Machiko Naka

Machiko Naka

출생 : 1936-10-12, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China

프로필 사진

Machiko Naka

참여 작품

눈의 노래
고아인 이오리는 어느 부잣집의 양녀로 입양되지만 실은 노예처럼 취급당하는 중이다. 우연히 이 사실을 알게 된 유이치와 다이스케는 이오리를 데려다 자신의 딸처럼 키운다. 그리고 10년 후, 17살이 된 이오리는 아직 떨쳐내지 못한 자신의 어두운 과거와 함께 새로운 미래를 고민하기 시작한다. 1987년 키네마준보 어워드 신인여우상(사이토 유키) 수상.
Shibuya, Tokyo. Yoichi and Michio are a pair of hoodlums who make their living as bookies at horse races. One day, Yoichi's companion commits a crime, which leads him to become a real yakuza. In this way Yoichi wishes to put an end to his hoodlum days, but on the other hand he has to leave his brother Michio behind...
Dangerous Encounter
Mrs. Kato
A woman's life is irrevocably altered when a young murderer stumbles into her home.
Jugyo Sankan no Onna
One spring, Tasaka, an elementary school teacher, receives a new class of first graders. While taking the children's attendance, Tasaka is surprised to see a call girl he once had an encounter with standing among the parents in the back of the classroom. According to the school's files, her name is Yukako Sawada, and her child Eisaku has no legal father. The next day, Eisaku gives Tasaka a letter from Yukako asking to meet at the hotel where they first met, and Tasaka sets out with an uneasy feeling...
격동의 쇼와사 오키나와 결전
태평양전쟁 말기 오키나와. 병력 증강은 꿈도 꿀 수 없는 상황에서 강력한 미군상륙부대와 맞서 싸우는 병사들. 군병원에 들어온 '히메유리'의 아가씨들, 철혈근황대(鉄血勤皇隊)가 된 학생들. 무고하게 희생된 수많은 사람들이 흘린 피가 흐르는 태평양전쟁 참극의 극전지 '오키나와'. 오키나와전의 전모를 오카모토 기하치 감독이 고발한다! (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Bravo, Young Guy
A film by Katsumi Iwauchi.
고지라•미니라•가바라: 올괴수대진격
Tamie Miki (Ichiro's Mother)
Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.
Las Vegas Free-For-All
The Crazy Cats, a Japanese musical-comedy group, were showcased a series of comic adventures throughout the 1960s. Las Vegas Free-For-All, one of their most popular movies, featured scenes filmed on location in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Hawaii. Appearing with the seven Cats were the lovely Mie Hama and such Japanese musical artists as The Peanuts, The Johnnys, The Drifters, and Jackie Yoshikawa & the Blue Comets.
Let's Go! Young Guy
Akiko Tanuma
College student Yuuichi Tanuma is fired up for Nationals where his university Kyonan will face off against their rivals, Seihoku. Yuuichi has his sights set on winning football gold, but his father, who wants him to take over his sukiyaki restaurant, isn't too keen on this. Set in Kyoto, Hong Kong, and Macau, we follow Yuuichi as he falls in love and chases after his dreams.
Arupusu no wakadaishô
Seventh movie of the Wakadaishō series directed by Kengo Furusawa
Campus A Go-Go
Teruko Tanuma
Young Guy (Kayama) competes in an electric guitar competition and plays American-style football. Released alongside Invasion of Astro Monster.
Five Gents' Trick Book
The 22nd film in the Shacho comedy series.
The Sandal Keeper
The Young Ace in Hawaii
Fourth entry in Toho's Wakadaishō series directed by Jun Fukuda and released on a simultaneous screening with Matango. Filmed on location in Hawaii.
College Champ
Akiko Tanuma
Yuuichi Tanuma, our young hero, is a senior at Kyonan University and captain of the marathon team. His parents run a sukiyaki restaurant back in his hometown. When his allowance stops coming in, Yuuichi moves back in with his folks to work part-time. He has his eyes set on nationals in the fall, until one day he runs into a young woman who's fallen into trouble with the Lightning Gang...
Three Gentlemen from Tokyo
Pride of the Campus
Teruko Tanuma
Young Yuichi (Kayama) romances Sumiko (Hoshi) while helping out at his family's restaurant, singing in a band, and preparing for an important boxing tournament.
Sir Galahad in Campus
Teruko Tanuma
The first instalment in Toho's popular Wakadaishō (Young Guy) series.