
The Commission (2019)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 11분

연출 : Vytautas Oškinis


For some time now, The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language is at the center of tough discussions. For some, it’s an institution which safeguards the most important principles of the language, but for others, it’s an anachronism of the Soviet regime. This film offers a first-time glimpse into the commission’s work



Vytautas Oškinis
Vytautas Oškinis
Vytautas Oškinis
Vytautas Oškinis
Laura Aliukonytė
Laura Aliukonytė
Camera Operator
Laurynas Kamarauskas
Laurynas Kamarauskas
Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė
Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė
Vytautas Oškinis
Vytautas Oškinis

비슷한 영화

어느 날 전 세계 12개 지역에 외계 비행물체 셸이 동시다발로 출현한다. 450m에 달하는 거대 비행체가 가만히 서 있을 뿐 어떤 행동도 하지 않자 각국 정부는 각자의 방식으로 외계인과 접촉을 시작하지만, 완전히 다른 언어 체계 때문에 첫 단계부터 난항을 겪는다. 미국 정부의 요청을 받은 언어학자 루이스와 물리학자 이안은 말과 글이 통하지 않는 상황에서, 신체의 모든 기관과 감정을 이용해 미지의 생명체와 대화를 시도하고 서로의 문자를 배워나간다. 마침내 대화의 물꼬가 트이게 되지만 그때부터 루이스는 이해하기 어려운 환상을 연이어 보기 시작하는데...
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What does blood have to do with identity? Kendra Mylnechuk, an adult Native adoptee, born in 1980 at the cusp of the enactment of the Indian Child Welfare Act, is on a journey to reconnect with her birth family and discover her Lummi heritage.
앵커맨 2: 전설은 계속된다
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페이션트 제로
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Poto and Cabengo
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Keep Talking
Three Alaska Native women work to save their endangered language, Kodiak Alutiiq, and ensure the future of their culture while confronting their personal demons. With just 41 fluent Native speakers remaining, mostly Elders, some estimate their language could die out within ten years. The small community travels to a remote Island, where a language immersion experiment unfolds with the remaining fluent Elders. Young camper Sadie, an at-risk 13 year old learner and budding Alutiiq dancer, is inspired and gains strength through her work with the teachers. Yet PTSD and politics loom large as the elders, teachers, and students try to continue the difficult task of language revitalization over the next five years.
School of Babel
They just arrived in France. They are Irish, Serbs, Brazilians Tunisians, Chinese and Senegalese ... For a year, Julie Bertuccelli filmed talks, conflicts and joys of this group of students aged 11 to 15 years, together in the same class to learn French.
Cree Code Talker
CREE CODE TALKER reveals the role of Canadian Cree code talker Charles 'Checker' Tomkins during the Second World War. Digging deep into the US archives it depicts the true story of Charles' involvement with the US Air Force and the development of the code talkers communication system, which was used to transmit crucial military communications, using the Cree language as a vital secret weapon in combat.
Away with Words
A Japanese man and a gay bar-owner in Hong Kong drink beer as they talk about their childhood and experiences.
If These Knishes Could Talk: The Story of the NY Accent
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The Wind Blows Round
The aging, conservative population of a small, sleepy village in the Italian Alps are surprised to see that a former French professor has settled there with his young wife and their three children to produce goat cheese, in order to escape the wrongs of civilization. At first they are suspicious of his unconventional ideas and lifestyle, then are conquered by the enthusiasm, kindness, helpfulness of the young family and start to see in them a possible rebirth of the place. But little by little misunderstandings, envy and conflicts take over.
Murder In Arcachon
Christophe Perrin, a renowned oyster farmer in Arcachon Bay, is the victim of a murder attempt. His three daughters rush to his bedside, where he lies wounded and unable to manage L'Héritage, the family oyster farm.
The Language of Love
In the middle of a French exam, 17 year old Charlie struggles to find the words to be true to himself…and his best friend.
What Happens In Your Brain If You See a German Word Like...?
A surreal trip into the world of an extremely long german word.
The Disunited States of Canada
Secessionnist movements in Canada outside Quebec.
Broken Palace
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Those Who Come, Will Hear
“Those Who Come, Will Hear” proposes a unique meeting with the speakers of several indigenous and inuit languages of Quebec – all threatened with extinction. The film starts with the discovery of these unsung tongues through listening to the daily life of those who still speak them today. Buttressed by an exploration and creation of archives, the film allows us to better understand the musicality of these languages and reveals the cultural and human importance of these venerable oral traditions by nourishing a collective reflection on the consequences of their disappearance.
The Art of Nôm
The Art of Nom explores an ancient and nearly extinct Vietnamese script called Chu Nom and the five scholarly artists known as Zenei, Gang of Five. The beauty, heritage and emotion of the Chu Nom characters inspire Zenei’s art. The film also examines Vietnam’s culture, history, customs, and the social impact of rapid modernization in a changing world. Art of Nom follows Zenei through their research and explorations that takes them far off the beaten path. They enter hidden library chambers of Buddhist pagodas to examine original Nom scriptures and woodblocks preserved by monks through the centuries. Led by renowned artist Le Quoc Viet, Zenei is a collective of avant-garde calligraphers forging a new path, merging contemporary visual expression with a nearly extinct script. Zenei elevates art and history to a new level of experience.