
The Abuse: Female Body Ikari Edition (1987)

Super ultimate--naburi and bizarreness that is not afraid of death!

장르 :

상영시간 : 1시간 4분

연출 : Mary Aoi
각본 : Shūji Kataoka


There is an old Western-style mansion on a cliff overlooking the dark sea. It is "Aoi no Yakata." From the window, Madame Marie, her master, and Harukawa, her teacher of grace, watched a young woman walking along the beach. Marie's eyes flashed under her mask, and Harukawa silently left the window and got into the car with her servant. This is the beginning of the "slave hunt." Harukawa, holding a whip, started dancing in front of Miyuki, who was walking along the beach. The servant Takeshi approaches from behind. "No!" Miyuki desperately resists, but she is no match for Takeru's strength...


Azusa Nakagawa
Azusa Nakagawa
Yûko Fujishiro
Yûko Fujishiro
Kaori Harukawa
Kaori Harukawa
Mika Ishihara
Mika Ishihara
Mary Aoi
Mary Aoi


Mary Aoi
Mary Aoi
Shūji Kataoka
Shūji Kataoka
Satoshi Shimomoto
Satoshi Shimomoto
Director of Photography
Masahiro Kasai
Masahiro Kasai
Assistant Director
Hiroaki Shiraishi
Hiroaki Shiraishi
Lighting Technician
Nobuharu Igarashi
Nobuharu Igarashi
Production Assistant
Youichiro Onishi
Youichiro Onishi
Production Assistant
Koji Okumura
Koji Okumura

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Ato I
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