Alphé Gagné

Alphé Gagné

프로필 사진

Alphé Gagné

참여 작품

A comedy drama about the fall, mourning and rebuilding of oneself around three brothers in their fifties who will have to reconnect after the death of their father who died prematurely from an unfortunate Ice Bucket Challenge.
Cédric's Male Colleague
성차별적 농담으로 입소문이 난 세드리크는 직장을 잃고 성차별주의와 여성 혐오로부터 벗어나기 위한 치료의 여정을 떠난다. 세드리크와 그의 여자 친구는 상황을 뒤바꿔 놓을 수수께끼의 베이비시터를 고용한다.
완벽한 가족이 되는 법
Mathieu, beau gars du bar
자녀 때문에 고민이 이만저만이 아닌 퀘벡의 한 부부. SNS에서의 이미지와 성공에 집착하는 시대에 아이들 키우는 게 쉽지가 않다. 기대가 커질수록 기대와 멀어지는 건 기분 탓일까?
My Intelligent Comedy
Damien Nadeau-Daneau, a young filmaker, is unable to finish a movie he started with french actor Denis Lavant. Indebted, he’s working at a post-production company, far from his artistic ideals. On the eve of his 33rd birthday, he is self-centered, unsatisfied, and lost in his own life. With no drama of his own, he is confronted with that of others who he meets over the course of his life. He will discover that reality is way more interesting than fiction.