part of "Universal Jump Summer". The attraction features a new installment in the Dragon Ball series, which primarily depicts a CG animation of Goku vs. Frieza, presented as a 4D attraction. The event was held from July 1 to September 4, alongside similar attractions based on One Piece and Death Note.
Youkai Tengu (voice)
The Igasaki Clan reunites two years after defeating Kibaoni Gengetsu to determine who is the greatest ninja.
Kame Sen'in (voice)
Oscar (voice)
Mewtwo - Prologue to Awakening is a special episode of the Pokémon anime, serving as a prologue to Genesect and the Legend Awakened.
Old Man (voice)
Master Roshi (voice)
A two-part crossover special featuring characters from Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Toriko.
Adder, the Fairy of Darkness, schemes to invade a peaceful paradise that the beetles, Popo and the other Fairies of the Forest call their home.
Pagos (voice)
Dr. Mashirito and Abale-chan centers around Dr. Mashirito Jr. and his creation Abale, who serves as a rebellious opposite of the protagonist Arale. Many years after the end of Dr. Slump, Dr. Mashirito Jr. returns to avenge his father Dr. Mashirito, the sworn enemy of Senbei Norimaki. He makes an android at any point similar to Arale, except for her character that is somewhat different. He gives the name "Abale" to this android. In spite of itself, Abale will successfully contain an alien invasion.
2005年3月5日に公開された日本のアニメーション映画。漫画『ONE PIECE』を原作としたテレビアニメの劇場版第6作。 「オマツリ島」への永久指針と地図を拾った麦わらの一味は、パラダイスだというその島を訪れる。島の当主と名乗るオマツリ男爵により数々の不条理な試練を受けさせられ、最初は楽しんでいたものの、仲間達が試練での苛立ちでどんどん不協和音を鳴らし、仲間割れを起こしてしまう。そんな中、チョッパーとロビンは島の不自然さを感じ始めていた。
Immigration Officer
In this 13-part mini-series, Kino and her talking motorcycle Hermes travel around the world, visiting different countries for three days each in order to learn about each one.
Human Building (voice)
On what apparently is a parallel world, time flows in a much slower pace than normal. The ocean remains on a solid state of matter as the eccentric individuals who inhabit this land casually wander over it.
Vice Principal (voice)
Nube gets a new student called Jun Kagami, a shy boy who has just transferred to Doumori Elementary School. Due to his insecurities, Jun believes that his only friend is a mysterious clown entity that lives inside mirrors. It is up to Nube to find out the true nature of this clown.
Vice Principal (voice)
Kumiko Ijima is a very timid girl who happens to recognize a murderer still in pursuit at a park. With the help of her friend Kyoko Inaba, she warns the police about the wanted man. After trying to escape the police by car, the murderer crashes and ends up in the hospital. Some time later, a mysterious entity starts to terrorize the neighborhood in search of a girl who has the name initials K.I. and uses a red ribbon on her hair.
Kijimunaru (voice)
1986年『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 激突!!異次元妖怪の大反乱』から10年ぶりの劇場シリーズとなる「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」劇場版第5弾。「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」劇場版第5弾。今回は、南方妖怪VS日本妖怪!そして、鬼太郎が大海獣にされてしまい、日本を襲ってしまう。果たして、鬼太郎の運命は如何に…。
Two Japanese survivors of the Khmer Rouge massacres in Cambodia vow to find a sanctuary, even if they have to build it themselves. Returning to Japan, they take seemingly opposite paths: one becomes a politician, the other a gangster. As Asami and Houjou work through the linked worlds of politics and crime in modern Japan, they don't hesitate to do anything necessary to secure their own positions and stay true to their vow. Loyal to no one else, they find their friendship increasingly tested as they rise in their chosen fields.
Chopper (voice)
New York, USA. Hard has been making a living as a bounty hunter for years, but lately has been struggling to make ends meet due to alimony and child support payments for his beloved Momoko. A supposedly simple case devolves quickly into major mayhem and murder, and it's by no means sure he will be able to survive the crazy psychopaths trying to kill him for sticking his nose in their business. But he's not going down without a fight...
