Ramon Agirre

Ramon Agirre

출생 : 1954-01-01, Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Euskadi, Spain


Ramon Agirre Lasarte is an actor, comedian, writer and Spanish painter who has developed the vast majority of his work in his mother tongue, Basque. However, he has also participated in different international productions in other languages. He was born in the neighborhood of Amara, Donosti-San Sebastián. Although he studied architecture at the University of Valladolid and his hometown, after studying acting at the School of Dramatic Art of the Basque Government his working life has been linked to the field of performance since 1983. Among the most recognized films in which he has participated are Handia, winner of ten Goya Awards in 2018 and the San Sebastian International Film Festival Award, as well as others such as Amour, a film directed by Michael Haneke who was awarded the Palm gold at the Cannes Film Festival in 2012, and the hit The Day of the Beast.

프로필 사진

Ramon Agirre
Ramon Agirre

참여 작품

Western Pyrenees, year 778. When his land is threatened by the ruthless armies of the Frankish emperor, a Basque warlord asks for help from his ancestral gods.
트윈 머더스: 살인 코드
Garrido Stocker
20년 전, 남녀 신생아를 시작으로 5살, 10살, 15살의 부유층 자녀들을 살해한 연쇄 살인마의 출소가 얼마 남지 않은 도시. 20살 남녀의 시체가 나란히 발견되면서 살인이 다시 시작된다. 이미 범인을 검거했다고 믿어왔던 경찰과 시민들은 일대 혼란에 빠지고, 새로 부임한 부국장 ‘알바’와 베테랑 형사 ‘우나이’가 범인을 추적해간다. 희생자들을 죽이는 기괴한 살인 방법을 미루어 볼 때, 범인은 분명 식물학, 역사학, 해부학에 해박한 자. 계속되는 의문의 살인 속에 그들은 진실을 찾아낼 수 있을까?
Bye Bye Mr. Etxebeste!
Patrizio Etxebeste decides to resign from the office of mayor for health problems, but few know the real reason: the recent corruption scandals uncovered in nearby towns lead him to believe that his may be the next head to roll. Who better to take up the reins and maintain the control than Mª Luisa, his faithful wife? But it won’t all be quite as simple as it once might have been. His decorative wife decides not to be quite so decorative and starts taking action.
블랙 이즈 벨차
Xebero (voice)
1960년대, 서구 사회의 부조리와 인종차별에 저항하는 어느 청년의 활동을 중심으로 이야기가 펼쳐지는 애니메이션 영화
The Deer
Khalil is a young man torn from his roots who lives on the edge of town, where the industrial estates merge into the river and the marshes. Khalil gets by as best he can and spends his time with an old poacher, who shares a house on the riverbank with a brother he hasn't spoken to in years. On the banks of the marshes, the tides mark the time of love and heartbreak, of friendship and revenge.
Asesinato en la Universidad
Santiago Montemayor
In 1543, at the University of Salamanca, in Spain, Fray Antonio Román, an Augustinian monk who spreads humanist ideas, considered heretical, among his more inquisitive students, a clandestine group of four led by the brilliant novice Luis de León, mysteriously dies in unspeakable circumstances. In the present day, the historian Lara Cabanes is hired to find out if the monk was murdered, as is suspected and she is told, but the task will not be easy to achieve.
사탄이 두려워한 대장장이
1843년, 스페인 바스크 지방. 알라바의 작은 마을에 한 경찰관이 숲 속 깊은 곳에 홀로 사는 의문의 대장장이를 조사하기 위해 도착합니다.
스패니시 골리앗
19세기 스페인, 카를로스 전쟁이 벌어지자 평범한 농부였던 마르틴과 호아킴 형제는 징집당할 위기에 놓인다. 결국 형 마르틴만 전쟁에 참여했다가 겨우 살아 돌아오는데, 그 사이 동생 호아킴의 키가 놀랄 정도로 자란다.
Operation Golden Shell
플랜 비
매춘과 총기거래를 일삼는 러시아 갱단. 그들의 새로운 목표는 스위스 은행의 비밀금고를 터는것이다. 빅터는 자신만의 독특한 탈출 기술로 갱단의 신임을 얻고 계획에 합류하게 되지만 그 곳에서 자신의 오래된 친구 라피도를 마주하게 된다. 사실 빅터는 러시아 갱단을 잡기 위해 잠입한 경찰이었던 것이고 그의 정체를 알고 있는 유일한 사람, 라피도로 인해 상황은 복잡하게 돌아가기 시작한다. 한편, 빅터를 투입시킨 경찰 서장은갱단의 소탕을 위해 빅터의 목을 조여만 가고 언제 정체가 탄로날지 모르는 상황에서 빅터는 또 다른 작전을 설계하기 시작하는데... 끊을 수 없이 서로 얽혀버린 세 남자. 의리와 배신이 그들을 교차하는 가운데과연 살아남는 자는 누가 될 것인가.
Igelak (Frogs)
