Ágnes Kiss

참여 작품

카사블랑카의 남자
Script Supervisor
불후의 명작 《카사블랑카》는 어떻게 탄생했을까? 미국의 2차 세계 대전 참전이 임박한 시기. 전쟁에 대한 불안, 정치적 압력, 복잡한 가족사를 딛고 명작을 탄생시킨 커티즈 감독의 영화보다 더 영화 같은 인생. 그 한 챕터가 열린다.
The Kunság
At first glance, it's just like other European plains. Once the wind and rivers worked on it, today it bears the signs of human activity. The Hungarian Puszta is different nonetheless: it lives a secret life where always happens something. Big birds hustle and push each other, the traffic of the white, salty lakes competes that of major airports, antlers clash like swords, and an owl claps on all this. The most peculiar creature is the protagonist itself. The golden jackal once lived here, but it vanished for decades because of constant persecution. But this four-legged predator, defying the danger, has returned and founded a family. The new pack howls in the frosty night: "This is our land!"