Mikael Holst Nørlund

참여 작품

Lucas is a new student at a prestigious private school. He thrives, but is at odds with his tyrannical teacher Jon, as he challenges the strict agenda that Jon wants to preserve for everything in the world. When Jon sees that Lucas has an influence on the class' talented girl Caroline, he cannibalizes her and makes her break down. The injustice makes Lucas so angry that he takes up the matter with Principal Helle. The next day, everything seems to be in perfect order, but Lucas has stuck his nose too far forward.
행복한 남자
부와 성공을 좇아 가족을 떠난 공학도. 재능은 그를 코펜하겐의 상류사회로 안내하지만, 야심은 그를 예상치 못한 길로 이끈다. 삶과 행복에 대한 통찰로 가득한 드라마.