Harry Täschner

출생 : 1946-01-01,

참여 작품

3 1/2 Hours
Ernst Melchior
August 13, 1961: The passengers on the interzonal train from Munich to East Berlin learn 3½ hours before crossing the border that the Wall is being built in Berlin. They have 3½ hours to make a life-changing decision: to get off the train or keep going.
Schwarzwälder Kirsch
Karl Scharnagl
The story of former Bayern Munich president Kurt Landauer, a Bavarian jew ousted by the National Socialists and brought to the concentration camp of Dachau, where he survived to come back and start to rebuild his old club after World War II.
Unter Anklage: Der Fall Harry Wörz
Prof. Undeutsch
Utta Danella - Wer küsst den Doc?
Rolf Reichelt
Die Tochter des Mörders
Alois Zenz
"Was ist, wenn man strampelt und strampelt, um an die Spitze zu kommen, und dann merkt, dass man nur davongelaufen ist?" Diese Frage quält Hanna Meiwald (Sophie von Kessel). Just als die gewiefte Münchner Geschäftsfrau einen Riesendeal über die Bühne bringen will, wird sie von der Vergangenheit eingeholt. Ihr dementer Vater wurde von einem Zug überfahren, nun muss sie in ihr Dorf zurückkehren. Sie war fünf, als ihr Vater für den Mord an ihrer Mutter verurteilt wurde. Jahrzehntelang hat "Mörderbalg" Hanna das Heimatkaff gemieden. Dort, wo nach wie vor Engstirnigkeit und Tratsch regieren, stößt Hanna aber auf eine Spur, die Zweifel an der Schuld ihres Vaters weckt. Mit Kommissar Arnsberger (Brandt) rollt sie den Fall neu auf…
Im Schatten des Pferdemondes
Tom Flatcher
Two family owners of important horse stables living faced by old rivalries. When one of them asks the help of a doctor of horses to treat the disorder one of the most outstanding equine, the conflict passes into the field of the personal.
Der Komödienstadel - Das Cäcilienwunder
향수: 어느 살인자의 이야기
Stunt Double
18세기 프랑스, 악취나는 생선 시장에서 태어나자마자 고아가 된 천재적인 후각의 소유자 장 바티스트 그르누이(벤 위쇼). 난생 처음 파리를 방문한 날, 그르누이는 지금껏 경험하지 못했던 여인의 매혹적인 향기에 끌린다. 그 향기를 소유하고 싶은 강렬한 욕망에 사로잡힌 그는 향수제조사 주세페 발디니(더스틴 호프만)를 만나 향수 제조 방법을 배워나간다. 파리를 떠나 향수의 낙원이라 불리는 프랑스 남동부의 그라스에서 본격적으로 향수를 만드는 기술을 배우는 그르누이. 한편 그라스에서는 아름다운 여인들이 머리카락을 모두 잘린 채 나체의 시신으로 발견되는 의문의 살인 사건들이 연이어 발생하는데...
Der Komödienstadel - Der Habererbräu
Grüße aus Kaschmir
After sleeping with Sharif, an engineer from Kashmir, the young and naive Lisa leaves his apartment without a comment. Six weeks later, they meet again and fall in love. Although Lisa feels totally happy, she doesn't tell Sharif about her pregnancy. On the other hand, he keeps secret that his brother Tajjab came to Munich and forced him to commit a terrorist attack. They both were soldiers of the Muslim liberation army in Kashmir, but Sharif left his home country to study in London. Little by little, Lisa discovers the truth about her boy-friend and tries to prevent the worst...
Schmirgli (voice)
In the Bavarian village of Schladerbach, the kobold Hatschipuh and his comrades live, of whose existence only Grandpa Reiter is aware. When the building constructor Lederer builds himself a new mansion, the subterranean settlement of the kobolds gets destroyed, and Grandpa Reiter sees himself forced to move them into his barn. But this abode as well is soon threatened: Since the farm is no longer profitable, Father Reiter plans to sell it…