Oboe (voice)
While on their quest to stop the Demon King, the violinist Hamel, the pianist Raiel, the magess Flute and the female warrior Sizer stop in a small kingdom and destroy a rampaging monster. While giving the four a heroes' welcome, the king and queen explain that their daughter has been kidnapped by a monster living in a nearby castle. They agree to go and rescue the hostage princess and defeat the monster. However, the enemy's castle is heavily guarded...
Staff Officer Black
むかしむかし、パオズ山にシッポの生えた不思議な少年、孫悟空が住んでいた。悟空は、育ての親である孫悟飯じっちゃんの形見である四星球をじっちゃんだとして、大切に保管していた。 そんなある日、いつものように魚をとっていた悟空は、ドラゴンボールという不思議な球を探していたブルマと出会う。自分のじっちゃん以外に初めて見る人間にとても驚く悟空だったが、形見として大切にしていた四星球がドラゴンボールの一つだということを知らされ、一緒にドラゴンボール探しの旅に出ることになる。道中、ウーロンを一行に加えつつ、盗賊のヤムチャとプーアルと対決しながらも、悟空達はドラゴンボールを集めていく。 一方、悪名高きレッドリボン軍が、世界征服のためドラゴンボールを求めていた。
Bikens (voice)
Onsen Master
Kame Sennin / Shenlong (voice)
魔人ブウの脅威が去り、グレートサイヤマンの活躍などもあって地球はしばし平和な日々が続いていた。ある日、悟飯とビーデルはいつものようにグレートサイヤマンとしての任務をこなしている最中にホイという老人からオルゴールに封じられた勇者を復活させてほしいと頼まれる。オルゴールを鳴らすことができれば勇者は復活するというが、悟空でさえオルゴールの取っ手を回すことはできず、ならばドラゴンボールに頼んでみようということで神龍を呼び出す。 神龍によって封印を解かれたオルゴールは美しい音色と共に壊れ、そこからオカリナを吹きながら一人の青年が現れた。彼こそホイの言っていた伝説の勇者・タピオンであった。タピオンのその雰囲気にトランクスは興味津々でついてまわるが、そこでホイの不審な動きも目撃する。その後打ち解けたトランクスとタピオンはカプセルコーポレーションで一緒に兄弟のように住み始めるが、実はタピオンには恐ろしい秘密が隠されていた。かつてコナッツ星を襲った幻魔人ヒルデガーンが彼の体内に封じられていたのである。 ブルマの提案で封印されていたオルゴールを再現するも、先に封印の解かれた下半身と引き合う力を止められず、ついにヒルデガーンは復活してしまった。悟空たちと、幻魔人ヒルデガーンとの戦いが始まる。
Professor Collie (voice)
天下一武道会の賞金の取立てを行いにミスター・サタン宅には18号たちが訪れていた。散々取立てを行ってもまだ賞金が届いていないと言い張るサタンの下にジャガー・バッダ男爵の使い・メンメンが現れる。サタンのために用意した戦士と戦えという要求に対していやいやジャガーの下へ向かうサタン。しかし、人造人間18号や同じ場にいた孫悟天、トランクスも付いて行ってしまう。 サタンの弟子として何故か戦うことになった18号たちだが、ジャガーの準備した戦士など彼女らの敵ではなくバイオ戦士たちを一蹴してしまう。その後、見慣れない施設群に興味津々の悟天たちだったが、そこでサイヤ人と思われる一体のバイオ戦士のカプセルを発見、中にいた戦士がこちらを向いた瞬間に悟天たちは驚愕した。それは前回の戦いで死亡したブロリーのクローン、バイオブロリーだった。 バイオカプセルから出てしまう前にバイオブロリーをカプセルごと破壊しようと試みるも、バイオブロリーは自らカプセルを破り外に出てきてしまう。もはやかつての面影のない不気味な様相となっていたバイオブロリーに、18号が戦いを挑むもバイオブロリーの強さに太刀打ちできずにやられてしまう。 2度も同じ相手にやられてたまるかと、悟天とトランクスは超サイヤ人に変身し、バイオブロリーとの戦いに挑む。
Leng Bao (voice)
孔明が劉備に提案した「天下三分の計」。それは天下を三分に分け、孫権と協力して曹操を倒そうとするものだった。計画は実現したかのように思えたが、呉の裏切りによって孔明は劉備、関羽、張飛らを失ってしまう。 皆の願いを実現させるべく、魏に対抗していく孔明だったが。
Building (voice)
This adventurous story of a boy named Uri and an old man takes place in the cosmic Milky Way where the starfish live. This is the tale of their fantasy journey in search of the mysterious monster fish.
