Shô Tsukikawa

Shô Tsukikawa

출생 : 1982-08-05,

프로필 사진

Shô Tsukikawa
Shô Tsukikawa

참여 작품

오늘 밤, 세계에서 이 사랑이 사라진다 해도
"카미야 토루에 대해 잊지 말 것” 자고 일어나면 전날의 기억을 잃는 ‘선행성 기억상실증’에 걸린 소녀 ‘마오리’ “내일의 마오리도 내가 즐겁게 해줄 거야” 누구에게도 기억되지 않는 무색무취의 평범한 소년 ‘토루’ 매일 밤 사랑이 사라지는 세계. 그럼에도 불구하고, 다음 날 서로를 향한 애틋한 고백을 반복하는 두 소년, 소녀의 가장 슬픈 청춘담
Prosecutor Komazuki Nao from the Yokohama District Public Prosecutors Office’s Minato Mirai branch and lawyer Tsutaya Madoka (Matsu Takako) from the law firm Yokohama Gold dated for seven years since the time they were in school. Even after they broke up, they have continued to be hopelessly linked to each other.
너는 달밤에 빛나고
생이 끝나 갈수록 몸에서 빛이 나는 발광병으로 시간이 얼마 남지 않은 소녀, ‘마미즈’. 가족이 떠난 슬픔으로 시간이 멈추어 버린 소년, ‘타쿠야’. 푸르고 푸른 시절, 한 장의 롤링 페이퍼로 만나 서로에게 빛이 된 소년소녀의 처음 그리고 마지막 봄날 이야기​
너는 달밤에 빛나고
생이 끝나 갈수록 몸에서 빛이 나는 발광병으로 시간이 얼마 남지 않은 소녀, ‘마미즈’. 가족이 떠난 슬픔으로 시간이 멈추어 버린 소년, ‘타쿠야’. 푸르고 푸른 시절, 한 장의 롤링 페이퍼로 만나 서로에게 빛이 된 소년소녀의 처음 그리고 마지막 봄날 이야기​
출판 불황을 외치는 문예계. 문예잡지 "목련" 편집부에 신인 상 응모작 한 편이 보내진다. 응모 요강을 모두 무시한 작품이라는 이유로 버려질 뻔한 그 작품을 편집자 하나이 후미가 주목하고부터 상황이 크게 변하기 시작한다. "전설의 정원"이라는 제목의 그 소설을 쓴 것은 15살 여고생 아쿠이 히비키였다.
얼굴 천재 엘리트, 난공불락 철벽남 ‘히로미츠’. 그에게 첫눈에 반한 열여섯 소녀 ‘사마룬’은 그를 무장해제 시키기 위해 진격을 시작한다. 포기를 모르는 연애열정 만수르 ‘사마룬’의 거부할수록 빠져드는 무근본 하이텐션 로코맨스!
옆자리 괴물군
말썽을 일으켜 학교에 나오지 않는 하루에게 과제물을 전해주러 간 시즈쿠. 그런 시즈쿠를, 하루는 유일한 친구로 인정한다. 오로지 공부에만 전념하여 성공하겠다는 일념의 시즈쿠는 하루를 알게 되면서 변화한다. 괴물이 아니라 독특한 개성을 가진 다양한 사람의 다양한 세계를 알게 된다.
너의 췌장을 먹고 싶어
스스로를 외톨이로 만드는 ‘나’학교 최고의 인기인 ‘그녀’, 어느 날, 우연히 주운 [공병문고]를 통해 나는 그녀와 비밀을 공유하게 되었다. “너 말이야, 정말 죽어?” “...응, 죽어” 그날 이후, 너의 무언가가 조금씩 내게로 옮겨오고 있다.
너와 100번째 사랑
‘리쿠’는 시간을 되돌릴 수 있는 ‘인생 레코드’로 인해 타임리프 능력을 가지게 된다. 첫사랑 소녀인 ‘아오이’가 웃는 것을 보기 위해 사용했던 ‘인생 레코드’. 하지만 이제 그녀의 슬픈 운명을 바꾸기 위한 시간 여행을 시작한다.
쿠로사키군의 말대로는 되지 않아
Akahane Yu moves to a dormitory room after her father's transfer at work. She and Haruto aka "Black Devil" have the worst meeting. Since then, Haruto treats her like his slave. The only person who is kind to her is Takumi aka "White Prince”. Haruto orders Yu to go to her middle school reunion, but Yu, who doesn't want to remember her middle school days, refuses. At this time, Suzune appears. She is a childhood friend of both Haruto and Takumi. Due to her, the relationship between Yu, Haruto and Takumi changes.
이 세상에서 나 / 나만
A common horoscope brings a timid middle-aged salaryman and high school delinquent to the center of a political scandal, in which a corrupt incumbent mayor seeks to crush the candidacy of his reformer opponent. This anti-establishment tale blends a punk ethos with absurdist comedy as the unlikely pair finds their existence given new meaning when they work to return a kidnapped baby. Along the way they must fight not only the assault of the mayor’s neoliberal redevelopment of the town, but his bribed police force and yakuza. Under director Sho Tsukikawa’s taut direction, "I Alone"’s mad roller coaster ride plot and outraged self-determination all ring emotionally true, making this one of the year’s biggest discoveries.
Breakfast and Dinner
High school student Takumi lives with his two mothers in a beautiful house in Tokyo. Moving into a house across the street is Sora and her two fathers. One day Takumi and Sora begin a quest to seek answers long hidden and silent in their unconventional families. Takumi sets out to determine the identity of his father, and Sora devises a plan to integrate herself fully into her family. The ordeals of these households stretch the traditional notions of family, convention and tradition.
Breakfast and Dinner
High school student Takumi lives with his two mothers in a beautiful house in Tokyo. Moving into a house across the street is Sora and her two fathers. One day Takumi and Sora begin a quest to seek answers long hidden and silent in their unconventional families. Takumi sets out to determine the identity of his father, and Sora devises a plan to integrate herself fully into her family. The ordeals of these households stretch the traditional notions of family, convention and tradition.
Cellular Boyfriend +
High school student Ayumi kills herself and leaves behind a cryptic message that says "will be killed by boyfriend."
Cellular Boyfriend +
