Cristián Soto

참여 작품

죽음이 다가와 당신의 눈을 가져가리
Director of Photography
평생을 함께 산 아나와 마리아. 말기 암 진단을 받은 마리아를 위해 숲속 나무집으로 이사한 이들은 그곳에서 자연스럽게 죽음이 다가오길 기다린다. 틀에 박힌 일과에 묻혀 지내던 커플은 자신들에게 찾아온 고통의 순간을 함께 이겨내며 다시금 사랑을 확인한다.
About Things That Happened to Me
Director of Photography
Based on the book by author Marcelo Matthey, this short film narrates his own life in a style reminiscent of school compositions. His constant strolls through streets, houses and beaches are recorded in notes of what he saw, felt or thought during these wanderings or moments, but almost only recalling the processes, the timeline in which things occur and come to mind, the trail of associations coming one after the other, like the steps of a person walking along a street. Immediate impressions, fleeting moments normally lost in time and which are captured in the images and sounds of this film.
The Winds Know That I'm Coming Back Home
Director of Photography
Looking for extras and locations, a filmmaker settles on Chiloé, the second largest island off the coast of Chile. He does auditions, but mainly listens patiently to the stories of young and old people. As an outsider, he cautiously searches for the soul of the community and its underlying tensions.