A simple story of an ex-convict who comes home after 10 years, only to find two squatters in the form of a woman and her autistic daughter. Though Lazar initially plans to kick out Jasna and Jovana, he changes his mind after seeing the squalid conditions of the shelter they are to move into. It is an allegory of the Balkan wars. When first released in Serbia, it caused some public outrage because of the sharp criticism of Serbia's role in the war.
Žena u autobusu
절망에 빠진 현대 베오그라드의 밤. 여느 때와 마찬가지로 “평범한 사람들”의 하룻밤 동안의 행보는 희비극의 담장을 넘나든다. 이런 보통 사람들의 삶은 유고슬라비아의 상황을 반영하며 이것은 또한 개인의 삶에도 영향을 미친다. 자신들의 운명을 조절할 수 있다고 믿는 영화의 주인공들은 사건의 흐름 속에 본의 아니게 휘말리면서도 자신만의 유머감각과 인간성을 지켜 나가는데...
Madame Savić
A Swiss-German-Yugoslavian production.
Between the two World Wars, Yugoslavia was ruled by a monarchy. This movie explores the difficulties faced by a Communist Party organizer under that regime when an order goes out to kill anyone threatening the current regime. At first he is willing to leave the country, but his experience of the situation of workers moves him to stay. Despite efforts of captors to help him escape, he refuses, and dies a martyr's death.
Two friends dream of what they will do when they become adults. One friend dreams of travelling to far off places, but stays at home. The other one leaves and sends him postcards from exotic locations, with descriptions of impossible adventures. But, his friend at home engages in a passionate love affair with his beautiful young landlady. When his friend-the traveller returns he admits he may have exaggerated about some of his adventure stories.. The two friends continue on dreaming of new excitements.
An ex-prosecutor comes to provincial hotel to commit suicide there. Prior to this act, he first calls persons who made him bring up such decision. Conversations over telephone reveal the causes and circumstances that led to tragedy.