Pello, a bank branch manager, is arrested on charges of embezzlement. Abandoned by his superior (who got him involved in the heist), Pello escapes from the court room and goes on the run. With no papers, no money and no family or friends he can trust, he changes identity so that he can stay undercover for a time. By chance he ends up hiding in a building that has been occupied by a group of people evicted from their homes who are fighting his bank. Pello gains their trust, all the time planning to steal money from them to pay for false documentation so that he can escape abroad and start a new life.
Twelve short films, twelve portraits of the city of San Sebastian.
12년 전, 어느 날 갑자기 사라져버린 딸 ‘안티아’ 그녀를 이해하지도 포기하지도 못한 채 살아온 ‘줄리에타’는 뜨겁게 사랑했고 벅차게 행복했던 추억부터 아프게 이별했고 한없이 무너졌던 기억까지 숨겨왔던 자신의 이야기를 모두 고백하기로 하는데... 슬퍼서 미칠 것 같아 너 없는 인생이
사랑이 지나간 자리
Father Rafael
아버지가 돌아가신 후 서재를 정리하던 ‘클라렌스’는 과거 스페인의 식민지였던 기니에서 온 의문의 편지를 발견하고, 가족들의 과거를 추적하기 위해 낯선 곳으로의 여행을 떠난다. 그곳에서 자신의 아버지 ‘하코보’와 작은아버지 ‘킬리안’, 그리고 원주민 처녀 ‘비실라’의 존재를 알게 되고, 숨겨졌던 두 남녀의 비극적 사랑의 역사와 마주하게 되는데…
Alaba zintzoa
Padre de Ana
The first work from Fernando Franco revolves around Ana, a 30 year old ambulance driver. Though good at her job, Ana has problems relating in her personal life. She doesn't know it, but she suffers from a condition known by psychiatrists as Borderline Personality Disorder. The situation pushes her to outbreaks of self-destructive behaviour, alcohol abuse and self-harm. Ana is incapable of getting what she wants most: to be happy.
Jon wants to be Arconada, the mythical goalkeeper of Real Sociedad, but is the substitute goalkeeper of the school soccer team.
A film crew travels to the Valley of Baztan to make a film about certain events that occurred in the seventeenth century is the history of discrimination suffered by so-called "agotes", people who were forced to live apart from the rest almost to our days.
Concierge's husband
행복하고 평화로운 노후를 보내던 음악가 출신의 노부부 조르주와 안느. 어느 날 아내 안느가 갑자기 마비 증세를 일으키면서 그들의 삶은 하루아침에 달라진다. 남편 조르주는 반신불수가 된 아내를 헌신적으로 돌보지만, 하루가 다르게 몸과 마음이 병들어가는 아내를 바라보면서 그는 선택의 기로에 놓이게 되는데…
알.이.씨 3: 제네시스
천생연분인 콜도와 클라라는 가족과 친구들의 축복 속 행복한 결혼식을 계획한다. 마침내 뜻깊은 결혼식 날, 행복하기만 한 두 사람은 지인들과 함께 성대한 피로연 파티를 즐긴다. 그러나, 피로연의 분위기가 한참 달아오르면서 두 사람의 앞에는 죽음의 먹구름이 드리우고 끔찍한 일들이 벌어지기 시작하는데…
Deus et Machina
The employee comes to the factory every day. He is the only person who is qualified to do his particular job. It is precise, mundane, and repetitive work. Every morning he goes through the same drill, starting up each machine. Today, though, he has made a decision...
Who Lasts Longer
Doctor (voice)
A group of children are playing on the train tracks, challenging each other to see who stays longer on the tracks before the train comes. Ander stays a bit longer than what he should have and, grazed by the train, he was thrown out of the tracks, leaving him with a number of important physical and neurological injuries, which will disrupt his future and his family's, turning their lives into the same harsh and dramatic 'ZEINEK GEHIAGO IRAUN' game that changed them for good.
The Stone
Arriya (La piedra) is a look at our time, our people ... a nod to hope from this stuck in the past, on the bus, in a heavy stone behind from the start of memory. Maria runs after Peru through the streets of the village with the beret that has lost on the road. The family of Peru and Mary seal a clash, a dispute, which accounts, on a journey of no return, the future of the village and its inhabitants. A mule, a horse ... And a stone, the stone
