Yōzō Tanaka

Yōzō Tanaka

출생 : 1939-05-17, Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan


Yōzō Tanaka is a Japanese screenwriter. He was born in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. After joining the production department of Nichigeki Music Hall, he started writing radio scripts. While he was a student at Waseda University, he met Atsushi Yamatoya and Kaname Kawachi. Before becoming a screenwriter, Tanaka worked as a reporter, conducting a series of interviews with eccentrics in the magazine Weekly Sankei. After joining Nikkatsu, he joined a screenwriting team led by director Seijun Suzuki. Individuals in this group such as Tanaka, Yamatoya, and Chūsei Sone also contributed to various projects at Wakamatsu Productions during this period of the 1960s. He is also a driving force behind the heyday of Nikkatsu Roman Porno, writing numerous screenplays. He continued to collaborate with fellow veterans of the aforementioned series such as Shinji Sōmai and Kichitaro Negishi. His disciples include Haruhiko Arai and Miho Nakazono. In 2005, he worked as an associate professor at the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts. In 2007, a book of Yōzō Tanaka's essays and other archival materials such as interviews and screenplays was published.

프로필 사진

Yōzō Tanaka

참여 작품

최후의 추신구라
세상을 떠들썩하게 했던 아코(赤穗) 낭사(浪士)들의 봉기로부터 16년. 오이시 구라노스케(大石內藏助) 이하 47명 전원의 할복으로 모든 사건은 막을 내렸다. 그러나 47명 중 한 명의 생존자가 있었다. 이 사건의 진실을 세상에 알리고 낭사의 유족을 돕기 위한 사명을 오이시로부터 부여 받은 데라사카 기치우에몬이 그 장본인이다. 각지로 흩어진 유족을 찾아 헤매다 드디어 마지막 한 명을 찾아낸 기치우에몬은 교토(京都)에서 이루어지는 46낭사의 17주기 법회에 참례하기 위해 오이시의 종형제 신도 초호의 저택으로 향한다. 여행 도중에 기치우에몬은 오래 전 둘도 없이 가까웠던 친구를 발견하고 놀란다. 봉기 전날 도망친 세오 마고자에몬, 이른바 또 다른 생존자다. 일찌감치 아내를 잃고 아이도 없이 오이시를 모시는 것만이 삶의 보람이었던 남자가 충의를 위해 기쁘게 죽자고 맹세했던 기치우에몬에게 한 마디 말도 없이 사라진 이유를 지금도 알 수 없는데…
비용의 처
술 때문에 엄청난 빚을 지고 늘 바람을 피우지만 어쩐지 미워할 수 없는 매력에 뛰어난 재능을 지닌 방탕한 소설가 오타니(아사노 타다노부)와 그런 못난 남편에게 우롱당하면서도 지극정성으로 감싸 안는 아내 사치(마츠 다카코)의 사랑 이야기. 오타니의 애인에 히로스에 료코, 사치를 좋아하는 순진한 청년에 츠마부키 사토시가 출연을 했다. 2009 몬트리올 국제 영화제 감독상 수상. 채도가 낮은 색감의 1940년대 도쿄 풍경과 카메라 워크가 마치 오즈 야스지로의 초기 영화를 떠올리게 하며, 일본에서 개봉 시 “다자이 문학의 정취를 재현하는데 부족함이 없다”는 평가를 얻었다.
Translucent Tree
Translucent Tree is centered around divorced Chigiri, a suburban middle-aged mother taking care of her teenage daughter, Mayu, and her ailing father Kaho. Her life is mundane and rather hopeless until Go, a TV producer from Tokyo, pays a visit to her town and the tree they shared time under some twenty years back after a TV commercial shoot. His remembrances of her, the tree, and the long unrequited love stir both of their hearts to fumbling action as they re-discover the love between them.
New Ghost Pub
Attending the funeral of one of his friends, Satoru sees a woman who looks exactly like his deceased wife Shizuko. The film mixes reality with death and parting, when the ghost of the deceased wife chases her husband.