King Vegeta (voice)
悟飯の予備校受験のため、悟空は慣れないスーツを着せられチチから厳しく「教育パパ像」を吹き込まれていた。 悟空がそんな目にあっているとは知らず花見を楽しんでいた悟飯達のもとに宇宙船が降り立ち、中から一人のサイヤ人が現れる。彼はパラガスと名乗り、ベジータを新惑星ベジータの王として迎えに来たと言う。最初は興味が無かったベジータだったが、パラガスの「伝説の超サイヤ人を倒せるのは貴方しかいません」という口車に乗せられ彼とともに宇宙へ飛び立ってしまう。酔った勢いで宇宙船に乗り込もうとする亀仙人やそれを止めようとする悟飯、クリリン、ウーロンも巻き込まれ、ベジータを連れ戻そうとするトランクスも連れて。 同じころ、面接会場にいた悟空は界王から「大変なことが起きた」と呼び出された。界王によると伝説の超サイヤ人が南の銀河を破壊し、次は北の銀河が狙われているので、その討伐を頼まれたのだった。
Prof. Jason (voice)
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
Kumo Otoko (voice)
"Kamen Rider SD: Strange!? Kumo Otoko" is an animated OVA based on the gag manga Kamen Rider SD: Hurricane Legend. This cute and comedic short movie features chibi versions of the Showa Era Kamen Riders, as they team up against the evil GranShocker organization , while Kamen Rider Black RX tries to confess his love to female sports instructor Michiru.
Yone's Father (voice)
Sitre (voice)
GORN (voice)
Take the characters from a number of sci-fi based animes, a stage not unlike "Wacky Races," super deformed madness, and general insanity and what you get is Scramble Wars. While Scramble Wars does include characters from the original Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force and Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, it also has a few other characters from other animes such as AD Police and Riding Bean.
Commentator (voice)
Naitai, the evil head of the Great Bear God religion, hatches a plot to destroy the 108 Dragons. His henchman, Oshu Togoku, the world wrestling champion, squeezes Ron Tayan unconscious in a match; the ambulance taking Ron to hospital is actually driven by Kimie, one of Ron's old enemies. She takes him to Naitai's stronghold where he has prepared a clone of Ron whom he intends to send, like a Trojan horse, onto the yacht of the 108 Dragons. Can Ron foil the plot? Will Fu recognize the clone or be fooled? What of Oshu Togoku, can anyone defeat him? And who, or what, can stand up to Naitai's sorcery?
Police A
There is a legend in Japan that if one eats the flesh of a mermaid, one will become immortal. This anime recounts the story of Yuhta and Mana, an immortal boy and girl, and their experiences with a family struggling to achieve immortality at any cost.
Doore (voice)
物語の始まりは、テレビスペシャル『ドラゴンボールZ たったひとりの最終決戦〜フリーザに挑んだZ戦士 孫悟空の父〜』で描かれたサイヤ人の故郷である惑星ベジータ崩壊の時まで遡る。
Professor Mikage (voice)
Ron Tayan now leads the 108 Dragons; Fu Ching Ran is his loyal wife. As their body tattoos show, he's the dragon, she's the tiger. The 108 Dragons are attacked by African Tusk, a syndicate intent on world control. Ron goes to Africa, dealing first with Shicaro, African Tusk's assassin, then with Jagone, its leader. Despite his success, he must still face Bugnug, Jagone's muscular and athletic military commander: Ron gives her a new name, Dark Eyes. Back in Hong Kong, Fu faces danger as well. A Muramasa sword with a dark history and, seemingly, its own demon spirit, falls into her hands. She seeks to tame it, and in the process, discovers her inner warrior identity
Gorn (voice)
MME Leader Gorn
The last remaining human soldiers of a devastated Earth fight against the machines for one last chance for their species to escape and survive.