In a last era, in an imaginary world dominated by shadows, three get conquer evil wizards and place in three boxes of Pandora. Every magician must save their life and protect each of the boxes containing: war, plague and famine. If the ghosts manage to break free, will open the gates of hell.
Sukalde kontuak
The End of the Night
After the death of the last survivor of a multiple murder, which remained in a coma, a journalist is asked to make an infographic about the case. Her personal involvement with the event will give clues to unexpected connections that shed new research data.
Aupa Etxebeste!
Patrizio Etxebeste
The same day that the Etxebeste Family are leaving for their holidays, they lost all their money. They have to keep up appearances in front of the residents, so they will hide them selves at home. During their stay at home the Etxebestes will throw each other miserys and lies but later they will enjoy the best holidays in their life.
King of the Farm
In a distant galaxy, Neuronia controls the minds of the inhabitants until one of them escapes with the sphere.
Tercero B
A woman entrusts her belongings to a stranger while she goes into the sea to take a swim. But when she comes out again, the stranger has disappeared, taking everything with him, including the keys to her house.
Mi hijo Arturo
Arturo is obsessed with cleanliness and order. This trait interferes with his normal life and raises problems with those around him, specially with his mother and bride. A doctor suggests he should make a treatment with gamma rays, in his private practice.
A Time for Defiance
After the Spanish Civil War breaks out, the Prado Museum is being evacuated. One of the guards finds a painting by the master, Goya, and takes it to prevent damage to the work of art. In the interim, he meets a young lady with whom he falls in love. Assisted by her and her family members, the soldier attempts to save Goya's masterpiece intact amidst the war and violence.
Menos que cero
야수의 날
Tipo Coche
1997년 크리스마스 이브. 마드리드에 사는 수백만명의 시민들은 크리스마스 분위기에 들떠있다. 거리를 장식한 휘황한 불빛들과 행복감에 젖어 선물을 주고 받으며 즐거움이 넘쳐 흐른다. 하지만 이 모든 사람들은 어둠 속에서 잉태하려는 악마의 출현에 무방비 상태로 놓여있다. 앤젤 베라투아 신부(El Cura: 알렉스 앙굴라)는 신학자로서 25년간 대학에서 요한 계시록을 연구해왔다. 마침내 그는 요한계시록에 숨어있는 세계 종말의 메시지를 찾아내게 된다. 그것은 97년 크리스마스 새벽에 마드리드에서 적 그리스도가 태어날 것이라는 끔찍한 메시지였다. 그러나 신부는 적그리스도가 태어나는 시간만을 알아냈을 뿐 장소는 알지 못한다. 그는 사탄과의 만남을 위해 임시방편으로 스스로 악의 길로 접어든다. 적 그리스도가 출연하는 악의 모퉁이에서 앤젤 신부는 데쓰메탈팬 호세 마리아(Jose Maria: 산티아고 세구라)와 저명한 심리학자 카반 교수(Profesor Cavan: 아르만도 드 라자)를 만나게 된다. 도래할 악의 징후가 역력한 도시 속에서 수 많은 위험과 고초를 겪으며 그들은 악을 상징하는 결정적인 단서이자 표식을 발견하게 된다. 마침내 적그리스도의 태어날 장소에 다다른 그들은 악마와의 처절한 사투를 벌이게 되는데.
Amor en off
Santa Cruz, the guerrilla priest
Juán Auzmendi, sacristan of a small Spanish village, decides to emigrate to America in search of new horizons. To pay for the trip, he steals the saving of his parish priest and begins the journey to the city of Pasajes, where he hopes to get on a ship. But Spain is again on the verge of a Civil War and the trip to the coast gets complicated.
Ander eta Yul
Two former seminarians meet by chance in adulthood: one has become a dealer, the other a terrorist.
To the Four Winds
A poet and journalist must take under the role of a Basque army commander during the siege of the Basque Count
Ehun metro
It's 8 AM in a summer morning from the 70's. Jon, an ETA member, is being chased by the police in the Old Town of San Sebastian. While he runs, he revises his whole life.
El maestro que prometió el mar
Based on the story of Antoni Benaiges, a teacher who in 1935 is assigned to a small public school. Little by little, and thanks to a revolutionary teaching methodology, he will begin to transform the lives of his students, but also that of the town.