선술집 유령
선술집 주인 "소타로(壮太郎)"는 아내 "시즈코(しず子)"가 숨을 거두기 전에 결코 재혼하지 않겠노라고 약속을 했는데도 불구하고 그 약속을 깨고 만다. 형 "토요조(豊造)" 부부가 반강제로 맞선을 보게 한 상대 "사토코(里子)"한테 반해서 부부가 되어 버리고 만 것이다. 그런데 저승에서 "시즈코"가 그것을 분하게 여기고 이승으로 되돌아 온다.
The Friends
A delightful and moving coming-of-age story. One summer, three young boys take an increasing interest in an eccentric old man who lives alone in a house surrounded by an overgrown garden. The boys form a bond with the recluse and set about weeding and replanting the garden.
다이쇼 시대의 유명 화가 다케히사 유메지를 다룬 ‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작 중 마지막 작품. 고삐 풀린 삶을 이어온 화가의 욕망과 불안이 현실과 환상을 오가며 펼쳐진다. 1991년 칸 영화제 주목할만한 시선에서 처음 소개되었다.
Luminous Woman
A hulking man from the country pursues his beloved to the underworld of Tokyo nightclubs, where he finds work as a sideshow wrestler and becomes involved with a faded opera singer.
검은 드레스의 여자
비밀스런 사연을 안고 도쿄에 도착한 레이코는 검은 드레스를 입고 어느 재즈바에서 일하기 시작한다. 재즈바의 사장인 다무라는 사실 야쿠자와 연관이 있는 인물로 레이코의 사연과 그녀가 도쿄에 온 목적을 궁금해한다. 기타카타 겐조의 소설을 원작으로 한 하드보일드 범죄 영화로, 에 출연했던 하라다 도모요의 또다른 매력을 만날 수 있다.
Maison Ikkoku - Apartment Fantasy
Travel into Japan's nuttiest apartment house and meet its volatile inhabitants: Kyoko, the beautiful and mysterious new apartment manager; Yusaku, the exam-addled college student; Mrs. Ichinose, the drunken gossip; Kentaro, her bratty son; Akemi, the boozy bar hostess; and the mooching and peeping Mr. Yotsuya.
A young jazz musician's desire to advance in his career runs afoul of organized crime in this thriller from Haruki Kadokawa. After a saxophonist starts playing at a particular nightspot, a thug from the Yakuza adopts him as a special friend for no greater reason than he plays one of his favorite songs well. As the dangerous life of the gangster intertwines with that of the musician, it brings harm to the musician's girlfriend, who is raped. This changes the young saxophonist's attitude about his patron, but his Yakuza "friend" is still too embroiled in his own problems to worry about anything else.
눈의 노래
고아인 이오리는 어느 부잣집의 양녀로 입양되지만 실은 노예처럼 취급당하는 중이다. 우연히 이 사실을 알게 된 유이치와 다이스케는 이오리를 데려다 자신의 딸처럼 키운다. 그리고 10년 후, 17살이 된 이오리는 아직 떨쳐내지 못한 자신의 어두운 과거와 함께 새로운 미래를 고민하기 시작한다. 1987년 키네마준보 어워드 신인여우상(사이토 유키) 수상.
Moment of Demon
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
Shanghai Vance King
Set in the 1930s in the international city of Shanghai, the film follows the extravagant life and times of a group of jazz musicians, living from one advance paycheck to the next, as the country teeters over the brink into the Second Sino-Japanese War.
