In the midst of one of the most significant moments in human history - the Moon landing - a guy working at a NASA warehouse has his own little passion project: the invention of the first urinal net.
상류층 출신의 시인인 페타르 헤크토로비치는 두 명의 지방 출신 어부와 항해에 나선다. 어느 한적한 섬에 도달하자, 이 노년의 시인은 자신이 젊은 시절에 나눴던 비극적인 사랑을 회상하며 자신의 예술적 (무)능력을 인정하기로 한다. 한편, 상류층으로서 평민들과 관계를 맺어가는 데 어려움을 느낀다. 실제로 아드리아 해 해안에서 로케이션 촬영한 이 작품은 현실과 기억, 꿈과 환영이 한데 뒤섞여 복잡한 조각보와 같은 느낌을 자아낸다.
Story about a low-life drug dealer who tries to turn his life around, but finds himself at the mercy of fate when he encounters a cop with an agenda of his own.
A professional hitman wants to retire. The "Boss" does not allow that and instead of the payoff he orders his kill. But the kill fails and the hitman is out to get revenge.
A professional hitman wants to retire. The "Boss" does not allow that and instead of the payoff he orders his kill. But the kill fails and the hitman is out to get revenge.
A professional hitman wants to retire. The "Boss" does not allow that and instead of the payoff he orders his kill. But the kill fails and the hitman is out to get revenge.
A professional hitman wants to retire. The "Boss" does not allow that and instead of the payoff he orders his kill. But the kill fails and the hitman is out to get revenge.
A professional hitman wants to retire. The "Boss" does not allow that and instead of the payoff he orders his kill. But the kill fails and the hitman is out to get revenge.