Hatanaka Kosaku is a young boxer who has a major flaw, he can't stop eating. That weakness puts him into into heavier weight classes that put him against stronger boxers and even worse, he's prone to throw up when he gets a body blow, which drives potential opponents away. His coach is at his wit's end as he struggles to get this idiot to show some discipline in his training. The matter is complicated when a young nun feeds the "starving" boy after she finds him fainted on the streets during his enforced fast. She learns of her mistake and she tries to help him get ready for a fight, but his weakness for food and the odd relationship they share don't makes things easy.
Police A
Emu Hino, a 29-year-old virgin, witnesses a mob hit and fears that the killer will now find her and kill her. Indeed, he sets out to do so; he's Yo Hinomura, a talented potter and artist who's been conscripted against his will to be the prime hitman for the 108 Dragons, a gang within the Chinese Mafia, who are determined to push aside Tokyo's local crime lords. He breaks into her house, and she asks that he make love to her before he kills her; she connects to his inner self, and he becomes her protector. Now he must defend her against the local crime gang, who have connections with corrupt Tokyo police. Will Yo and Emu make it out alive, and will the 108 Dragons triumph?
Captain (voice)
The war between Solnoids and Paranoids continues, but the conflict reaches a new height as both races complete their Planet Destroyers. This new technology wipes out several star systems leaving only the ninth star system undamaged. As both races head towards it, a Solnoid ship finds Lufy, an attacker cryogenically preserved inside an assault trooper among space debris. Reawakened, Lufy is invited to join a group of Solnoids who are set to complete the original secret mission of her former crew.
Hiroyuki Kondou (voice)
Handsome high school student Akemi is a computer genius. One day a new girl, Yumiko, transfers to his class from another school. She quickly falls in love with Akemi but, absorbed in his computer, he pays her no attention at all. Akemi accidentally summons demons who wreak chaos on his enemies and friends.
Murabito (voice)
Dodge Man (voice)
Noera is heading to work after drinking all night with a friend when he meets Marcia, a young biker heading towards Los Angeles. They abruptly get involved in a car chase and Marcia ends up retrieving a locked metal box from one of the pursued vehicles. Within it, a dark sphere. Many people want the orb at any cost forcing Noera and Marcia to desperately run away while trying to figure out what exactly is the strange object they are carrying.
Koopa Troopa (voice)
When Princess Peach is kidnapped by the monster King Koopa, Mario and his brother Luigi journey to the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue her.
Asai (ep 1) (voice)
Yuko Kusaka is a Japanese journalist sent to Brazil to do a report on the gold rush phenomenon that seems to be making many people rich from night to day. Rumors say that among the many "garimpeiros" (gold diggers) currently on the Amazon forest, there is a Japanese known as Rio Baraki. Reaching their destination, her crew member is promptly attacked and she is raped as a warning to stop their work and return immediately to their home country. Determined to do her job, she stays and finds out from the attacker that he is none other than Baraki, a white haired muscular man with a large scar on his back. Later she discovers that his real name is Keisuke Ibaraki. Once a promising quarterback, he ended up falsely incriminated by a powerful organization known as GPX.
Associate (voice)
Antoinette, an android of burnished chrome living on a distant Earth outpost, is equipped with a heart -- or at least the programming for one. As Antoinette searches for the true meaning of humanity, she confronts Proud, the planetary governor. Living up to his name, the governor is obsessed with laying his hands on a weapon that will allow him to control the universe and it's up to Antoinette and her creator, Dr. Watson, to thwart him.
Bandit (voice)
A massive gas explosion in modern-day Tokyo throws 17-year-old Suzuko back in time — 500 years into the past and into a death-strewn battlefield. Rescued from lecherous bandits by the young warrior Shukumaru, Suzuko struggles to untangle the time lines. Slowly she begins to understand the strange force that has exiled her, and how it relates to her own mysterious past. Shukumaru and Suzuko tackle mystery, tragedy and disaster as time unravels amidst the roaring flames of past and present.