물고기 떼
혼잡한 도시 생활을 뒤로하고 23살에 어촌으로 들어와 참치잡이를 시작한 후사지로. 그는 나이가 든 뒤에도 딸 도키코와 함께 살며 거친 바다 생활을 계속하고 있다. 그런데 커피숍을 운영하던 도키코의 남자친구 슌이치가 어부가 되고 싶다고 하자 후사지로는 복잡한 고민에 빠진다. 무뚝뚝하고 거친 어부를 연기한 오가타 겐의 모습이 깊은 인상을 남기는 작품. ⓒ 1983 松竹株式会社 (한국시네마테크협의회)
세일러복과 기관총
조직원이 4명밖에 없는 조직의 우두머리가 죽기 직전 자기 피가 섞인 사람을 후계자로 삼으라고 한다. 유일한 후계자는 바로 갑작스러운 사고로 아버지를 잃은 여고생 이즈미 ! 그녀는 조직의 우두머리가 되고 아버지의 죽음이 마약 사건과 관련된 것을 알게 되면서 점점 사건에 말려들게 된다. 세라복 차림에 기관총을 쏘는 여고생 역 배우가 인기를 끌었던 소마이 신지 감독의 대표작. 1981년 개봉 당시 흥행 1위를 기록했고, 비평적으로도 주목 받은 작품이다. 가녀린 여고생이 기관총을 난사한 후 내뱉는 ‘쾌감’이란 대사처럼 이 영화는 관객들에게 묘한 카타르시스를 줄 것이다.
1920년대 다이쇼 시대의 일본. 극작가인 마쓰사키는 우연히 신비로운 미녀 시나코를 만난다. 그녀와의 만남이 몇 차례 반복될수록 꿈과 현실 사이의 구분이 점점 모호해진다. 이즈미 교카의 동명 소설을 원작으로 한 ‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작 중 두 번째 작품이다.
마지막 연가
‘여자의 몸은 머리부터 발끝까지 성의 도구가 된다.' 여대생 토시는 시인인 오다 선생을 만나, 누가 먼저랄 것도 없이 서로에 대한 연정을 키워간다. 많은 나이 차에도 두 사람의 사랑은 깊어만 가지만, 토시는 유부남인 오다의 애정에 갈증을 느낀다. 한동안 연락이 없는 오다의 빈자리에 토시는 점점 지쳐 가는데…
Female Teacher: Dirty Afternoon
A teacher, Sakiko Kurata, receives a phone call regarding one of her former students. Young Sueko is accused of being a prostitute and has requested Sakiko’s help. This minx seduces random strangers for sex, but does not ask for payment. Sakiko has moved to another town and barely remembers Sueko, but there’s something about her that awakens painful memories of her own secretive past. What is that strange paint thinner smell on Sueko? Who is the man in the nylon ski mask that violently assaulted Sakiko many years ago? In her search for answers, Sakiko discovers that her past may have inadvertently destroyed another family’s future.
Woman's Trail: Wet Path
A man travels with his pill-popping girlfriend to the headquarters of her yakuza boss husband, in order to claim her for himself.
‘다이쇼 로망스’ 3부작의 첫 번째 작품으로 우치다 핫켄의 소설을 원작으로 했다. 영화는 독일어 교수인 아오치의 여정을 따라가며 현실과 환상의 경계를 허문다. 내러티브보다는 스타일 자체에 집중하는 세이준 특유의 미학이 극명하게 드러나는 작품이다.
The Shogun Assassins
This is a film about a real person. Sanada Yukimura fought a war against Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Secret of One Summer
Roman Porno from 1979.
The Rivals
Hell manifests itself through the sins, shame and desires of an upper class rural family and a mother's grief from beyond the grave.
No Grave for Us
A plot to steal money from gangsters leads to trouble...
Forbidden Ordeal
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Young Beast: Secret Pleasures
Yasuji Hajima runs a butcher shop. When he was younger, he was just as interested in the sex as the next man but lately he has a hard time satisfying his wife who is still oversexed at her age. The Hajimas have one son, Shuichi, who is studying to enter Tokyo University. It is after he sees his parents acting in which he considers an odious manner that he changes entirely and raises the roof in every whichever way.
Harry and His Geisha Girls
Mr. Harry, who suffers from a "peanut sized" penis complex, comes to Japan to undergo a genital transplant operation, the first of its kind in the world. The operation is a success but Harry soon is involved into a shady plot related to his organ donor.
The Lair of Sirens
The background is Yuraku-cho in Tokyo and the film shows how desperately the women, who had led sheltered lives before the war, struggled to keep alive and the innate strength of post-war women.
