
After So Long (2022)

A non-binary BIPOC musician pays homage to their roots in this queer south-Asian short.

장르 : 음악, 가족

상영시간 : 4분

연출 : Varsha Panikar


“After So Long // बरसों बाद” is a visual poetry set in Mumbai (India) and voiced by Simha and their parents to symbolise their connection with each other; a walkabout through time and memories. Directed by Varsha Panikar, the film takes inspiration from vintage-home-movie culture to create a contemplative and nostalgic vignette of an artist’s spiritual journey out of the darkness and into the light.


Vaishakh Sudhakaran
Vaishakh Sudhakaran
Rama Garimella
Rama Garimella
Annaji Garimella
Annaji Garimella


Varsha Panikar
Varsha Panikar
Asawari Jagushte
Asawari Jagushte
Tanmay Chowdhary
Tanmay Chowdhary
Simha & Jae
Simha & Jae
Star Hopper [IN]
Star Hopper [IN]
Executive Producer
Asawari Jagushte
Asawari Jagushte
Varsha Panikar
Varsha Panikar

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