Marc Béland

Marc Béland

출생 : 1958-03-15, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

프로필 사진

Marc Béland
Marc Béland
Marc Béland
Marc Béland

참여 작품

La fonte des glaces
Yves Denoncourt
Louise Denoncourt, a parole officer, skillfully operates an experimental rehabilitation wing for criminals who have committed homicides. When she finds herself in front of Marc St-Germain, a new inmate whom her father suspects of being her mother's murderer, she embarks on a mission that quickly overwhelms her. She then puts everything at stake, even her life, in order to prevent any desire to reoffend. But will she be overtaken by the desire to avenge her family history?
Goodbye Happiness
Comédien pièce de théâtre
To commemorate the passing of their beloved father, four brothers very much at odds congregate for one final week at their summer house in the Magdalen Islands. As they bid their final goodbyes, the four brothers revisit their past joys and hardships as each one of them struggles to give meaning to their very different lives.
Obstétricien New York
A fictionalized biopic of Aline Dieu, a multitalented singer from a musically inclined family.
Pauline Julien, intime et politique
Lui-même (voix)
A documentary on Pauline Julien, singer and political activist.
1973년에 캐나다 퀘벡에서 태어난 여류 소설가 넬리 아르캉은 프랑스와 캐나다 문단의 총아로 추앙 받은 인물이다. 그녀는 실제로 5년 동안 매춘에 종사했던 경험을 바탕으로 2005년 자전적 소설 를 발표해 베스트셀러에 오르며 주목을 받았다. 이후 등 두 번째 장편 소설을 출간하며 승승장구하다가 2009년 36세의 짧은 나이에 스스로 목숨을 끊으며 충격을 안겨주었다. 는 작가, 누군가의 연인, 매춘부 그리고 스타라는, 도저히 양립할 수 없는 정체성들의 사이에서 길을 잃은 한 여성의 초상이다.
On My Mother's Side
David happily brings his wife and new baby to his parents to celebrate his birthday. All goes well until the next day, when he finds that his mother – a filmmaker – has committed suicide. His second shock comes on the day of the funeral, when he is told that the man who raised him is not his biological father. Bewildered, he starts to look for answers and finds a hidden side of his mother’s life.
The Scar
Richard Tremblay
The Scar draws an intense psychological suspense through one man’s confrontation with his past.
앙드레 마티유
Monsieur Honneger
음악교수이자 작곡가인 로돌프 마티유는 어느 날 자신의 아들 앙드레와 함께 피아노를 치던 중 믿지 못할 놀라운 광경을 목격한다. 어린아이에 불과한 앙드레가 마치 장난감을 갖고 놀듯 너무나도 자연스럽게 건반으로 화음을 만들어 내고 있었던 것이다. 이후 앙드레는 여섯 살 무렵부터 런던, 파리, 뉴욕 등 세계 각국을 돌며 공연을 펼쳐 ‘리틀 모차르트'로 불리며 천재적인 음악적 재능을 인정받는다. 하지만 시간이 흐를수록 앙드레의 공연을 본 사람들은 그에게 '천부적인 피아니스트'라는 칭찬만을 늘어놓는 반면, 앙드레 자신은 피아니스트가 아닌 자신의 음악적 열정을 작곡으로 인정 받고 싶었다. 작곡가로서의 자신의 음악성을 알아주지 않는 세상에 실망하며 고국으로 돌아온 앙드레는 매일 술에 파묻혀 지낸다. 이 무렵 앙드레의 상처를 치유해줄 사랑이 찾아오지만, 음악에만 열중하기를 원했던 가족들은 이마저도 인정하지 않는다. 앙드레는 점점 세상과 담을 쌓아가는데…
Twice a Woman
The story of Catherine, who, after her violent husband puts her life in serious danger one night, decides to run away with her son and start a new life under a fresh identity.
Michèle shares her life with Paul, her husband and work colleague. She has a lover, Thomas, a musician with whom she has been having a passionate affair for some time. Attracted by Thomass non-conformity and lust for life, Michèle abandons her husband, her son and her profession to live this frenzy through to its conclusion. A quest for freedom and change that sends Michèle on a turbulent drift, but remains, nevertheless, intimate and personal.
Guide de la petite vengeance
Bernard, an accountant in an upscale jewellery store, suffers from daily psychological abuse by his boss Vendôme. Thanks to his pal Robert, also victim of harassment by this cruel man, Bernard will toy with the consequence of a well-deserved retaliation at the expense of his boss. However, as not everything is perfect in this world, Bernard will also have to experience the sometimes less pleasant after effects of this ruthless act of revenge.
La vie secrète des gens heureux
Animateur, Yves Michel
Élevé par des parents parfaits dans une banlieue proprette, frère cadet d'une fille à qui tout réussit et flanqué d'un ami tombeur, le pauvre Thomas se sent bien ordinaire. Alors qu'il tente désespérément de terminer ses études en architecture avec succès, le jeune homme rencontrera Audrey, une belle ténébreuse qui lui donnera des ailes. Évidemment, le bonheur n'est jamais simple et la vie peut être parfois cruelle...
Alice's Odyssey
Prince Guillaume / Guillaume
After reading a bedtime story to her daughter, Alice Tremblay leaves her daughter's room and enters her own fairytale. After battling a sexy big, bad wolf and saving Red Riding Hood, she encounters Prince Ludwig who helps Alice return to her world in exchange for her teaching him how to kiss so that he can pass his final exam to become Prince Charming. Along they way they meet every familiar fairytale character, though in a decidely different form or personality.
The Widow of Saint-Pierre
le soldat Loïc
In 1850, on the isolated French island of Saint-Pierre, a murder shocks the natives. Two fishermen are arrested. One of them, Louis Ollivier, dies in custody. The other, Neel Auguste, is sentenced to death by the guillotine. The island is so small that it has neither a guillotine nor an executioner. While those are sent for Auguste is placed under the supervision of an army Captain.
La femme du boulanger
Le curé
In a small village of Haute-Provence, it is an event. The abandoned bakery comes back to life. Aimable and his wife Aurélie bring out the first batch of bread for the happiness of the inhabitants. Among the first customers, Dominique, a young shepherd, does not leave Aurélie indifferent...
Human Sex
Canadas contemporary dance group La La La Human Steps performs Édouard Lock's "Human Sex" .