Camera Operator
In the hot summer of 1940 the German troops are just outside Paris, and numerous Parisians are leaving the city in a complete panic. Luce Ader, the sensitive daughter of a factory owner, decides somewhat belatedly to escape as well, together with her arrogant fiancé Bruno. Since they have a luxury automobile, the elderly society lady Daine Lessing decides to join them, and brings along the sensitive homosexual diplomat with her. The four of them finally leave the city in the hopelessly overloaded luxury car, only to get stuck in the middle of a seemingly endless column of refugees along a dusty road outside Paris...
Director of Photography
Adrien does not see eye to eye with his patrician father about much. It is 1912, and the old man still believes in the old rules which strait-jacket "men of class." He believes that the elite have the right to conquer where they can, that they should refrain from publicizing their improprieties, and he is rabidly pro-military. Adrian, kicked out of his military school for his own improprieties (and hiding that from his father), is naturally drawn to Vicky a beautiful divorced woman and friend of the family who is staying at their mansion. The family tutor, a man of ordinary background (with some ideas which seem radical in this household) is similarly smitten. On the basis of their shared attraction, the two men form a friendship. Meanwhile, the object of their affection finds it diverting to toy with them.
Arsène Muselier returns to his home village at the end of the First World War. His only injury is a head wound, which sometimes provokes periods of delirium and fury. As he renews his acquaintance with the people he left behind - his mother, the old farmhand who brought him up after his father's death, his former girlfriend, and many others - he becomes fascinated by the legend of La Vouivre, a creature with the body of a woman who lives in the marsh, surrounded by vipers. One day, Arsène sees the strange woman - she is naked, beautiful, alluring, and he is instantly enchanted by her. Can she be real, or is she merely a creation of his damaged mind...?
Director of Photography
Bullfighting, music, medicine, change, and homoerotic possibilities mix in this study of friendship. Francisco is a bullfighter on his way up, so focused even sex doesn't hold his interest. After a minor road accident, he meets a doctor, Manuel, who attends a bullfight, leaving early, retching. His wife, who is also his partner in a string quartet, worries about him: Manuel has a history of breakdown. Manuel, for his part, hates bullfighting and the memories it brings of Franco's Spain. His harsh views undermine Francisco's focus. He accompanies the young fighter to Spain for an important corrida. Will Francisco succeed? And what becomes of this friendship?
Director of Photography
Fictionalized portrait of one of history's great literary couples: Stein & Toklas. Summer 1930s France, Alice tends to ailing Gertrude; they visit Fernande Olivier, Guillaume Apollinaire, others; and Hemingway pops in.
Director of Photography
Black comedy about a couple who become convinced that their best friends are aliens and that the Earth’s days are numbered.
Director of Photography
1542년 4월, 툴루즈 지방의 작은 시골 마을 아르티갓트(Artigat). 부유한 두 농가의 12세 신부 버뜨랑 롤(Bertrande de Rols: 나이탈리 바이 분)과 13세 신랑 마르탱 게르(Martin Guerre: 버나드-피에르 도날듀 분)의 결혼식이 마을 사람들이 참석한 가운데 거행된다. 하지만 결혼식 이후 5년 동안 마틴은 부부 생활이 원만하지 못해 놀림꺼리가 된다. 다행히도 이 어린 부부에게 아들 샹시가 태어나 자연스럽고 가정적인 질서가 잡히는 듯 하지만 마틴은 자신의 4명의 누이를 포함해 여자들을 혐오하며, 아내 버트랑을 자주 무시하나 아들에게는 작은 관심을 가진다. 쉽게 자극되는 고약한 성질의 그는 자주 아버지에게 화를 낸다. 옥수수 더미가 없어졌을 때, 그의 아버지가 그를 도둑으로 몰아 세우자 그는 고향을 떠난다. 버트랑은 집을 나간 남편의 소식을 전혀 듣지 못한 채, 젊은 나이에도 유혹을 물리치고 수절을 하며 8년의 세월이 지나간다. 그 사이 마틴의 부모는 비탄으로 죽고 버트랑은 시백부되는 피에르 기어(Uncle Pierre Guerre: 모리스 베리어 분)의 밑에서 마틴의 누이들과 그 가족의 새로운 가장이 된 아들들에 둘러싸여 지내게 된다. 8년 동안의 정숙한 생활과 힘든 일이 버트랑을 하녀의 위치로 전락시킨다. 그러던 어느날, 마르탱 게르(Arnaud de Tihl: 제랄드 드빠르듀 분)가 돌아온다. 그는 자신이 그토록 오랫동안 돌아오지 않았던 것에 대해 용서를 빈다. 그날 밤, 버트랑은 예전과는 전혀 다른, 더욱 인간적이며 재미있는, 그러면서도 사랑을 할 때 그녀가 듣기 좋아하는 말을 잊어버리지 않는 새로운 남편을 발견한다. 마틴은 그의 아저씨 곁에 거처를 정하고 훌륭한 일꾼이 된다. 9개월 후 딸이 태어난다. 기어의 땅에서는 결코 그토록 풍작을 거둔 적이 없었다. 그렇게 평안히 3년이 지나간 어느날, 마틴은 그의 아저씨에게 자신의 권리내에서 그가 부재했었던 동안 자신의 땅에서 거둔 이익을 요구한다.
Director of Photography
Pierre, 44, contentedly divorced, takes his teen daughter to the Côte d'Azur along with his friend Jacques and Jacques' own teen daughter, Françoise. On the topless beaches of Saint-Tropez, Jacques and Pierre discuss marriage and being parents. Then, in a wild moment at a nighttime party, Françoise starts playing with Pierre, and one thing leads to another: they become lovers. After a couple of trysts, Pierre wants out, but Françoise declares her love for him and wants to tell her father about it. She does, but leaves out Pierre's name, so Jacques enlists Pierre's help in identifying who seduced his daughter. What will Pierre do?
Director of Photography
After his family tries to kill him and he has been pronounced dead, Michel returns from the dead and sets about getting revenge on his family members. He sends each one a voodoo doll, warning of their fate. Wandering over the streets of Paris, Michel is the haunted and hunted, as he himself hunts his villainous kin.