Executive Producer
Making of 'Who Am I' by Jackie Chan
A Chinese chef accidentally gets involved with a news reporter who filmed a drug bust that went awry and is now being chased by gangs who are trying to get the video tape.
香港警察の中で「重案組」と呼ばれる特捜班を率いるチェンが不動産王ウォンの護衛任務を任される。だが、目の前で謎の犯罪集団にウォンをやすやすと誘拐されるという失態を犯したチェン。やがて、犯人の手がかりが台湾にあることが判明し、彼はホン警部とともに現地へと飛ぶ。そして二人は台湾当局の許可を得ずに重要容疑者を追跡、追いつめた容疑者をホンが死なせてしまったことから、強制送還されることになってしまう。一方、この事件がきっかけでチェンはホンが犯罪集団の内通者ではないかという疑いを抱くが…。 実話を基にしたシリアスなポリス・アクション。ジャッキー・チェンが、強いだけのヒーローではない人間的な刑事をリアルに熱演して新境地を見せた。
Anita Mui plays the sister of the Saint of Gamblers, and also possesses supernatural gambling abilities. However, she chooses not to use her powers. She decides to come to Hong Kong to retrieve her brother and bring him back to China. There she meets his assistant, Ng, who is without the Saint of Gamblers, as he has headed off on a cruise. Ng asks Mui to compete in the next tournament, but she turns him down. Mui stays at Ng's house, and helps him find another player to compete. But when Mui finds out that the opposition also has supernatural gambling abilities, she throws the gauntlet down and prepares for the match of her life.
Executive Producer
Cheng Shih-Nan is a Mainland inspector who journeys to Hong Kong with her assistant and cousin Hsiou Sheng to deliver a ruthless criminal. But the bad guy escapes, meaning Shih-Nan and Hsiou Sheng are now stuck in capitalist Hong Kong for an extended stay! A flag-waving supporter of the Communist Party, Shih-Nan marvels at the “decadent” lifestyle of her Hong Kong counterpart, Inspector Wu Kei Kuo. But despite the culture clash, the two disparate cops find the common ground they need to dispense justice – and even discover something akin to romance! But will the Party approve?
Little Tiger (Yuen Biao) ventures from the sticks to the big city in search of his cop brother Big Tiger (Chi-cheung Lam), an honest cop working in a corrupt system. Surmising that life in the police force was not his cup of tea, Little Tiger joins the Swallow Acrobatic Troop, which he excels in because of his kung-fu prowess. When a band of thugs from Chin Hung-yun's (Sammo Hung) group attacks the troop, Little Tiger not only handily fights them back but also infiltrates their organization to destroy them from the inside. Meanwhile, Big Tiger's old flame Mary (Anita Mui) returns from America to join the revolutionaries. Big Tiger soon finds himself torn between his love of this girl and his orders to arrest all revolutionaries.
Executive Producer
Cindy, an American FBI agent, travels to Hong Kong to investigate a newspaper editor, Ronny Dak, who is suspected of printing counterfeit money using the newspaper’s presses. The American teams up with a rival reporter and her friend Yu, an undercover law enforcer. Cindy’s investigation takes a sharp turn, however, when Yu’s father, the prosecuting lawyer in the counterfeiting case, is kidnapped.
In 1913, 17-year-old Dafu travels from China to Japan to study. Japan is on the rise, a nation of proud people. China, on the other hand, is in turmoil. Dafu takes his demanding courses and racial discrimination in stride, but he finds his nascent manhood difficult to handle. In a hot-springs spa, he meets Lung Erh, his dream girl, but she soon disappears.
正義感からの行き過ぎ捜査で、交通整理係に降格になったチェン刑事。今日もかつて自分が逮捕した悪人チュウの汚い挑発に熱くなり、大乱闘を起こしてしまった。署長から休暇を言い渡されたチェン刑事は、売り言葉に買い言葉で辞表を提出。恋人メイとバリ旅行を計画するが、たまたま立ち寄ったショッピング・センターで爆破事件に遭遇。休暇を返上し、不動産企業を脅迫する爆弾魔一味を追い詰める。 「香港国際警察 NEW POLICE STORY」で再始動したジャッキー・チェンの代表作となる人気シリーズ第2弾。恋人役マギー・チャンとの愉快な掛け合い、ダイナミックな爆破シーンなど、前作からパワーアップした見どころ満載な作品。
Couples, Couples, Couples is a largely broad comedy about the vagaries of romance and babymaking.
