Márton Gothár

출생 : 1982-01-01, Budapest, Hungary

참여 작품

As Far As I Know
No equal signs of justice can be drawn between those who are accused of a crime, those who are convicted of a crime and those who are the true offenders. That triangle always contains the accused who are not guilty and true offenders whose guilt cannot be ultimately proven. Throughout history, one of the greatest deviations in the strive towards equality has occurred in the triangle of guilt in sexual crimes, where guilt is largely proven on the basis of a woman’s will.
Final Report
A cardiologist is sent into retirement, but he feels at loss without his work. He returns to his home village to work as a general practitioner. This is the start of his ordeal: he's confronted with raw reality, which finally brings him to his knees. But music has the last word.
The Troupe
After a young soldier sides with a troupe of travelling actors in a fist fight that erupted while they are performing a play, he is forced to flee and the troupe decides to take him in.
어쩌다 암살클럽
유명한 만화가를 꿈꾸는 20대 청년 졸리카와 바바는 복지 센터에서 우연히 킬러 루퍼소브를 만나게 된다. 몇 년 전, 일을 하다 하반신 마비가 된 전직 소방관 루퍼소브는 마피아로부터 의뢰를 받아 사람을 죽이는 일을 하고 있었고, 두 청년은 그의 거친 매력에 매료되어 함께 임무를 수행하게 된다. 다리에 칼을 맞아도 아픔을 느끼지 못해 바로 반격 할 수 있고, 길거리에서 총을 쏴도 의심 받지 않는 그들! 꽤나 완벽한(?) 암살자의 탄생을 확인하라!!