Amélie Glenn

Amélie Glenn

출생 : , Paris, France

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Amélie Glenn

참여 작품

The Fall of Sparta
Professeure de français - Chloé
When we are young, we sometimes feel that the world is stacked against us. This is the case for 16 year-old Steeve Simard (Lévi Doré), who is entering his last year at Gaston-Miron High School in St-Lambert. A cynical intellectual with a critical view of himself and the world, he struggles to establish bonds with his parents and peers. He only has one friend: Virgil (Jonathan St-Armand). In order to evade his loneliness and fill a void in his imagination, he seeks refuge in his books and music. However, an incident with the star of the Spartans football team, will force Steeve to come out of his shell and face his destiny…
La Nouvelle Française
L'attachée de presse
According to the text of Stéphane E.Roy Nine slices of life. Nine stories that intertwine. A satirical comedy. Marc Gauthier, creator of the new "Dare Communic-Action ©" alleged communication guru, offers a new approach. But there will always be a gap between theory and practice ... Between nine earthy situations and absurd misunderstandings, everyone will try to grow up
레 투셰 2
Hôtesse de l'air
Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.
노엘의 선물
프랑스 파리에 사는 꼬마 앙트완은 하늘나라에 있는 아빠를 보기 위해서 산타클로스의 썰매가 절실히 필요하다. 크리스마스 이브, 썰매를 태워달란 기도를 하던 앙트완에게 기적적으로 산타가 하늘에서 떨어진다. 하지만 앙트완에게 선물은 주지 않고, 돈과 보석만 찾으러 다니는 이 산타 뭔가 수상하다. 사실 그는 산타를 위장한 도둑이었던 것! 하지만 앙트완은 그를 진짜 산타라 믿고 그를 졸졸 쫓아다니며 아빠를 보게 해달라 애원하는데…
Jean & Beatrice
Beatrice, young heiress has run an ad promising a 'substantial reward' to the man who can 'be of interest to the move and seduce. In order. ' After hosting then returned ten candidates, Beatrice meets Jean, a hunter experienced premium. Determined to win the award, it will lend itself to this puzzling game until the game gets out of hand.
서른아홉, 열아홉
Lise Duchêne
스포츠카 모는 39 패션에디터 ‘알리스’ 8년 동안 남자와도 담쌓고, 커리어에만 목숨 건 워커홀릭! 잃어버린 USB를 찾기 위해 브라질 출장에서 만난 발타자르와 재회하게 된 알리스는 발타자르와 키스하는 듯 찍힌 사진이 SNS에 퍼지면서 한 순간에 어린 남자와 데이트 하는 ‘쿠거족’이 된다. 기가 막힌 알리스와 달리 편집장은 그녀의 이런 거침없는 모습을 응원하고, 절친마저 발타자르를 이용하라고 부추기는데… 스쿠터 타는 19 건축학도 ‘발타자르’ 이제 갓 열아홉, 그 어떤 것보다 사랑에 올인하는 러브홀릭! 우연히 만난 매력적인 연상녀 알리스에게 마음을 뺏기지만 그녀는 어린 자신에게 관심이 없는 듯해 실망스럽다. 그러나 갑자기 학교로 찾아와 자신에게 데이트 신청을 하는 알리스로 인해 당황스러우면서도 이 상황이 전혀 싫지 않은 발타자르. 그는 아름답고, 섹시하고, 프로페셔널한 알리스의 모습에 점점 빠져들게 되는데… 39-19 = 20살! 20살차이 로맨스의 모든 것이 밝혀진다!
해피 이벤트
La vendeuse du Maman à Tous Prix
‘결혼’은 ‘사랑의 해피엔딩’? 왜 아무도 경고하지 않았지? 사랑의 환상과 현실을 되짚는 트루 로맨스! 나, ‘바바라(루이즈 보르고앙)’는 ‘니콜라스(피오 마르마이)’를 사랑했다. 웃는 것만 봐도 심장이 벌렁거렸고, 눈빛만 봐도 자유로웠고, 아무런 걱정이 없었다. 그러던 어느 날, 그가 말했다. “우리 아이를 갖고 싶어”. 여기서부터 시작됐다, 그 날 이후, 난 여자에서 엄마가 되었다.
Kabuli Kid
Kabul - a city struggling to recover from 25 years of warfare. Taxi driver Khaled picks up a woman and baby. Her face is hidden behind a blue burka. They settle on a price, she pays him and they drive off. The taxi arrives at its destination. The woman gets out and a new passenger climbs in... to find the baby still in the backseat. Khaled leaps out after the woman but she's vanished. He's left holding the baby - a 6-month-old boy. Who is the mother? How can he find her? He asks friends and strangers in the street. He returns to where he picked her up. Nothing. Fate has handed him a young life for which he feels more and more responsible. An eventful, chaotic, often highly comic journey through a city which is itself simply trying to survive. Poignant, rich, vibrant, Barmak Akram's debut feature is a remarkable portrait of one man's emotional awakening in a city returning to crazy life after 25 years of violent conflict.
Florence Barrois
This "heist" film tells the story of a robbery in a stadium during the Le Mans 24 hour motorcycle race. Throughout the film are constant references to other movies in the genre. A policeman investigating the robbery is surprised to discover that the heist bears striking resemblance to the robbery depicted in Stanley Kubrick's 1956 film, The Killing. The robbery itself was perpetrated by Bernard, an ex-racer who dedicates the theft to a dead peer. He enlists the help of Thierry and several others to steal 6 million francs from the gate. He and his gang then hideout in the stadium until the race is over. Things are working against Bernard though. Two martial-arts experts try to cut in on the action. A gang member's girlfriend squeals to the cops, and an Arab assistant is killed.