
Murder at El Meneo (2001)

장르 : 코미디, 범죄

상영시간 : 1시간 32분

연출 : Óscar Castillo


In this crime parody, two fumbling detectives try to solve a murder without getting murdered, seduced, or outwitted in the process.


Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Don Manuel
Alonso Venegas
Alonso Venegas
Carlos Alvarado
Carlos Alvarado
Gato Mejía
Gustavo Rojas
Gustavo Rojas
Andrés Montero
Andrés Montero
Marilyn Gamboa
Marilyn Gamboa
Metzi Hovenga
Metzi Hovenga
Marcela Ugalde
Marcela Ugalde
César Meléndez
César Meléndez
María Chaves
María Chaves
Eugenia Fuscaldo
Eugenia Fuscaldo
Brett Halsey
Brett Halsey
Representante Global Enterprices
Dannier Orozco
Dannier Orozco


Óscar Castillo
Óscar Castillo
Óscar Castillo
Óscar Castillo
Jimenez Mauren
Jimenez Mauren
Samuel Rovinsky
Samuel Rovinsky
Adriano Moreno
Adriano Moreno
Clayton Halsey
Clayton Halsey
Eric Víquez
Eric Víquez
Production Design
Eric Víquez
Eric Víquez
Art Direction
Ramiro Fierro
Ramiro Fierro
Sound Designer
Aurora Ojeda Coronado
Aurora Ojeda Coronado

비슷한 영화

컨택트 2020
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After meeting at a party, Luciana and Pedro... embark on a spur of the moment journey together that takes them to the forest. Asthey explore the beauty in the nature that surrounds them, they camp out under the stars, go on hikes, indulge in the passions of their encounter, and discuss their personal beliefs surrounding love, obligations, and attraction. Lensed in lush black-and-white cinematography amidst the gorgeous backdrop of the Costa Rican forest, an honest and genuine relationship story unfolds, lending a feeling of realism to their storybook romance in a refreshing and youthful way.
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커피와 여성들의 삶에 대한 필름
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Queremos tanto a Bruno