

출생 : 1973-04-16, Egypt


Egyptian actress, graduated from the High Institute of Dramatic Arts yet never played a stage role. “Al-‘aaela i.e. The family”, “Shayy men al-khawf i.e. Some fear”, “Awraak Mesreyya i.e. Egyptian documents” and “Yawmmeyyaat zowg mo’aasser i.e. Diaries of a modern husband” are among her TV series. Rogena is married to actor and director Ashraf Zaky.

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참여 작품

Bermuda Square
A certain psychological phenomenon occurs to the two protagonists, one of whom is a visual artist.
분노의 전쟁
1952년 영국이 이집트를 점령하기 전, ‘유세프 아민 엘 마즈리’는 알렉산드리아에 인접한 카라무즈에서 경찰서장을 맡고 있다. 어느 날, 한 소녀가 영국 군인들에게 참혹한 일을 당하는 사건이 벌어진다. 영국군 책임자 ‘아담 프랭크’ 장군은 ‘유세프’에게 사건을 은폐하라 명령하지만, ‘유세프’는 그의 명령을 거역하며 상황이 악화된다. 주위의 동료들이 하나 둘 씩 목숨을 잃고, ‘유세프’는 자신의 신념과 현실 사이에서 갈등하기 시작하는데...
The Cave
Story revolves around the interaction of people in their lives and the circumstances they face, as well as the role and impact of friendship in facing these circumstances. The events show us the true concept of friendship and the value of its ties.
Forced Escape
Follows the escape journey of 4 complete strangers who were accused of a murder they did not commit.
Welcome Ramadan
The events of the play revolve around the guard of one of the palaces, called Ramadan, who finds himself the only owner of this palace after the death of his companions.
Rhanna Zarger
Mobster tells the story of the West Coast head of the Israeli mob and the Special Agent implanted to bring him down. Using specialized, modern surveillance, the undercover Agent infiltrates the mobster's inner circle in an attempt to discover his link to black-market nuclear arms.
Three-Quarters Decent
This production is a light hearted comedy. The protagonist is an esteemed cartoonist that works at a news firm. The protagonist undergoes a difficult situation and emerges partly wounded. Following this experience he insists on going back to work but something about him has changed – he lets go of some of his upstanding principles to become “respectable less one quarter”
The Wedding
The film revolves around a local egyptian wedding, and followed by the popular customs andtraditions and special gifts that are exchanged between people.But everything just goes wrong when a son refuses to stop the wedding and make a proper burial for his mother who died in the middle of the wedding.
Ala Ganb Ya Asta
A social comedy that tells the life of the street in Cairo in 2007 and 2008 through a taxi driver. We see daily dilemmas for the taxi driver through the taxi customers from all segments of the society in comical paradoxical paradoxes that reflect the spirit and rhythm of the Egyptian street in all its manifestations to see the state of a society full of shyness and surprise. .
Shurue Fe Qutil
The poor girl falls in love with a wealthy young man who promises to marry her and take away her honor. Her father is forced to marry another poor man. The husband discovers after marriage what happened to (tomatoes) and decides to divorce her. She feels lost and decides to take revenge on those who deceived her and makes a plan to kill him.
이 영화는 아랍이 안달루시아를 지배했던 12세기를 배경으로 스페인의 코르도바에 살았던 모슬림 철학자인 아베로에스의 실화를 다룬다. 아베로에스는 아리스토텔레스의 추종자로서 당대 아리스토텔레스 철학에 대한 권위 있는 주석들을 내놓았는데, 이슬람 근본주의자들은 인간적이며 합리적인 철학을 전파하려는 그의 활동을 자신들의 종교적 교리에 반하는 행위로 간주한다. 근본주의자들의 억압으로 인해 결국 그의 모든 책들이 소각 당하게 되지만, 그의 학생들에 의해 복사된 아리스토텔레스 철학에 대한 주석들은 이집트로 몰래 보내져 현대 서양철학의 초석을 다지는데 중요한 역할을 하게 된다.