A tale of a boy from a wealthy family who during his work at the post office steals Christmas gifts from the wealthy to give to the poor people of Stockholm.
At the police station, a woman accuses her husband of sexually exploiting children. The frustration and outrage increases when she is not taken seriously. The condensed and emotionally charged atmosphere is evident in an intense and poignant film, where her testimony is pitted against her husbands.
On vacation in Stockholm, a teenage daughter is left wandering the city alone when her mother suffers from a sudden mental breakdown. Coming of age becomes an equally sudden necessity.
2011년 6월 28일 밤 스웨덴 기자 마틴과 요한은 소말리아에서 에티오피아로 불법 입국한다. 수개월에 걸친 연구와 계획 끝에 마침내 석유전쟁에 의한 오가덴 지역 주민의 피해상황을 밝히려 하지만, 5일 후 에티오피아 군대에 의해 붙잡힌다. 카프카에스크 재판 후 테러 명목으로 11년의 징역형을 선고받게 되는데… 자유의 억압에 저항하는 438일 간의 이야기
Boyfriends Hampus and Adrian are in a destructive relationship. When Hampus finally works up the nerve to call it quits, he finds himself relieved. Adrian, however, is not quite ready to say goodbye. Examining the final week of a gay love affair, award-winning short film director David Färdmar begins with the end.
Pål dreams about becoming successful with his music, but he has one major obstacle: himself. He's a diamond in the rough, and the only things greater than his musical talent are his obsessions, which constantly get him into trouble. We follow Pål on an emotional journey one summer in Gothenburg where he is thrown between passion and deceit; love, reconciliation and deliverance.
스웨덴의 시골소년 시몬은 유대계 소년 이삭과 그들의 부모를 만나 책과 음악을 접하며 새로운 세계에 눈을 뜨며 성장한다. 하지만 평온도 잠시, 2차 세계대전이 발발하면서 유대인 탄압이 시작되고 두려움에 떨던 시몬의 부모는 그가 유대계 입양아였던 사실을 말해준다. 충격에 빠진 그는 자신의 핏줄을 찾아 전쟁의 한가운데로 위태로운 긴 여정에 나서는데…
Incident by a bank is a detailed account of a failed bank robbery: A single take where over 90 people perform a meticulous choreography for the camera. The film recreates an actual event that took place in Stockholm in June 2006.