Aurélien Gabrielli

Aurélien Gabrielli

프로필 사진

Aurélien Gabrielli

참여 작품

Le technicien clip
늘 도망쳐야 하는 삶에 지쳐 은퇴를 결심한 프로 도둑. 하지만 간단해 보이는 마지막 한탕을 남기고 떠날 순 없기에, 범행 파트너 그리고 도주를 도울 혈기 왕성할 새 드라이버와 손을 잡는다.
Marinaleda features two philosophical vampires trying to reach the self-managed village of Marinaleda in southern Spain.
Following the burial of his father, in his village right in the middle of the Corsican countryside , Dumè discovered the existence of a brother, Lucien, with whom he will have to share the inheritance left by the patriarch... On the condition of being able to live together for a month in the family home. Under the backdrop of cultural legitimacy and of real estate inheritance a balance of power will be established between Lucien, the blood son, and Dumè, the adopted son.
우리 이후의 세상
라비디는 요즘 젊은이이다. 그는 작은 뒷거래와 아르바이트를 하고 룸메이트와 작은 집에 살면서 작가가 되기를 꿈꾼다. 어느 날 그는 엘리자를 만나고서 자신이 감당하지 못할 라이프 스타일에 대해 다시 생각하게 된다.
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme
One and Thousand Nights
The Thousand and One Nights, a kebab, lost in the city night. Cyprien and Guillaume are waiting for Vincent, but as Vincent's lover, Nora, is pregnant, it becomes more and more difficult to meet and they need to reinvent their friendship, taking refuge in French fries, canned beer - and sentimental tales.
La fuite
In a sad imaginary suburb, Jean-Jacques is oppressed by his work, belittled by his girlfriend, pursued by a bailiff. Jean-Jacques is afraid of sinking into madness, until he meets Jeanne and her brother Gilles, with whom he will share a dream, that of seeing the forest.
La fuite
In a sad imaginary suburb, Jean-Jacques is oppressed by his work, belittled by his girlfriend, pursued by a bailiff. Jean-Jacques is afraid of sinking into madness, until he meets Jeanne and her brother Gilles, with whom he will share a dream, that of seeing the forest.
La fuite
In a sad imaginary suburb, Jean-Jacques is oppressed by his work, belittled by his girlfriend, pursued by a bailiff. Jean-Jacques is afraid of sinking into madness, until he meets Jeanne and her brother Gilles, with whom he will share a dream, that of seeing the forest.
80 000 이어스 올드
It’s summer. Celine, in her thirties, archaeologist, spends a weekend in her childhood home. Her archaeological research are mixed up with her memories of adolescence and some random reunions from her walks.
Saint-Jacques Gay-Lussac
After a break-up, Jimmy has returned to live in the neighborhood where he lived as a student. He knows the streets, cafes, and discussions among friends by heart. And yet, this afternoon, everything seems foreign to him, apart from his sorrow.
Spooky stuff is afoot in a French school. All of a sudden, 10-year-old Daniel finds himself alone with Marthe – their encounter is both tender and troubling, and it seems to take place in a sort of vacuum. In Marine Atlan’s dream-like feature film debut, children dance tango timelessly, recite poems and do the drill for an imaginary terrorist attack.
Still Waiting
Every day, Anton waits for the night to come. Every night, Alexandre comes and visits him. But this situation can't last, the living and the dead are not meant to meet.
Red Night
Le journaliste
A territory becomes independent. Accompanied by his advisor, and in the presence of a journalist, the president of the new state tries to write a speech.
The Dead Calm
For his last day at the office, Grégoire introduces his new ninth grade intern to the rest of his computer graphics team, which currently works on a groundbreaking aquarium/swimming-pool project. It might be the last opportunity for Grégoire to say goodbye to his colleagues before his retirement.
Late Summer
An elderly woman has secluded herself in her remote home in the French countryside, when a young foreign couple on vacation suddenly intrudes on her isolated life.
Sleepless Night in Paris
Paris. Winter. One night, Antoine, a 22 year-old boy, decides to go to the seaside. All night long, dealing with drug and love, he will try to buy his train ticket, which will leave at the crack of dawn.
La Jeune Fille et ses tocs