Fourteen years in the making, the film uses never before seen interviews, archival footage, and recently declassified documents to chronicle the past and present of these ordinary citizens and their contributions to revealing the truth about the crime of the 20th century: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Now you can see for yourself what really happened on November 22, 1963. This program will take you back in time to Dealey Plaza where you will become a witness to the "crime of the century." Robert J. Groden is acknowledged as the world’s foremost authority on the photographic evidence relating to JFK’s assassination. Mr. Groden was technical advisor to Oliver Stone’s JFK. Here, for the first time, are his optically enhanced films and photographs from that dark day and the investigation and cover-up that followed. Mastered from Mr. Groden’s original materials.
Now you can see for yourself what really happened on November 22, 1963. This program will take you back in time to Dealey Plaza where you will become a witness to the "crime of the century." Robert J. Groden is acknowledged as the world’s foremost authority on the photographic evidence relating to JFK’s assassination. Mr. Groden was technical advisor to Oliver Stone’s JFK. Here, for the first time, are his optically enhanced films and photographs from that dark day and the investigation and cover-up that followed. Mastered from Mr. Groden’s original materials.
Now you can see for yourself what really happened on November 22, 1963. This program will take you back in time to Dealey Plaza where you will become a witness to the "crime of the century." Robert J. Groden is acknowledged as the world’s foremost authority on the photographic evidence relating to JFK’s assassination. Mr. Groden was technical advisor to Oliver Stone’s JFK. Here, for the first time, are his optically enhanced films and photographs from that dark day and the investigation and cover-up that followed. Mastered from Mr. Groden’s original materials.
On Nov. 22, 1963 the world was shocked by the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The mystery surrounding this history-changing event has led to many unanswered questions.
불편한 다리, 남들보다 조금 떨어지는 지능을 가진 포레스트 검프는 헌신적인 어머니의 보살핌과 첫사랑 제니와의 만남으로 편견과 괴롭힘 속에서도 따뜻한 마음을 지니고 성장한다. 또래들의 괴롭힘을 피해 도망치던 포레스트는 누구보다 빠르게 달릴 수 있는 자신의 재능을 깨닫는다. 그의 재능을 알아 본 대학에서 그를 미식축구 선수로 발탁하고, 졸업 후에도 뛰어난 신체능력으로 군에 들어가 무공훈장을 수여받는 등 탄탄한 인생 가도에 오르게 된 포레스트. 하지만 어머니가 병에 걸려 죽음을 맞이하고, 첫사랑 제니 역시 그의 곁을 떠나가며 다시 한 번 인생의 전환점을 맞이하게 되는데...
A variety of experts, authors, and reporters discuss the murder of JFK.
If one were to select the ten most significant events in American history, there would be no doubt that the death of President John F. Kennedy would be among the list. This is not only because of the fact that one of America’s most visionary presidents was cut down in the prime of his life, but because for almost 60 years later after the fact, his assassination continues to be shrouded with mystery and controversy. This documentary presents the facts surrounding the events before, and after that horrific moment in Dallas, and includes interviews of those who were on the scene not only at the tragic sight of the murder of JFK but also a number of individuals who possess firsthand knowledge of everything from the politics of the day to the actual autopsy performed on the president.
Courtroom Projectionist (uncredited)
1963년 12월 22일 텍사스에서 케네디 저격사건이 일어난다. 범인으로 체포된 오스왈드는 계속 저격 사실을 부인하다가 경찰에 호송되던 중에 암살당한다. 이후 사건의 수사를 위해 진상조사 위원회가 열리고 오스왈드의 단독범행으로 결론이 내려진다. 그러나 수사방법에 의문을 제시한 많은 사람들 중의 한 명인 지방검사 짐 개리슨(케빈 코스트너)은 각고의 노력을 거듭해 많은 증거를 확보하는데...