Mo Bahir

참여 작품

Motif focuses on a police investigation and its most obvious innovation is the female perspective that the director imposes. Protagonist Dewi (Sharifah Amani) is a police officer who is sent from the capital of Kuala Lumpur to a provincial area, Tanah Merah (lit. “Red Earth”), to investigate the disappearance of the young daughter of the local community’s richest family. From the beginning, her arrival is greeted with distrust by her male colleagues, who are doubly annoyed by the fact of having an outsider who is also a woman intrude in the community.
쿠알라룸푸르의 밤
쿠알라룸푸르를 배경으로 한 본격 범죄드라마로, 4명의 택시기사들이 등장해 일을 꾸지만 완벽한 사기꾼 따위는 없음을 보여준다. 장르영화지만 전형적인 상업영화의 틀을 살짝 비튼 매력적인 영화로 올해 부산국제영화제 후반작업지원을 받아 완성했다.