René Heinersdorff

출생 : 1963-09-29, Düsseldorf, Germany

참여 작품

Horst Lichter - Keine Zeit für Arschlöcher
Peter Diehl
Based on the bestselling biography: Entertainer Horst Lichter has barely had time to relax on his holiday when his mother calls him. In her own dry way, she tells him that she has been diagnosed with cancer and that things are not going well for her. Immediately Horst returns to his hometown with his wife Nada. Returning home brings back childhood memories - of a loving father and a mother who held the reins firmly in difficult situations. Horst tries his best to support his mother Margret - he organises doctor's appointments and tries to provide a little variety into her daily life, even though the relationship between mother and son has been strained for a long time: he counters his mother's edgy, frosty manner as he had learned to do when he was young. He emphasises the positive side of any situation and is always ready to respond with a snappy retort. When Margret learns how serious her illness really is, Horst begins to rethink his own life as well.
Chiemgauer Volkstheater - Ein guter Rutsch
집념의 검사 프리츠 바우어
Herr Schneider
1957년 독일, 검사장 프리츠 바우어는 수많은 유대인을 수용소로 보내 학살시킨 나치 중령 아돌프 아이히만의 행방에 대한 결정적 증거를 넘겨받는다. 독일의 사법제도를 불신한 그는 이스라엘 정보국 모사드와 접촉한다. 반역죄를 저지른 그를 독일 당국은 주시하는데...
Chiemgauer Volkstheater - Ahoi am Chiemsee
Heinz-Dieter Unkelbach
Chiemgauer Volkstheater - Auf Opa ist Verlass
Uwe Röder
Ewig rauschen die Gelder
A stage play by René Heinersdorff, photographed for television.
Jeanette - Rock My Life Tour 2003
Der Komödienstadel - Tratsch im Treppenhaus
Wettlauf mit dem Tod - Das Geiseldrama von Gladbeck
Reinhold Alles
Wenn schon - denn schon
Kellner Wong