Colonist (voice)
Meguru and Mayu are two future-wanderers hoping to find the mythical Mirror of Arei that is said to allow all who glimpse it to pass beyond the edge if the universe. Highjacked by renegade android Zero, the trio joins forces when they realise that they are all searching for the same thing.
超人オリンピックV2達成、7人の悪魔超人撃破を果たしキン肉星へと凱旋帰国したキン肉マン。祝福のパレードの最中、キン肉族と敵対するホルモン族の女超人・ビビンバに命を狙われる。間一髪回避しビビンバを追いかけるキン肉マンだったが、負傷したビビンバの素顔を見て彼女に一目ぼれし、良い所を見せようと手当てをしたり、一族を裏切るなどアプローチをかける。そしてビビンバの父ホルモン・ヤーキの手引きにより彼女をデートに誘うが、それはホルモン・ヤーキによる罠だった。 美ヶ原にて罠にかけられ気絶したキン肉マンに剣を向けるビビンバだったが、自分を手当てしてくれた彼の優しさに触れ恋心が芽生えていた故に剣を振ることをためらう。キン肉マンは無意識にこれを破るが、見かねたキン肉大王らの手により地球へと強制送還される。 キン肉族打倒を狙うホルモン・ヤーキは、バーベキュー族のチャンピオン・シシカバ・ブーと彼に助力するブラック軍団を率いる宇宙暗黒帝王ブラック・エンペラーと手を組むことになった。しかしブラック・エンペラーは地球征服のために邪魔な正義超人打倒を目論んでいた。 そうとは知らず、キン肉マンは富士山にてビビンバを賭けシシカバ・ブーの挑戦を受ける。同じ頃、それぞれの夢を叶えるために故郷へと帰っていた正義超人たちにもブラック軍団の尖兵が襲いかかろうとしていた。
Pagos (voice)
Senbei Norimaki finds the secret treasure named “Eye of Rainbow” of the legendary Nanaba Castle in the mountain. This treasure makes every dream come true. When the gang of Arale Norimaki and Gatchan tried to steal the treasure, Bisna, who is the descendant of Nanaba Kingdom, takes the treasure. Bisna wants to revive the devil and Nanaba Kingdom. Arale and her friends went towards the secret Nanaba Castle to get back the treasure.
Henry Henderson (voice)
In this animated adaptation of E. E. Doc Smith's groundbreaking science fiction serial "Grey Lensman" from the 1930s-1950s, Kimball Kinnison, a young man from the agricultural planet Mquie and his Valerian companion, Buscirk find a dying man with a legendary crystal lens embedded in his hand. As the man was dying, he mysteriously passed on the Lens to Kim. With more companions to come by, Kim must find out the purpose of the Lens before the Boskone dynasty does.
Pora Tribe Member A (voice)
This cartoon, based on a popular manga, centers on an 11-year-old boy who goes to Africa with his father in 1941. Because he is Japanese, the father is detained by the British. The boy joins up with a beautiful native girl, and the adventure begins, a sort of Young Indy Jones meets Tarzan. Written by Rob Richardson
In Space Century (SC) 152, the planet Deloyer, Earth's only colony, is home to a growing independence movement. The Fang of the Sun are a small team of guerillas fighting against Earth's occupation. To counter Earth's Combat Armors, they have a lone Combat Armor of their own: Dougram, a CA specially built for Deloyer's environment — and piloted by Crinn Cashim, the rebellious son of the leader of the Earth government on Deloyer. This compilation film version presents the events of the 75 episode anime series as a documentary, primarily focusing on the story's politics rather than the main characters. Originally screened with the short "Choro Q Dougram" and the Combat Mecha Xabungle compilation film Xabungle Graffiti.
Būtarebū / Pagos (voices)
Arale and her friends learn of a World Grand Prix being organised by the Radial Kingdom. The prize is marrying Princess Front (a dead ringer to Ms. Yamabuki) or 1 million dollars. Of course they decide to enter for the money. Not so for Dr. Mashirito; he is going for the princess and will stop at nothing to win! The princess though has her own plan, which involves Ms. Yamabuki, and that of course means even Dr. Slump decides to enter with his trusty Borobo. Let the race begin...