Hell's Angels: Crimson Roar
After a fight with a local girl gang, Yoko serves time in prison. After her release the world she once knew has changed. When she is drugged and raped by a local yakuza she seeks revenge…
In the Realm of Sex
Satirizing the Roman Porno genre, and the Office Lady Journal series in particular. Naomi Tani and Yuko Katagiri appear as themselves in the film, making fun of their on-screen personae.
Ah! That Pep Squad 3 -Tears of a Man-
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. It is time for college students to go on a drinking spree under the cherry tree - It's "Hanami" time! Two freshmen and a sophomore are ordered to stake out a spot for the entire pep squad. Plans are initiated from the night before; three of them have to pull an all-nighter. Once the night falls, the sky turns pitch black. Rival pep squad of the Roka College emerge from the darkness and an all-out turf war begins.
Case of the Disjointed Murder
In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...
The General and His Empire of Joy
Zenjiro (Masaru Shiga) is a lowlife criminal, roaming the country with his merry band of crooks, gamblers and rapists. When he gets done with his latest escapade of banging a samurai's wife, he finds that his love Okoyo (Eiko Matsuda), has managed to be recruited as one of Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna's (Kantaro Suga) concubines. While attempting to win her back, Zenjiro becomes involved in increasingly murderous palace intrigues.
Ah! That Pep Squad 2 -Put on a Good Act-
“Get them all – girls, school credits, money – without an effort!" These are the rumors that freshman Hachirota Kawachi heard about the pep squad; his reasons for instant enrollment. Hachirota may fall a few screws short of a hardware store, but when it comes to yakuza ties, he has plenty. He is the direct descendant and heir to the notorious Akushin-kai gang. Although this was enough information to keep the pep squad seniors quiet, it’s not quite enough for Aota.
Ah! That Pep Squad
Life in the pep squad is all about harsh discipline. Seniors are "Gods", juniors are "Humans", sophomores are "Slaves" and freshmen are treated like "Trash". One sunny day, two freshmen are entrusted with the task to dry out the squadron's flag; the most cherished and symbolic item of the squad. When they accidentally burn a hole in the flag with a cigarette, they blame Aota. Aota attempts to take full responsibility by committing "harakiri", but changes his mind during the process – a deep stab to the stomach has inspired him with a better idea.
Tsumatachi no gogo wa yori: kannō no ori
Roman Porno from 1976.
Violent Panic: The Big Crash
Two bank robbers specialize in "smash and grab" style heists. The thieves dream of escaping Japan and going to Brazil...
Virgin Breaker Yuki II: Western Licensed District
The sequel depicts Yuki's love affair with a young brothel owner who was once a Noh singer, and his complicated relationship with a woman who follows him around. Their love triangle nearly dissolves in Yuki's favour, but takes a sudden turn after an intervention of a perverted painter who believes in fatalism.
New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Head of the Boss
The seventh in the shocking "Jingi Naki Tatakai" movie series, which exposes the true lives of the yakuza that is hidden by a mask of "jingi". The next stage of this continuing drama is the Kanmon Channel where the Owada and the Kyoei groups are battling for territorial rights and drug smuggling. The Owada sends their man, Tetsu, and his friend Shuji to kill the Kyoei boss. With the promise of fame and riches, Shuji takes the fall and goes to jail for 7 years. But when he's released, he discovers that he and Tetsu have been all but forgotten by the Owada. Feeling betrayed, Shuji takes natters into his own hands and becomes an unsuspecting pawn in an internal conflict and an assassination attempt on the Owada boss. And now angered, Shuji seeks revenge...
Story of a Nymphomaniac
Natsu, the older of two sisters, has a relationship with Yonosuke, the local kimono trader. Unlike her more conservative sister Oshichi she tries to use sex as a means to climb to a better social position. To even attempt that she first needs to get out of the Buddhist monastery she is working at...
Virgin Breaker Yuki
Based on a manga by Kosuke Miki and Tadashi Matsumori, this film follows the adventures of Yuki, who works in a Kyoto red-light district house of ill repute as a "tamawari," or "virgin-breaker." She's the gal who gets first dibs on the new recruits to the brothel (some willing, some not), and it's her job to break them in for future clients. The film finds Yuki involved with a group of political rebels and anarchists after the Peace Preservation Law was passed in 1925 and walks a fine line between black humor and severe cruelty.
