Егор Пазенко

Егор Пазенко

출생 : 1972-02-25, USSR

프로필 사진

Егор Пазенко

참여 작품

미션 이스탄불
Boris Golidzyn
임무 수행 중 잔혹한 마피아들의 손에 사랑하는 아내를 잃은 특수요원 ‘닉’. 그러던 어느 날, 하나뿐인 딸 ‘레니’마저 사라지고 만다. 갑자기 사라진 딸의 행방을 조사하던 닉은 그 배후에 다른 음모가 있다는 것을 알아차리고 모든 수단을 총동원해 딸을 찾는 비공식 임무에 돌입한다. 한편, 레니는 닉의 정보원이었던 ‘이드리스’의 도움으로 이스탄불에 도착하지만, 평소 닉에게 원한을 갖고 있던 무자비한 러시아 마피아들의 손에 붙잡히고 만다. 범죄조직에게 딸이 납치된 것을 알게 된 닉은 목숨을 건 추격을 시작하는데…
Unreal Love
A romantic comedy about the adventures of the two old friends, former classmates, Mira and Olga in today Moscow.
My home is my castle
Igor Vavilov
They returned from the bombed-out Republic, where they rebuilt houses and roads.
Abbot 2
Since the last events, time has passed. Father Andrei also preaches, sometimes comes to the bar to chat with the parishioners in an informal setting. Parishioners, by the way, gave him an old motorcycle, which he repairs in his free time. Helps him in this Grishka, son of Katya. In the city after Agafonov was arrested and imprisoned - quiet and grace. No, well, some incidents happen, but the head of the local police, Murov, is standing guard over the law. And sometimes father Andrei goes fishing with Simon and Grishka. He likes to sit by the water at dawn, think about his past life.
White dress
Romance, in Russian language
Close Enemy
Young woman decides to revenge her husband killers.
Snow Doesn't Melt Forever
The atmosphere around Love is always rough. The name of the main heroine is also Lubov’ (Love in Russian). This movie is a labyrinth of her inner search. What is she looking for? She is trying to find an exit from the “underground”, which she imprisoned herself into, while working on a book. But it turns out that this book has already been written by some mythological Japanese writer: a woman, who lived in the 16th century...
The Weather Station
Two veteran meteorologists spend their days on a remote mountain weather station, accompanied by a young boy working as a cook. Their every-day lifestyle, made of creating matchstick models on one side, researching the big-foot myth on the other, and the boy's constant need to find places for hiding is briefly interrupted by a visit from two tourists: husband and his young wife - traveling to visit a cave near the weather station, so they'd mark their five year anniversary. Their arrival is the primer for an unknown series of events that puts an experienced inspector and his young colleague where we find them at the beginning of the movie: on a deserted weather station, where everyone seems to have vanished into thin air. The hank slowly unrolls as viewer discovers the truth behind everything, step by step, until the final loop of a long story line unravels and present him the final surprise.
The Man Who Knew Everything
A man attempts to commit suicide and, as a result, unexpectedly acquires the phenomenal ability to immediately answer any question. A modest and harmless individual, he becomes a target for all - from women to criminal bosses and even foreign special services. Some try to use him, others try to murder him, but the ordinary man keeps living according to the dictates of his own conscience.
Капкан для киллера
1942 Major Toporkov, who escaped from captivity, makes his way to the partisan camp surrounded by the Germans. The major asks the commander of the detachment to give him a convoy with weapons in order to get through to the concentration camp: the prisoners are preparing an uprising.
Stone head
Shattering the story of a talented former boxer. He lost his memory. He does not remember what happened yesterday. He can not sleep. Each morning starts with a clean sheet for him. The powers that be decided to use it in my game. As a bargaining chip. He will understand. And revenge. In one day, he needs to catch it.
Birds of Paradise
The events of the film take place in the Soviet Union in the early 1980s. It is forbidden to listen to foreign radio stations, it is not safe to voice one’s opinions in front of strangers. Words of truth are spoken only in private kitchens behind the curtained windows. The KGB tap phones, survey the ‘unreliable’ and consistently step by step destroy all forms of decent. The protagonists challenge the inhumane state machine, putting on stake their very lives and proving that nothing and nobody can stop a person who is on his way to achieve a true freedom.
Снегурочка для взрослого сына
Константин Петрович
Treasure Raiders
