Shona Heath

Shona Heath


Shona Heath is an art director and set designer. Since graduating from Fashion Design at Brighton University in 1997, her work has encompassed prop-building, painting, paper-sculpting, photography, film making art-directing and more. She is perhaps best known for her beautiful and magical set designs featured in Tim Walker's photographs - a collaboration that began over 20 years ago. She's the production designer of Poor Things 2022 with James Price.

프로필 사진

Shona Heath

참여 작품

가여운 것들
Production Design
대학에서 해부학을 가르치고 있는 교수인 고드윈 벡스터는 젊고 아름다운 여성 벨라와 함께 살고 있다. 어린 아기의 지능을 가지고 있는 벨라를 고드윈은 마치 자신의 딸처럼 아끼며 그녀에게 말과 행동을 가르친다. 한편 고드윈의 제자이자 평소 그를 존경해 왔던 맥스는 고드윈 교수와 가까이 지내게 되면서 벨라를 만나게 된다. 벨라의 이상 행동에 관심을 갖기 시작하는 맥스, 고드윈 박사로부터 벨라는 얼마 전에 자살한 여자를 자신이 의학적으로 되살린 것이라는 충격적인 말을 듣게 된다. 하지만 이미 벨라에게 마음을 뺏긴 맥스는 고드윈 박사의 제안에 따라 그녀와 약혼하기로 결심하는데...
The Magic Paintbrush
Costume Design
Trailer for the short film 'The Magic Paintbrush' directed by Tim Walker. Produced by Emma Dalzell.
The Magic Paintbrush
Production Design
Trailer for the short film 'The Magic Paintbrush' directed by Tim Walker. Produced by Emma Dalzell.
The Lost Explorer
Costume Design
Director Tim Walker's 2010 short film The Lost Explorer starring Richard Bremmer, Olympia Campbell and Jessica Hynes. Based on a story by Patrick McGrath, the story begins with a child, Evelyn, stumbling upon a tent among brambles at the bottom of her garden. Inside, an explorer is dying of malaria and clutching a revolver...
The Lost Explorer
Production Design
Director Tim Walker's 2010 short film The Lost Explorer starring Richard Bremmer, Olympia Campbell and Jessica Hynes. Based on a story by Patrick McGrath, the story begins with a child, Evelyn, stumbling upon a tent among brambles at the bottom of her garden. Inside, an explorer is dying of malaria and clutching a revolver...