Wang Jianjun

Wang Jianjun

프로필 사진

Wang Jianjun

참여 작품

쿵푸 허슬: 무적 파이터
때는 1940년대. 괴력을 가진 주인공 ‘마’(오건호 분)는 폭력배들에 의해 어머니를 잃는다. 어머니의 유언에 따라 아버지를 찾기 위해 상해로 떠난 그는, 뒷골목을 전전하다 폭력조직에 쫓기는 신세가 되고 만다. 우여곡절 끝에 쿵푸 고수들이 일하고 있는 음식점에서 일을 하게 되지만, 상해의 상권을 장악하려는 이사장과 도신의 대립에 끼어들게 되면서 자신을 제거하려는 무리들과 대치하게 된다.
Hero the Great
Chao is a powerful man who controls many martial arts societies. After a long battle that lasts a whole day and night, the SHAOLIN abbot MERCY defeats him. MOON comes to Shaolin to invite Mercy to her father's 50th birthday ceremony. Dragon and Pride accompany Moon back to her hometown only to find that her father has been killed.
Shui Hwu Legend
A fantastic film depicting the exploits of the Black Whirlwind knight, Li Kwai: the legendary double axe fighter from the Water Margin.
The Heroine of Tianhu Lake
Set in late Qing Dynasty, the heroine of Tianhu lake protects national treasure against foreign powers.
Dragons of the Orient
Staff and chain whip demonstrator
For martial arts enthusiasts and fans of Jet Li, Yang Ching, and Wang Chun, this historical filmography about the origins of Chinese martial arts, the legendary Shaolin Monastery, and modern kung fu will prove to be an irresistible treat. The documentary is told through two fictional characters, Instructor Wang and Hong Kong sports reporter Ms. Chin Chin, who chance to meet in a park. Ms. Chin Chin is writing a story about the history of martial arts and so Instructor Wang offers to help. Together they visit the Shaolin Monastery and view a weapons demonstration by the monks.