Michael, an American professor teaching history at Moscow University, finances his passion for treasure hunting with competitive street racing. His racing nemesis Wolf becomes his ally as they both embark on a quest to search for a famous ancient Russian treasure.
A young boy's dreams of glory and war turn into a bitter nightmare as his father's kingdom is overrun by an invading army. Lost and alone in the woods, he finds an ancient sword that promises him the ability to claim his vengeance.
The Bargain
Saulyus Boykis
Terror from within by Yury Felshtinsky and Alexander Litvinenko, representing them as parts of the plan masterminded and sponsored by exiled tycoon Pokrovsky (obvious hint at Boris Berezovsky in real life) and aimed to discredit Russian security services. As this plan has failed, Pokrovsky assisted by some terrorists organizes a hostage taking in a Moscow circus (very similar to Moscow theater hostage crisis in real life) in order to return to Russia, acting as a saver of the hostages during negotiations. However, he fails to do so. The movie also depicts the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia as a place where an important Islamic militant hides, which was a common allegation by Russian authorities in real life around that time, and depicts destruction of a base of terrorists and allies of Pokrovsky in Qatar which might hint at the assassination of Zelimkhan Yandarbiev. Overall, the movie was widely considered propaganda.
Black Ice
The plot is not developed; in the film we see a man (he) and a woman (she) who, in fact, are neither connected nor familiar with each other; they casually met in hospital. "She" (Viktoria Tolstoganova) does not see that she is in danger in connection with her plan to use a tape with illegally made recordings as compromising evidence in court. "He" (Il'ia Shakunov, an actor of the Petersburg TYuZ) is a gay translator who, after the random meeting with her, is pursued by her image which frequently pops up in front of him. As a consequence, his relationship with a young boy no longer satisfies him. Both he and she lose sight of the meaning of life, because of their own inability to see others and to see love, as perception relies on proximity instead of distance.
Red Serpent
A powerful drug cartel in Moscow wants to use American businessman Steve Nichols in a smuggling scheme and ensures his cooperation by kidnapping his daughter. So Nichols solicits the help of a former KGB agent.
Львиная доля
브라더 2
전쟁영웅 데닐라는 우연한 기회에 TV 프로그램에 출연했다가 연락이 끊어졌던 옛 전우를 만나게 된다. 아이스 하키 선수가 된 친구는 미국 프로 아이스하키 팀의 황금 같은 스카우트 제의를 받아놓고 있는 상태. 그러나 얼마 후 잔인하게 살인된 채 변사체로 발견된다. 의문의 죽음을 당한 친구의 복수를 결심한 데닐라는 친구의 죽음이 소련 마피아와 연루되었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 더욱 엄청난 사실은 마피아 일당들이 여자들을 납치한 후 스너프 필름을 찍어 미국에 팔아넘기고 있다는 것. 게다가 친구의 죽음은 미국 마피아와도 관계되어 있다는 사실을 알게된다. 우여곡절 끝에 러시아 마피아를 급습하고 그들을 일망타진한 데닐라는 앞으로 혼자 힘으로 사건을 해결하기 어렵다는 사실을 깨닫고 자신의 형에게 구원 요청을 하게 된다. 영어 한 마디 못하는 두 형제가 벌이는 미국 마피아 소탕작전은 시작되고, 사건은 시간이 지날수록 꼬이고 꼬인다. 각자 흩어져 마피아 일당을 찾기로 한 형제. 형은 경찰을 죽인 도망자 신세로, 시카고로 향하던 데닐라는 러시아 창녀와 우연한 만남으로 끝을 알 수 없는 상황으로 치닫게 된다. 약속한 날, 시카고에서 만나기로 한 두 형제의 변화된 모습에서 드러나는 것은 미국으로 대변되는 자본주의 사화에 대한 풍자라는 감독의 의도이다.(2000년 제4회 부천국제판타스틱영화제/조세진)
Хорошие и плохие
Two moons, three suns
A prosperous and calm life in an instant explodes into a monstrous event, and nothing will ever be the same again. A terrible bleeding scar remains in the soul forever. One fine day, a young and charming archaeologist Alexei, five minutes later a doctor of science, learns that his sibling was buried alive. And the brother’s killer is alive and left unpunished. Blinded by grief, Alex decides to kill ...
사이먼 템플러(Simon Templar: 발 킬머 분)는 변장의 명수인 전문 도둑이다. 그는 주문받은 물건을 깜쪽같이 훔쳐내서 막대한 금액의 사례금을 받는다. 세인트라는 별칭은 언제나 가톨릭 성자의 이름으로 가명을 만들기 때문이다. 사이먼이란 이름도 성경에 등장하는 '신의 권력을 사려고 시도했던 마술가, 시몬 마구스'에서 따온 것이고 템플러 역시 중세의 수도승 이름이다.(원작에서 세인트는 항상 성자 모양의 표식을 범죄 현장에 남기지만 영화에서는 등장하지 않는다.) 마지막 장면에서 러셀이 사이몬에게 남겨준 옷핀이 바로 세인트의 표식이고, 찾아헤맨 자아이다. 러시아의 야심가 트레티악은 세인트에게 한 여성 과학자의 공식을 훔쳐달라는 주문을 한다. 옥스퍼드 대학의 박사인 그녀는 세계의 에너지 부족을 완전히 해결할 수 있는 혁신적인 핵융합기술을 발견한 것이다. 공식을 빼내기 위하여 세인트는 박사에게 접근한다. 세인트는 무난하게 공식을 적은 메모지를 빼돌리지만 문제는 두 사람 모두 사랑에 빠졌다는 점. 놀라운 통찰력으로 세인트의 행방을 알아낸 러셀은 모스크바로 찾아간다. 세인트는 트레티악에게 메모를 넘겨주지만, 트레티악은 약속한 금액을 주지 않고 오히려 두 사람을 살해하려 하는데...
Ilya Muromets
Baiopic about the glorious hero who left the military business and devoted the rest of his life to God.
Ilya Muromets
Baiopic about the glorious hero who left the military business and devoted the rest of his life to God.
Ilya Muromets
Baiopic about the glorious hero who left the military business and devoted the rest of his life to God.