High school student Ayumi kills herself and leaves behind a cryptic message that says "will be killed by boyfriend."
Cellular Boyfriend +
High school student Ayumi kills herself and leaves behind a cryptic message that says "will be killed by boyfriend."
Cellular Girlfriend +
Live action adaptation of the popular novel.
Cellular Girlfriend +
Live action adaptation of the popular novel.
Cellular Girlfriend +
Live action adaptation of the popular novel.
Cheerfu11y (Cheerfu11y チアフリー) is a 2011 Japanese cheerleading film directed by Shō Tsukikawa. The movie served as Universal Music Japan's second movie in the Japanese movie market, following the success of its first offering, the action film "Run 60". This cheerleading movie starring 11 idols called, 'Cheerfu11y'. The movie stars Kikkawa Yuu and ex-Momoiro Clover member Hayami Akari. Alongside them are Passpo☆ members Tamai Anna, Anzai Naomi, Sakuma Kaho, and Mori Shiori. 'Up-Up Girls' Furukawa Kontasu and Mori Saki will join them, along with Akiyama Yurika and Goto Yuki from 'THE Possible', and Niwa Mikiho from 'Canary Club'.
Cheerfu11y (Cheerfu11y チアフリー) is a 2011 Japanese cheerleading film directed by Shō Tsukikawa. The movie served as Universal Music Japan's second movie in the Japanese movie market, following the success of its first offering, the action film "Run 60". This cheerleading movie starring 11 idols called, 'Cheerfu11y'. The movie stars Kikkawa Yuu and ex-Momoiro Clover member Hayami Akari. Alongside them are Passpo☆ members Tamai Anna, Anzai Naomi, Sakuma Kaho, and Mori Shiori. 'Up-Up Girls' Furukawa Kontasu and Mori Saki will join them, along with Akiyama Yurika and Goto Yuki from 'THE Possible', and Niwa Mikiho from 'Canary Club'.
The Sin
A housewife was killed by a falling fire extinguisher, which a boy of seven years dropped from the top floor of an apartment. The offender, however, was not accused because he was too young. Ten years later, a series of murders occur, which target young girls only. It is the boy accused of killing the housewife who comes up in the couse of investigation, while the son of the murdered mother is the witness of a new murder. When the two families of the offender and of the victim meet again, two opposite morals conflict with each other – one is to crack down on the sin beyond the law and another is to disapprove the retaliation.
The Sin
A housewife was killed by a falling fire extinguisher, which a boy of seven years dropped from the top floor of an apartment. The offender, however, was not accused because he was too young. Ten years later, a series of murders occur, which target young girls only. It is the boy accused of killing the housewife who comes up in the couse of investigation, while the son of the murdered mother is the witness of a new murder. When the two families of the offender and of the victim meet again, two opposite morals conflict with each other – one is to crack down on the sin beyond the law and another is to disapprove the retaliation.
The Sin
A housewife was killed by a falling fire extinguisher, which a boy of seven years dropped from the top floor of an apartment. The offender, however, was not accused because he was too young. Ten years later, a series of murders occur, which target young girls only. It is the boy accused of killing the housewife who comes up in the couse of investigation, while the son of the murdered mother is the witness of a new murder. When the two families of the offender and of the victim meet again, two opposite morals conflict with each other – one is to crack down on the sin beyond the law and another is to disapprove the retaliation.
No-Pants Girls: Movie Box-ing2
No Pants Girls is a 3 segment film directed by Sono Sion, Shô Tsukikawa and Reiko Saito. They deal with girls discovering sexuality, through their innocent eyes. The actors and actresses are the same in the three films.
No-Pants Girls: Movie Box-ing2
Director of Photography
No Pants Girls is a 3 segment film directed by Sono Sion, Shô Tsukikawa and Reiko Saito. They deal with girls discovering sexuality, through their innocent eyes. The actors and actresses are the same in the three films.