Visual Effects Supervisor
할리우드 전설 마릴린 먼로의 다사다난했던 사생활과 그녀가 견뎌야 했던 유명세를 대담한 상상력을 더해 재창조한 픽션.
Visual Effects Supervisor
크리스티나는 위급한 상황을 해결하기 위해 외딴 수도원에서 몰래 빠져나와 한 남자를 찾아나선다. 크리스티나는 남자를 찾지 못하고 수도원으로 돌아가던 중 예상치 못한 일을 당한다.
Visual Effects
The year is 1936, and shoemakers in a Finnish industrial town are sending shoes to Spain as humanitarian aid. Young Arvo wants to do more, so he joins as a volunteer in the International Brigades and disappears.
Digital Effects Producer
In a remote East European town, the evening bells can’t hide the cry of a hungry baby. His father, a street-musician named Baro, is also having a bad day. The social worker is blaming him on being a miserable parent, but Baro refuses to obey the advice of the worker: he definitely won’t put his little one into the BabyBox.