A motley group of Chinese prisoners held in the US is sent on a covert mission with the promise of a pardon: to go deep into Vietnam and destroy a secret depot of missiles that the US left behind during the pull-out.
Cousin Big (Richard Ng) returns home from the UK in order to find a wife and settle down. He has previously driven out his illegal immigrant friend Ma (Wu Ma) from the UK and the scores aren't settled. That is all cast aside when not only one, not two but three ghosts are to be dealt with and one is Cousin Big who has fallen in love with one of the ghosts (Wong Man-Si)...
The ghost of a courtesan who died in 1934 returns to Hong Kong fifty-three years later, seeking to reunite with the man she loved.
Executive Producer
Action ensues as the cop and cohorts battle the evil sorcerer of the Worm Tribe, a hideous bloodthirsty baby like creature and "Old Ancestor," a skeleton with glowing blue eyes that transforms into a monster.
“アジアの鷹”の異名を取る探検家のジャッキーは、親友のアランから、かつて自分が思いを寄せていた女性ロー ラが謎の邪教集団に誘拐されたことを知らされる。教団 の目的は、世界に散らばる5つの秘宝“神の武具”を ジャッキーに集めさせ、強大なパワーを手中に収めること だった。ジャッキーは悪の使徒たちの恐るべき野望を阻止 すべく、大量のダイナマイトを武器に、敵の砦である洞窟 へと乗り込む。
What happens when a glamorous express, with high government officials, wealthy merchants, concubines and a gang of brigands on board, speeds towards the small town of Hanshui, where escaping bank robbers, corrupt officials, and gamblers await? Well, let's just say the Titanic had a smoother maiden voyage.
Billy Wong is a New York City cop whose partner is gunned down during a robbery. Billy and his new partner, Danny Garoni, are working security at a fashion show when a wealthy man's daughter, Laura Shapiro, is kidnapped. The Federal authorities suspect that Laura's father is involved with Mr. Ko, a Hong Kong drug kingpin, so the NYC police commissioner sends the two cops to Hong Kong to investigate.
Production Coordinator
スペイン・バルセロナ。カンフーの達人トーマスとデビッドは、ある日、怪しい男たちに追われる謎の美女シルビアを助ける。友人のヘボ探偵・モビーの手を借り、実はシルビアが伯爵の娘で、彼女の遺産を狙う伯爵の弟が一味の黒幕だと知ったトーマスたち。だが度重なる激しい襲撃に、ついにシルビアがさらわれてしまう。3人は彼女を助けるため、最強の戦闘集団と壮絶な肉弾戦を繰り広げる! ジャッキー、サモ・カン、ユン・ピョウの黄金トリオが再集結し、バルセロナを中心に全編オールロケを敢行。終盤には3人それぞれの決闘シーンがあり、中でもジャッキーとマーシャルアーツ世界王者ベニー・ユキーデが拳を交える、スピーディな攻防は圧巻だ。
Leung Cheng-Yee is a successful architect who is mistakenly involved in a complex and vicious murder plot. After his wife is murdered and his life turned completely upside down, Leung decides to seek a bloody vengeance himself.
The Official Golden Harvest tribute to the Master of the Martial Arts Film, Bruce Lee.
The Official Golden Harvest tribute to the Master of the Martial Arts Film, Bruce Lee.
名家の御曹司、ドラゴンは努力嫌いのお気楽青年。勉学と武道修行に励めという父親の小言を要領よく聞き流し、悪友のガウと連れだって遊びとスポーツに熱中する毎日。だが、可憐な村娘サウライに宛てて書いた凧型ラブレターが運悪く美術品盗賊団の味とへ落下。回収に向かったドラゴンは、盗品の国宝を巡って分裂した組織内の抗争に巻き込まれてしまう。 監督と脚本も兼任したジャッキーが、十八番のお調子者ヒーローに扮して絶品の好演。香港伝統のカンフーに、抜群の身体能力を活かしたスポーツ試合で見せる新趣向のアスレチック・アクションも大迫力だ。
Executive Producer
A Chinese-American cop, skilled in martial arts, battles the most powerful criminal gang in San Francisco that is responsible for the death of his partner.
An Australian cop heads to Hong Kong to head off the supply of a new designer drug which raises the sexual appetite of anyone who takes it.
A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.
Production Manager
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.