Zé Maria

Zé Maria

프로필 사진

Zé Maria

참여 작품

On a hot summer day, Paloma decides to fulfill her most cherished dream: a traditional wedding in a church with her boyfriend Zé. She is a devoted mother, a hard-working farmhand in a papaya plantation and has been saving to afford the celebration. The priest’s refusal to marry her and Zé will force Paloma to confront the rural society. She suffers violence, betrayal, prejudice and injustice but nothing shakes the faith and determination of this transgender woman.
A Vida Como A Gente Faz
카니발 클럽
국회의원 ‘보르헤스’를 중심으로 결성된 비밀 클럽 ‘카니발 클럽’은 마음 깊이 들끓는 추악한 쾌락과 행복을 실현하기 위해 일꾼들을 성적으로 착취하다가 살육하고 요리해 먹는 일을 반복한다. 그러던 어느 날 사업가 부부 ‘옥타비오’와 ‘길다’가 우연히 ‘보르헤스’의 비밀을 알게 되면서 회원들 간에 배신이 발생하고, 그들 앞에는 걷잡을 수 없는 핏빛 암투가 기다리고 있는데…
Bethânia returns to her land, where the family’s old sugar mill was built, the Wanderley Mill. Between photographs, fantastic creatures, bills to pay and workers claiming their rights to the land, Bethânia faces herself in a present where both the past and the future look menacing.
Gonzaga: From Father to Son
Músico Dancing 02-Sax
Luiz Gonzaga decides to change his destiny and leaves his childhood home for the big city to overcome a romance. When he arrives, he meets a woman he falls in love with, the Odaleia (Nanda Costa). After the birth of his son and his wife's health complications, he decides to return to the road to ensure a better future for his son. He has a friend in Rio de Janeiro and with him leaves the little one and heads to Brazil. He didn't imagine that this distance between them would develop into a complicated relationship, enhanced by the strong personalities of both. Based on conversations between father and son, this is the story of Luiz Gonzaga, a singer and accordion player known as Rei do Baião or Gonzagão.
Dreaming of Fish
In a village on the northeastern coast of Brazil, Jusce, 17, scrapes a living by diving 30 meters, with rudimentary equipment, for lobster. His "prize" at the end of a long day of risky work is sitting close to Ana, who lives with her mother and young daughter, as she savors the drama of urban sophisticates on her favorite soap opera. Ana dreams of leaving the village to see the world. Jusce is content with the life he leads. The other fishermen, friends of Jusce's dead father, help him to buy and fit out his own fishing boat. One day an old friend, Rogério, returns from the big city to work giving dune buggy rides along the coast. The day Rogério gives Jusce a ride to Ana's place marks the beginning of their rivalry for Ana's attention. Jusce has to reinvent himself in order not to lose Ana to the adventurous life style of Rogério.