Tony Bicât

참여 작품

The Scold's Bridle
Detective Cooper investigates the bizarre circumstances surrounding the murder of Matilda who was found dead in her bath wearing the Scold's Bridle.
The Laughter of God
Amanda Donohoe and Peter Firth star in Tony Bicât’s unnerving thriller about a poisoned marriage in which both people are locked in passionate affairs and fantasizing about murder
Star Trap
Two rival detectives investigate a murder that involves black magic.
Christmas Present
A Christmas black comedy based on the tradition in Hammond's Bank that a member of the board should take a turkey and 6 pence to a deserving poor family.
Christmas Present
A Christmas black comedy based on the tradition in Hammond's Bank that a member of the board should take a turkey and 6 pence to a deserving poor family.
In a dystopian future, the population is divided between the elite "numbers" and the destitute "names" who escape the hardships of the their lives at a magic cabaret run by Zax. When Zax falls for a slumming-it "number" he builds a robot replica of her.
In a dystopian future, the population is divided between the elite "numbers" and the destitute "names" who escape the hardships of the their lives at a magic cabaret run by Zax. When Zax falls for a slumming-it "number" he builds a robot replica of her.
A Cotswold Death
A village cricket match on the lawn of a great country house - a traditional setting for the perfect English murder. A natural case for the Yard's best technicolor detective, except for the victim-the 20th-century lord of the manor, Sheik Ali Ben Hassim.
A Cotswold Death
A village cricket match on the lawn of a great country house - a traditional setting for the perfect English murder. A natural case for the Yard's best technicolor detective, except for the victim-the 20th-century lord of the manor, Sheik Ali Ben Hassim.
'I want to be so famous that I'm a household name all over the world.' In her dreams Sue finds a way to sing on Top of the Tops. An episode of the BBC drama series Second City Firsts.
'I want to be so famous that I'm a household name all over the world.' In her dreams Sue finds a way to sing on Top of the Tops. An episode of the BBC drama series Second City Firsts.
Trotsky is Dead
'It's as if the revolution was here again. They are storming the Winter Palace on my own doorstep.' In Palmerston Road, Reading, there is a crisis ...
Trotsky is Dead
'It's as if the revolution was here again. They are storming the Winter Palace on my own doorstep.' In Palmerston Road, Reading, there is a crisis ...
나의 가족
감독의 자전적 영화로 , , 의 삼부작으로 제작되었다. 런던영화학교 재학 당시 쓴 자신의 어린 시절을 다룬 라는 시나리오를 가지고 1972년 를 연출하여 국제적인 명성을 얻은 후 자신의 성장과정을 그린 (1973)과 (1978)을 만들어 삼부작을 완성했다. 스코틀랜드의 탄광촌을 배경으로 비참한 어린 시절과 파편화 된 가족의 모습을 너무나도 리얼하게 담고 있는 영화는 이상하게도 시적이며 처절하게 아름답다. 정신병원에 갇힌 어머니와 자신의 존재를 거부하는 아버지로 인해 외할머니 손에 자라야 하는 현실과 제대로 된 가구가 한 점도 없는 극빈한 경제적인 형편, 석탄 가루만 날리는 회색의 탄광촌에서 배고픔과 외로움과 싸우는 어린 제이미의 모습에서 예술가가 되겠다는 결심하는 그리고 이집트의 군부대에서 이후 평생 친구가 된 로버트(빌 더글러스의 평생 동지였던 피터 주울을 모델로 한)를 만나 문학과 예술을 사랑하게 된 젊은 제이미의 모습까지 영화는 잔인할 만큼 사실적인 이미지를 담고 있다. 비전문 배우들과 현장 촬영, 대사와 음악, 카메라 움직임의 부재, 흑백의 황량한 화면에도 불구하고 전편에 걸쳐 헤아릴 수 없는 아름다움이 관객을 사로잡는다. 빌 더글러스는 1991년 57세의 나이로 세상을 뜰 때까지 단 4편의 영화만 만들어 그만의 독특한 영화세계를 창출했다. (한국영상자료원)
This chilling and provocative faux home movie presents the story of three dissidents and their plan to commit a revolutionary act on film. Bicât and scriptwriter Howard Brenton explore the consequences and co-option of political violence with hard, grubby directness and a pre-punk, semi-nihilistic attack on bourgeois values.
An Exchange of Fire
Pavel Rhele is the ruthless head of a terrorist cell in a story of two fathers and two daughters whose relationships are suddenly subjected to public and private scrutiny.