Kline (voice)
An American scientist constructs a laser satellite with hopes of preventing any nuclear conflicts from occurring. However, after a fatal error from both the US and the USSR governments, war breaks out and humanity faces a new bloodshed.
Godem (voice)
In the Andromeda galaxy there's a planet of a highly developed human civilisation. The gentle Prince Itaka and another kingdom's beautiful Princess Lilia are about to enter a love-marriage and take over the throne, when they discover a strange object on the nightsky. Later it lands on the planet, and an alien, mechanic civilization invades King Itaka's peaceful country making nearly everybody their slave. On a fateful night Queen Lilia gives birth to twins, and to avoid misfortune, the nanny Tarama takes one of the babies away, and entrusts it to the gladiator Balga. They still don't know, that the children were born with strong powers, and hold the key to the fight against the enemy that's searching to destroy every human civilisation on the planet... (from myanimelist)
Pargos (voice)
When local teacher Midori Yamabuki receives an emergency summons to her home planet it turns out to be a trap devised by galactic warlord Dr. Mashirito, and it's up to Dr. Senbei Norimaki and a group of students (including his robot daughter Arale) to venture into space to save her.
Assassin 1 (voice)
Retired samurai Kumosuke lives quietly, not to say idly, in Edo (old Tokyo) with his wife and two children, a young boy named Shinnosuke and an infant girl, Ohana. While he nominally runs a courier business to earn a living, he seems to spend most of his time smoking his pipe, drinking sake, and chasing women. The arrival of a Shinsengumi squad led by a young swordswman, Ichimonji Hyougo, disrupts this peaceful routine, forcing Kumosuke to defend himself.
Pagos (voice)
Professor Senbei finds a videotape of his deceased father providing instructions on how to create a love potion. The main ingredient is a tear of the evil Gyaasuka Daimao who lives at the Wonder Island. To retrieve it, Senbei takes Arale and Gatchan on a wacky adventure.
Dagas Commander (voice)
9人のサイボーグ戦士たちが大宇宙に挑むスペクタクル・ロマン! 「スターウォーズ」のシナリオライターであるジェフ・シーガルを迎え、一流スタッフが練りに練ったアイデアに原作・総指揮の石ノ森章太郎が手を加えた、アドベンチャー・スペクタクル・愛・感動と三拍子も四拍子も揃った作品。
Boyfriend / Young B (voice)
Boston, United States. Dracula, the immortal vampire, interrupts a satanic ritual and flees with Dolores, the woman whom the members of the evil cult are about to murder. Overwhelmed by his love for her, and unable to drink her blood, they have a son together, whom they name Janus. (Loosely based on Marvel's The Tomb of Dracula comic book series.)
Police officer (voice)
ミュウのリーダー、ソルジャー・ブルーは、アタラクシアに住む少年ジョミーを自分の後継者として選び、夢を託す。 故郷・地球へ還る―――
Bandit Guard (voice)
高視聴率を上げて2年以上ものロングラン放映となったTVアニメ『銀河鉄道999』のスペシャル編・第1弾。 銀河鉄道999は「化石の星」に停留。独断で外に出た星野鉄郎は、その星の番人らしき青年戦士に背中を斬られて乗車パスを盗まれた。メーテルと鉄郎はパスを奪回しに行くが、そこで二人は化石化したこの星の住人を捕獲しようとする宇宙盗賊団に遭遇。先の戦士ユリウスは、彼の恋人リージャのものを含む化石たちを守って戦っていた。ユリウスに加勢する鉄郎とメーテルだが……。 TV版12・13話「化石の戦士(前・後編)」を再構成し、さらに新作部分を追加して約2時間枠の内容としたもの。化石の戦士はこの特別版で初めて「ユリウス」という公式名が設定され、彼と恋人リージャとのありし日の幸福も描かれた。
Worker (voice)
A UFO transports three children back to the prehistoric. Three kids who have heard a mysterious call from advanced beings whom are about to take them in a journey of self discovery through the ages learning from love and friendship but also hate in a world of dinosaurs.