Tena Štivičić

참여 작품

A global lockdown might feel like the perfect time to write a piece of reflective drama, but for one bickering couple the creative process leads to nothing but disagreement.
포스트카드 킬링
Original Film Writer
30년 경력의 뉴욕 베테랑 형사는 신혼여행 중인 딸이 살해되었다는 연락을 받고 런던으로 향한다. 신체 일부가 사라진 채 잔인하게 살해된 딸을 보고 주체할 수 없는 슬픔과 분노로 직접 수사에 나선다. 유럽 전역에 딸의 죽음과 동일한 엽서로 예고된 연쇄살인이 벌어졌다는 사실을 알게 되는데… 딸을 잃은 베테랑 형사의 뜨거운 추격전이 시작된다!
The World's Greatest Monster
Kingdom of Yugoslavia. As soon as she was born, Stana had both hands bit off by a pig, but she still grows to be good embroiderer. Her beloved brother Toma went into the city, where he's trying to make money by working in the circus. Toma comes to take Stana, promising her a better life in the city. However, she find herself left to the fate of circus act, and her brother eventually sells her to a doctor working on prostheses for disabled. At the same time, with the help of his uncle from the States, Toma tries to pull his cousin Ilija out from jail, a miner imprisoned for his leftist inclinations.
A window washer in London lives an existence where he feels that people see right through him.