Oumou Sangaré

Oumou Sangaré


Oumou Sangaré is a Grammy Award-winning Malian Wassoulou musician, sometimes referred to as "The Songbird of Wassoulou". Wassoulou is a historical region south of the Niger River, where the music descends from age-old traditional song, often accompanied by a calabash.

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Oumou Sangaré

참여 작품

13세 소녀 아와는 큰 병환을 앓고 있는 할머니가 제시하는 모든 '대체' 가족을 거부하며 할머니와 단둘이 살고 있다. 그러던 어느날, 아와는 오직 한 사람만이 자신을 입양할 수 있다는 마음의 결심을 하는데… 그 사람은 바로 미셸 오바마다.
Festival In The Desert
Waiting for Happiness
Before immigrating to the West, Abdallah travels to the coastal city of Nouadhibou, Mauritania, to visit his mother. Although he grew up there, Abdallah feels anything but at home in his old neighborhood: He can no longer speak the local dialect, and he wears western clothes that immediately cast him as an outsider. But, as Abdallah spends time with a young boy and an elderly electrician, he can't help but feel a sense of loss for the life he's abandoning