Rafael García Martos

참여 작품

씨 인사이드
26년 전, 수심을 알 수 없는 바다에서 다이빙을 하다 전신마비자가 된 남자가 있다. 라몬 삼페드로, 무기력한 전신마비자이기 보단 의욕적이고 이성적인 모습으로 죽을 수 있는 권리를 찾고자 했던 그에게 바다는 단 1미터도 움직일 수 없는 인생을 안겨준 공간이자, 영원한 자유를 소망하는 꿈의 공간이다. 가족들의 헌신적인 뒷바라지 속에 침대에 누워서 오로지 입으로 펜을 잡고 글을 써왔던 그의 소망은 단 하나, 안락사로 세상을 떠나는 것이다. 한편, 라몬을 찾아온 두 명의 여자가 있다. 통조림 공장에서 일하는 수다스럽지만 순수한 여인 로사. 라몬이 스스로 생을 끊으려고 한다는 소식을 듣고 무턱대고 그를 찾아와 친구가 된 그녀는 라몬을 사랑하게 되고, 급기야 자신을 위해 삶을 포기하지 말라고 설득한다. 또한 퇴행성 질환을 앓고 있는 변호사 줄리아. 라몬의 자유로운 삶을 위해 안락사 소송을 도와주는 동안 그녀는 그에게 점점 사랑을 느끼지만, 그 감정조차도 그들에겐 너무나 버거울 뿐인데..
Memorias del ángel caído
A group of parishioners die poisoned upon receiving communion, during the investigation of the event the priests of the parish begin to have visions. Everything rushes when the dead are resurrected in the autopsy room, these strange events seem to be related to an old book enacting a new religion.
What Makes Women Laugh?
Luci, Graci and Mar­, three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.
Like a Bolt of Lightning
Miguel Hermoso's Like Lightning offers a fresh take on a familiar scenario, the teenaged boy searching for his unknown father. Pablo is a typical teen, with a fondness for football and sneaking beers with his buddies. He enjoys a comfortable upper-middle class life with his mother (Assumpta Serna), a successful lawyer and former feminist rabble-rouser, but has a gaping hole at the core of his identity: he has no idea who his father is. Preoccupied with the question to the point of obsession, he sets out in search of answers, and finds himself on a trail that leads to the Canary Islands.
Cuernos de mujer
Ana works in an office where the things are going very badly. One night after having dinner with nasty rich people, she has a discussion with her husband. He dissapears and then the life of Ana changes: she has incredible luck in gambling.
지나간 날들
Days before committing an attack, Antonio, a gunman of the terrorist gang ETA who has dedicated his life to a cause he no longer believes in, meets Charo, a young drug addict who, despite the sordid environment in which she lives, still retains her innocence.
I Get Off at the Next Stop, What About You?
A divorcing couple remembers the best years of their lives.
Divine Words
A work of Valle-Inclán, the story takes place in Galicia in the early twentieth century. To escape poverty, the wife of a sacristan uses a hydrocephalic child as a sideshow attraction. This causes a confrontation with her sister-in-law.
The House of Bernarda Alba
After the death of her husband Bernarda Alba puts her daughters under a rigurous mourning which does not even allow them to leave the house.
Year of Enlightment
April, 1940. Manolo, 16 years old, and Jesus, who is just 8, are taken by their older brother Pepe, a lieutenant in the Army, to a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis, situated on the border with Portugal. Once in the sanatorium, Manolo, surrounded by boys all much younger than he is, feels a bit like the cock of the walk since the only other man around is the handyman Emilio who looks after the gardens and does whatever needs to be done about the place. His wife, Rafaela, is the cook. Manolo meets Irene, a falangist who runs the sanatorium, and the school teacher, Miss Transito, a crabby spinster. He has his first sexual experience, albeit as a voyeur, with his nurse Vicenta. When she has to leave, her place is taken by a girl from the village, Maria Jesus, with whom Manolo falls hopelessly in love. A relationship grows up between them which will mark them both for ever.
은퇴한 투우사인 디에고 몽테스는 투우사 양성소를 개설하여 제자들을 가르친다. 제자 엔젤은 디에고의 애인 메바를 겁탈한 후, 양심의 가책으로 경찰에 자수한다. 경찰은 엔젤을 조사하는 과정에서 투우양성소를 찾게 되고, 마리아는 엔젤의 변호사로서 디에고와 만나게 된다. 그들은 첫눈에 사랑에 빠진다. 질투를 느낀 에바는 경찰에 디에고의 숨겨진 죄상을 폭로하게 되고 경위는 마리아와 디에고를 추적한다. 그 시각에 경찰의 추적사실을 알게된 디에고와 마리아는 비밀한 장소에서 뜨거운 사라의 절정을 맞으며 이승의 사랑을 하직한다.
Lulú de noche
German, a young theater director, tries to organize a theater play about Lulu, a prostitute that was killed in London by Jack the ripper. While looking for the protagonist, Rufo appears, an introvert jazz musician. He could play Jack the ripper.
Tuareg: Desert Warrior
In a desolate section of the Sahara once ruled by the French, two thirsty men stumble into the camp of a Tuareg warrior where they're given water and shelter. Soldiers from the new Arab government now arrive by Jeep and demand the two men be turned over to them. The warrior refuses, citing the sacred laws of hospitality. The soldiers shoot dead one of the men and carry off the other - a political foe of the new government. The warrior mounts his camel and rides off to rescue his kidnapped guest.
Coarse Salt
A famous composer creative in crisis and must compose a new album, but is going through a painful separation that prevents him from concentrating. In this situation, your manager will provide a time extension
Soldados de plomo
Andrew returns to his hometown after a long absence. His father was a military high society who abandoned his wife to join the mother of Andrew, one cupletista second row. The reason for his return is to take over an old inheritance left him by his father: A semirruinoso house that is about to be declared a historic monument. But his desire to settle the matter soon are broken by the intrusion of his brother Ramon in buying the house. Andrés relationships with his family and with old attorney Don Dimas and her daughter Whitey complicated.
A contratiempo
The relationship of a adult man and a young girl.
A contratiempo
The relationship of a adult man and a young girl.
El gran secreto
José Sirgado is a low-budget filmmaker whose heroin addiction distorts his perspective of the real world. Although he is a depressed and unstable individual, his mood improves when he receives the mysterious films of Pedro, with whom he shares his passion for cinema.
¡Vaya par de gemelos!
Pedro and Lucas are two twin brothers, residents of Tarazona, whom fortune smiles very differently. Luke is married to the owner of a modest supermarket and works as dependent, porter and whatever is needed ... Moreover, unlike his brother, he has never left the village. Instead, Pedro is married to the richest chocolate maker in the place, lives like a king and often travels to Madrid. But to justify his travels he has invented an illegitimate son who lives there studying architecture and that his wife wants to protect, giving him all the money he needs. The plan goes perfect until love complicates things.