Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche

참여 작품

The Temple Woods Gang
Executive Producer
A retired military man lives in the Temple Woods housing project. Just as he’s burying his mother, his neighbour Bébé, who belongs to a gang of robbers from the area, is preparing to rob the convoy of a wealthy Arab prince.
The Temple Woods Gang
Member of the commando
A retired military man lives in the Temple Woods housing project. Just as he’s burying his mother, his neighbour Bébé, who belongs to a gang of robbers from the area, is preparing to rob the convoy of a wealthy Arab prince.
The Temple Woods Gang
A retired military man lives in the Temple Woods housing project. Just as he’s burying his mother, his neighbour Bébé, who belongs to a gang of robbers from the area, is preparing to rob the convoy of a wealthy Arab prince.
The Temple Woods Gang
A retired military man lives in the Temple Woods housing project. Just as he’s burying his mother, his neighbour Bébé, who belongs to a gang of robbers from the area, is preparing to rob the convoy of a wealthy Arab prince.
사우스 터미널
정치적인 신념과 의사로서 의무 사이에서 갈등하는 한 의사를 통해 90년대 알제리 정치 상황 ‘암흑의 10년’을 재조명한다.
사우스 터미널
정치적인 신념과 의사로서 의무 사이에서 갈등하는 한 의사를 통해 90년대 알제리 정치 상황 ‘암흑의 10년’을 재조명한다.
사우스 터미널
정치적인 신념과 의사로서 의무 사이에서 갈등하는 한 의사를 통해 90년대 알제리 정치 상황 ‘암흑의 10년’을 재조명한다.
스토리 오브 쥬다스
A man ascends a barren summit. It is Judas, come to collect Jesus and carry him down the mountain on his back, joking and panting as he does so. After bathing in the river and taking part in a henna ceremony, Jesus leaves for Jerusalem. Judas is concerned for his friend’s safety, since the Roman occupiers look upon the prophet as an insurgent.
스토리 오브 쥬다스
A man ascends a barren summit. It is Judas, come to collect Jesus and carry him down the mountain on his back, joking and panting as he does so. After bathing in the river and taking part in a henna ceremony, Jesus leaves for Jerusalem. Judas is concerned for his friend’s safety, since the Roman occupiers look upon the prophet as an insurgent.
스토리 오브 쥬다스
A man ascends a barren summit. It is Judas, come to collect Jesus and carry him down the mountain on his back, joking and panting as he does so. After bathing in the river and taking part in a henna ceremony, Jesus leaves for Jerusalem. Judas is concerned for his friend’s safety, since the Roman occupiers look upon the prophet as an insurgent.
스토리 오브 쥬다스
A man ascends a barren summit. It is Judas, come to collect Jesus and carry him down the mountain on his back, joking and panting as he does so. After bathing in the river and taking part in a henna ceremony, Jesus leaves for Jerusalem. Judas is concerned for his friend’s safety, since the Roman occupiers look upon the prophet as an insurgent.
스머글러스 송스
Early on in this engaging historical drama, a marquis (played by the singularly droll Jacques Nolot) offers a peddler a carriage ride on a remote country road. After sizing up his benefactor, the peddler fights motion sickness to deliver his sales pitch: “I have here a few objects of wonder, pious images, pamphlets against men of the cloth, newspapers from Amsterdam and London, holy cards, quills, writing paper…”
스머글러스 송스
Early on in this engaging historical drama, a marquis (played by the singularly droll Jacques Nolot) offers a peddler a carriage ride on a remote country road. After sizing up his benefactor, the peddler fights motion sickness to deliver his sales pitch: “I have here a few objects of wonder, pious images, pamphlets against men of the cloth, newspapers from Amsterdam and London, holy cards, quills, writing paper…”
스머글러스 송스
Early on in this engaging historical drama, a marquis (played by the singularly droll Jacques Nolot) offers a peddler a carriage ride on a remote country road. After sizing up his benefactor, the peddler fights motion sickness to deliver his sales pitch: “I have here a few objects of wonder, pious images, pamphlets against men of the cloth, newspapers from Amsterdam and London, holy cards, quills, writing paper…”
감독은 특유의 예술적 감각을 발휘해 시청각적 요소들을 재배치함으로써 평범한 작업장을 현대 미술 작품 같은 느낌으로 화면 속에 담아낸다. 영화는 독특하고 인상적인 이 공간을 배경으로 작업장에 기도하는 공간인 모스크를 만들려는 모슬렘 노동자들과 고용주 간의 갈등을 그린다. 제한된 공간에서 같은 목적을 가지고 있음에도 문화적, 지역적 차이를 극복하지 못하는 인간의 이기적이고 추한 면모가 펼쳐진다.
감독은 특유의 예술적 감각을 발휘해 시청각적 요소들을 재배치함으로써 평범한 작업장을 현대 미술 작품 같은 느낌으로 화면 속에 담아낸다. 영화는 독특하고 인상적인 이 공간을 배경으로 작업장에 기도하는 공간인 모스크를 만들려는 모슬렘 노동자들과 고용주 간의 갈등을 그린다. 제한된 공간에서 같은 목적을 가지고 있음에도 문화적, 지역적 차이를 극복하지 못하는 인간의 이기적이고 추한 면모가 펼쳐진다.
Bled Number One
Hardly freed from a French prison, Kamel is deported in his native state, Algeria, and discovers a country split between modernity and tradition.
Bled Number One
Hardly freed from a French prison, Kamel is deported in his native state, Algeria, and discovers a country split between modernity and tradition.
Bled Number One
Hardly freed from a French prison, Kamel is deported in his native state, Algeria, and discovers a country split between modernity and tradition.
Wesh, Wesh, What's Happening?
Kamel, a young man from the french ghetto, near Paris, is coming back to France. He was arrested for dealing drugs, he spent five years in jail and was banned from France for two years. He tries, with his family's support, to find a job and live a normal life. But nothing's normal in the ghetto.
Wesh, Wesh, What's Happening?
Kamel, a young man from the french ghetto, near Paris, is coming back to France. He was arrested for dealing drugs, he spent five years in jail and was banned from France for two years. He tries, with his family's support, to find a job and live a normal life. But nothing's normal in the ghetto.
Wesh, Wesh, What's Happening?
Kamel, a young man from the french ghetto, near Paris, is coming back to France. He was arrested for dealing drugs, he spent five years in jail and was banned from France for two years. He tries, with his family's support, to find a job and live a normal life. But nothing's normal in the ghetto.