Milan Neděla

출생 : 1934-02-23, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]

사망 : 1997-04-14

참여 작품

Moře nikdy neuvidím
Bulldogs and Cherries
The dreaded Italian mafioso, Marian Labuda, will also be convinced. Mafioso Carmello was guilty of the principles of his organization when he tried to fool the boss and earned a death sentence. The convict runs away from the killer through Vienna to Prague, which his Austrian colleague in crime recommended as a safe hiding place. None of them knows that the Czechs learned so much tricks under real socialism that a seasoned Italian professional is not enough to watch.
Zmizení herce Bendy
Polská krev
Skandál v Gri-Gri baru
Vítězný lid
'Okay, Boss...!'
Láda Pitras (Ludek Sobota) and Oto Vacák (Petr Nározný) founded in the company Pragokov a Research department of recruitment of labor. For recruitment of workers in professions sought after both recruiters worked out an effective, often almost illegal methods. They followed secretly for instance the welder Niederle and managed to record his lovesick courting to his colleague Anicka. The fear of his jealous wife made him to join Pragokov.
Všichni proti všem
Our Gang
Preclíková válka
To byla svatba, strýčku
Hadrián z Římsů
Chytrost má děravé šaty
Kateřina zlé pověsti
This Is How Love Begins...
Tři muži se žralokem
Letní romance
A Night at Karlstein
No Woman is allowed into Karlstejn Castle! Yet the enamoured Daniele Kolářová and the equally enamoured Jana Brejchová manage to spend one night in disguise in the Castle despite the strict royal ban.
Konec agenta č. 312
Náš furiant
Erziehung vor Verdun
Hauptmann Niggel
The Girl on the Broomstick
A teenage witch, Saxana (Petra Černocká), frozen in time as a punishment for 300 years, finds herself in a modern world.
O šesti ošklivých princeznách
Z nových pověstí českých
Růže a prsten
Vodník z Kaňky
Taškařice v atelieru
Men About Town
Three blue collar workers have a night out in big city Prague.
O kohoutovi, kose a kocourovi
Prague Nights
(segment "Fabricius a Zuzana")
Prague - mystical city. It was here in the Middle Ages, alchemists and magicians gathered. Rumor has it that the house of Prague hide secret obtain the philosopher's stone, and complex multi-level labyrinth of underground tunnels and cellars keep many unsolved mysteries and untold treasures. Prague just full of ghosts and phantoms. Let us slightly lift the veil that hides the secrets and little to satisfy your curiosity, get acquainted with some legends of Prague.
Sedm žen Alfonse Karáska aneb Když holky berou, já nevím kterou
Ta naše písnička česká
The Stolen Airship
The Stolen Airship (Czech: Ukradená vzducholod) is a 1967 live-action/animated film by Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman. The story is based loosely on Jules Verne's novels Two Years' Vacation and The Mysterious Island. The film in Art Nouveau style consists of live-action scenes, generally shot in black and white, as well as hand-drawn, stop motion, and cutout animation. Various live-action and animated elements are often composited into the same scene.
When You Have a Holiday Dominique
Eight-year old Dominique has a name-day. Her parents have a gift for her, but only give it to her in the evening, when everybody has come home from work. Then she darts out, where her girlfriends are already waiting for her.
Svatební cesta aneb Ještě ne, Evžene!
Crime at the Girls School
Police Officer (voice) (segment "Smrt na Jehle")
Three short story omnibus. The main hero and connecting link is Lieutenant Boruvka, created by Lubomír Lipsky. He deals with the murder case between climbers, the death of the dancer in the music theater and the strange disappearance of the mathematics professor.
Slavný chirurg Dr. Sammy
The White Lady
zaměstnanec komunálu
This castle has its own ghost - a mysterious White lady. She emerges from the painting on the wall when someone speaks out magic formula. White lady is good ghost, she can make someone's wishes true. Even if it is a new duct. But a miracle is not the thing that Communist leaders want in the town.
Délka polibku devadesát
Guide (voice)
익살꾼 이야기
1625년 체코 중부 모라비아 지방의 겁 많은 주인공은 기나긴 전쟁을 위해 황제의 군대에 강제 징집되고 그곳에서 만난 노인 병사와 친구가 된다. 그들은 우연히 적군의 마차를 발견하고 전쟁에서 집으로 돌아가기 위해 온갖 노력을 기울이지만 다시 잡혀 성안에 갇히게 되고 그들은 서로 목숨을 건 결정을 내려야만 한다. 16세기 뒤러의 목판화를 연상시키는 카렐 제만 특유의 도안, 만화적 기법, 몽타주, 특수효과등과 풍자적인 슬랩스틱적 코미디 요소를 결합하여 제만의 작품들 중에서도 더욱더 특이한 비주얼로 사랑 받는 작품이다. 17세기 독일을 무대로 신교파와 구교파 사이에 벌어진 '30년 전쟁'을 배경으로 주인공 일행이 겪는 모험담을 담아내었으며 체코 지방의 가장 사랑 받는 역사적 모험 영화 중 하나로 손꼽히는 작품이다.
Táto sežeň štěně
Einstein kontra Babinský
Půjčovna talentů
Náš byteček
Three Wishes
Dva z onoho světa
Bohouš (voice)
Černá dynastie
Kohout plaší smrt
Hledá se táta!
Every Penny Counts
The Lupinek Case
In a wooden hut used as a canvassing center, members of a children's puppet-theatre group are rehearsing for a production about a journey to the Moon. The goings-on inside the hut and outside are being closely followed by amateur detective Pepik Barnabás. He, however, is the first to be under suspicion when a trunk containing puppets goes missing. The children follow him but, when they catch up with him, they discover he hasn't got it. Pepík offers to help them in their search.
Valčík pro milión
Ztracená revue
Mezi nebem a zemí
I Dutifully Report
pucflek Baloun
A comedy based on the novel of Jaroslav Hašek's The Good Soldier Svejk happens during the World War I. I Dutifully Report: In the introduction to the second part of the film adaptation of Hašek's novel The Good Soldier Švějk presents his main character Josef Švejk. With the distinctive traditional Czech cartoon character of a soldier Svejk, this time you meet on the way to the front and eventually right in the firing line. You can look at his famous train events, and also probably the most famous episode of the novel, Švejk's Budějovice anabasis. Don't miss the scene with the secretly bought cognac, the episode with Svejk as a fake Russian prisoner of war, including the court scene, and the scene in which lieutenant Dub is caught in a brothel. Despite the criticism, Steklý's adaptation is undoubtedly the most famous and memorable at present.
The Good Soldier Švejk
Good-natured and garrulous, Švejk becomes the Austrian army's most loyal Czech soldier when he is called up on the outbreak of World War I -- although his bumbling attempts to get to the front serve only to prevent him from reaching it. Playing cards and getting drunk, he uses all his cunning and genial subterfuge to deal with the police, clergy, and officers who chivy him toward battle.
Přítel lhář
September Nights
Johnny's Journey
TV car driver
Five years old Johnny is going for his first journey with no parents.
Fools among us
Příběh lásky plné