Xu Qingya

출생 : 1994-10-10, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

참여 작품

Sword E Flag
160 Years Old
A father who cannot cure his own stubborn illness, a professor mother who struggles with existential questions, a son who is confused and precocious, a giant tortoise that suddenly leaves, and a sentimental grandfather who passed away. The uncle cannot finish reading THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA. The aunt won't get married. The grandfather is his own daughter's enemy. The uncle does not want to return from the Philippines. And an unborn child. Summer goes, and autumn comes. Things remain, but people change.
Li Jiaoran
수선을 하려고만 하는 주쿤과 악세력을 없애고 백성을 평안하게 하려고만 하는 이교연은 죽마고우이지만 어릴 때부터 서로 맞지 않았다. 그런데 한 기이한 살인 사건 때문에 두 사람이 다시 모이게 됐다. 이교연이 여러 번 목숨을 걸고 추적 조사했는데 주쿤은 그것을 감동을 받았다. 두 사람이 손을 잡고 용감하게 유명 타운에 들어가고 살인 사건의 진실을 탐구하러 갔다!
Forensic Medicine Song Ci
This film tells that 27 corpses were hung on the street overnight, and their bones were removed. Song Ci, who has always been unbelieving, conducted a thorough investigation with Yu Mo, a female assistant, in an attitude of pursuing the ultimate truth. Through investigation of the relationship network of the deceased, Song Ci found that this was a random homicide, and the value "27" was valuable. This is related to the ten-year-old tenor case. He asked the teacher Geng Zhinian for advice. The corpse spontaneously ignited in the palace, and although there was no trace of it, Song Ci had to suspect that all this was related to Geng Zhinian, who was in charge of the Boxun teaching case. At the same time, Yu Mo, pregnant with a secret life, is gradually approaching the "truth", which is also an unacceptable truth.
Strange Report
Pu Songling, is a social journalist. In the course of his interviews, he often encounters strange stories that he cannot publish in the newspaper, so he sets up his own personal website, called "Liaozhai".