
The Forgotten Land (1991)

장르 : 다큐멘터리

상영시간 : 31분

연출 : Mario Jacob
각본 : Mario Jacob


This is the dramatic untold story of small farmers who suffer and struggle to subsist less than 80 kilometres from Montevideo. The reality of their daily lives is that the land is impoverished, middle men dominate the business, they cannot compete with firms that have new technology, and the market for their goods is small. They have to fight to survive in the wider context of the impact of regional integration - the Mercosur - and the world crisis that other countries are also going through.



Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
Executive Producer
Mario Jacob
Mario Jacob
José María Ciganda
José María Ciganda
Director of Photography
José María Ciganda
José María Ciganda
Camera Operator
Alvaro Mechoso
Alvaro Mechoso
Sound Director
Germán Cabillón
Germán Cabillón
Sound Director
Leonardo Croatto
Leonardo Croatto
Kirai de León
Kirai de León
Consulting Producer

비슷한 영화

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