Housewife's Experience: Tenement
Roman Porno from 1975.
Hanjiro, A Great Philanderer
Based on the comic by Kazuo Koike and Satomi Kôe.
The Chase
Writer and ladies-man Yonosuke, who gives inept English lessons (using Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet), is ushered into a lonely woman's house one rainy night. Her husband is at the front in the war with Russia and, as our hero will soon discover, she's wearing a chastitity belt...
희생된 부인
A wife charges her husband with sexual battery. He escapes from the police and goes into hiding. In three years, she divorces him and tries to put the pieces of her life back in order, when suddenly he returns. Obsessed with rage and hatred, he kidnaps her and brings her to a house in a remote wooded area. There he disciplines her vehemently, subjecting her to increasingly shocking forms of sexual torture, tetherings, suspensions and humiliations. Astonishingly, through the rage and lust, the pair develops a relationship that pushes the boundaries of lurid passions and perverse obsessions.
Morning Frenzy
Roman Porno from 1974.
꽃과 뱀
성공적으로 대기업에 취직해 일하는 '마코토'. 그러나 그는 어릴 적 자신의 어머니를 안은 미군을 권총으로 죽인 후부터 발기불능을 겪고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, '마코토'는 회사 사장의 저택으로 불려가고, 사장은 '마코토'에게 자신의 요구를 거절하는 아내 '시즈코'를 사육시켜 달라고 요청한다. '시즈코'를 향한 기묘한 사육이 이어지면서 '마코토'는 이제껏 겪어보지 못한 쾌감에 눈뜨게 되는데...
Jitsuroku Erogotoshitachi: Jungyô Hanadensya
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Zoku tameiki
Roman Porno from 1974.
Secret of the College Girls: Part-Time Sex Pros
Roman Porno from 1974.
Trapped in Lust
A delirious roman porno re-imagining of Seijun Suzuki's 'Branded to Kill'. Directed by Atsushi Yamatoya and scripted by Yôzô Tanaka, both 'Branded to Kill's' screenwriters and Suzuki's regular collaborators.
Roman Porno from 1973.
Secret Chronicle: Crimson Goddess in Paradise
Roman Porno from 1973.
Yakuza Justice: Erotic Code of Honor
Monk Seigen saves Misako the daughter of an area Yakuza boss from some tough guys. The two become a couple and find themselves being pursued by some criminals. Seigen plunges deeper into a life of crime and sin.
Handbook on Love
Roman Porno from 1973.
(비)창녀 고문 지옥
Members of the Japanese royal family seeking to appease a "Death Goddess" through ritualistic temple sex.
Naked Resume: True Story of Kazuko Shirakawa
Roman Porno from 1973.
Sex Formula
Roman Porno from 1973.
A Mummy’s Love
In post-war Japan, a publisher goes to visit her former teacher for help on a modern translation of a legend about a mummified Buddhist monk who was revived and who, centuries later, turned into a sex demon who terrorized a village in pre-modern Japan.
Maruhi: Benten gokaichō
Roman Porno from 1972.
Secret Chronicle: Prostitution Market
Sold into prostitution by her "uncle", a young girl is so innocent and naive that she doesn't know what she has to do.
살인의 낙인
쌀밥 냄새에 성욕을 느끼는 야쿠자 세계의 삼인자 하나다는 새 암살 임무를 부여받는다. 하지만 미모의 여인 미사코를 만나면서 그의 임무는 꼬여만 간다. 스즈키 세이준의 이름을 장르영화의 혁신가로 자리매김하게 한 대표작. 이후 본인에 의해 로 리메이크되기도 했다.
Season of Betrayal
Assistant Director
A press photographer returns to Japan from the war in Vietnam after losing his friend and fellow photographer on the battlefield.
Season of Betrayal
A press photographer returns to Japan from the war in Vietnam after losing his friend and fellow photographer on the battlefield.