
Frost (2023)

장르 : 판타지, 가족, 공포, 스릴러

상영시간 : 7분

연출 : Diego Marzuil
각본 : Diego Marzuil


One night, a deaf girl wittnesses how a monster kills her mother and while she runs away, she finds a suspeciously helpful man with hidden intentions


Uma Leczycki
Uma Leczycki
Valentino Naughton
Valentino Naughton
Gonzalo Saludjian
Gonzalo Saludjian


Diego Marzuil
Diego Marzuil
Diego Marzuil
Diego Marzuil
Walt Gonzalez
Walt Gonzalez
Alejo Roa
Alejo Roa
Tomás Dvorkin
Tomás Dvorkin
Director of Photography
Fina Martorell
Fina Martorell
Art Direction
Felipe Garrido
Felipe Garrido
Assistant Director
Lara Ozbic
Lara Ozbic
Ramiro Estay
Ramiro Estay
Sound Director
Santiago Haddad
Santiago Haddad
Sound Editor

비슷한 영화

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다크 플로어
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The Rage
A crazed scientist experimenting with a rage virus on innocent victims in a laboratory in the woods. When his monstrous subjects escape and vultures devour their remains, they became mutations seeking to feed on humans.
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The One Hundred
A quarantine hotel where overseas travellers stay in isolation to curb the spread of a contagious virus, but they soon become prey to a strange breed of a 100-legged monster.
골렘 위치 스토리
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Fire Fighter
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어둠 속에 나홀로
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Spider Woman
A witch is burned on the stake, but her spirit has possessed a giant spider and is on the rampage. Enraged and thirsty for vengeance, a mob of torch bearing villagers march through an eerie wood in search of an evil child-eating woman. But dealing their own brand of justice, this might just be the worst mistake of their lives, as the one they seek possesses a darker power then they would have ever imagined. Spider woman spins the nightmarish tale of an unsuspecting group of people encountering a mystical world of buried secrets, human possession and gigantic spiders. Evil never takes kindly to those who oppose it...and in this case, its counterattack pounces with eight-legged agility.
Two children in the Viking age find their way into the magical world of Norse mythology.
Go Go Kamen Rider
The Shocker Organization sends two of its Inhumanoids to destroy an atomic plant, but their plan is foiled by an invisible barrier that surrounds the complex. Because of this, they abduct a top soccer player and convert him into Tokageron, a lizard Inhumanoid capable of kicking a 5 kg bomb to destroy the plant's barrier. Kamen Rider must once again combat the Shocker and prevent them from destroying the atomic plant.
The Three Investigators and The Secret Of Skeleton Island
In "The Three Investigators and The Secret of Skeleton Island" the cult detective trio from Rocky Beach, California, fall into a breath-taking mixture of adventure, thriller and mystery. Only by a hairs-breadth did they escape with their lives after the successful completion of their last case.
Hollywood Rated 'R'
A roller-coaster ride through the history of American exploitation films, ranging from Roger Corman's sci-fi and horror monster movies, 1960s beach movies, H.G. Lewis' gore-fests, William Castle's schlocky theatrical gimmicks, to 1970s blaxploitation, pre-"Deep Throat" sex tease films, Russ Meyer's bosom-heavy masterpieces, etc, etc. Over 25 interviews of the greatest purveyors of weird films of all kind from 1940 to 1975. Illustrated with dozens of films clips, trailers, extra footage, etc. This documentary as a shorter companion piece focusing on exploitation king David F. Friedman.
A group of skeptical government officials headed by General Randolph are brought to a remote laboratory for a demonstration in "Psychic Materialization", a successful side effect of an experimental drug. But the project scientists had warned that not enough testing had been completed to access safety concerns. In a freak accident during the demonstration to the politicians, a vicious creature is created! Unable to contain the monster, it unleashes unbelievable havoc & destruction against mankind! Reproducing itself at an alarming rate, and all known weapons seemingly powerless against the creature, the scientists are gravely concerned for the survival of mankind!
Synonymous With
A student's increasingly intimate line of questioning causes his interview with a local horror host to take a vulnerable turn.
이탈리아 리비에라의 해변 마을. 마을 사람들 사이엔 인근에 바다괴물이 산다는 전설이 떠돈다. 실제로 바다에는 루카(제이콥 트렘블레이)를 비롯한 바다괴물 가족들이 산다. 루카의 부모는 루카에게 바다 밖을 경계하라 이르지만, 루카는 기어이 바다 밖 세상으로 향한다. 루카는 육지에선 인간의 모습으로 변하지만 물에 닿으면 바다괴물의 모습으로 돌아간다. 바다괴물 친구이자 육지 생활 선배인 알베르토(잭 딜런 그레이저)는 루카에게 두 다리로 걷는 법부터 자유와 일탈의 짜릿함까지 맛보게 한다. 급기야 인간 마을로 들어간 둘은 줄리아(엠마 버만)와 친구가 돼 함께 수영, 사이클, 파스타 빨리 먹기 3종 대회에 참가하는데...