Aleksey Vertkov

Aleksey Vertkov

출생 : 1982-03-31, Novosibirsk, RSFSR, USSR

프로필 사진

Aleksey Vertkov
Aleksey Vertkov

참여 작품

French Master
A famous massage therapist becomes the prime suspect in the disappearance of several of his clients. All the missing women are young girls looking to get away from of the provincial town to live their life in the capital, become professional models, or simply become high maintenance trophy wives.
Medea is an intelligent, highly educated woman who gives up on her dreams when she falls for rich businessman Alexei. When the pair have two children, she patiently waits for him to divorce his wife, and as he decides to emigrate from Russia to Israel, she meekly follows him. But when he shuns her for having committed a crime to protect him, her blind love turns into burning rage.
Play With Me
Good-natured and ironic romantic Comedy with elements of drama, which tells about the most interesting and mysterious actor's "kitchen", making fun of the most significant moments: casting, shooting a commercial, auditions and auditions in the theater. The film reveals the artistic world on the example of the fate of one young actor: from fame to oblivion so far and at the same time so close.
닥터 리자
Lyonya, psychiatrist
자선가이자 «공정한 도움» 재단의 설립자 엘리자베타 글린카의 인생 중 하루. 결혼 30주년을 맞아 가족과 함께 보낼 시간을 계획하는 리자, 하지만 오늘도 전화를 꺼둘 수가 없다. 노숙자 식사 배식과, 죽어가는 소녀를 위해 동료 의사 셰브쿠노프에게 모르핀을 요청하기 위해 역으로 나가야 한다. 열정이 넘치는 자선가의 이 모든 순간을 정부기관이 오랜 시간 동안 관심을 가지며 지켜보고 있었다.
Iran Conference
Representatives of the Danish and world intellectual elite, the best minds of our time are going to a conference in Copenhagen to discuss the urgent "Iranian problem" — violation of rights and freedoms, daily executions, torture and military conflicts in the middle East. An orientalist, theologian, political scientist, military journalist, the wife of the Prime Minister (formerly a well-known TV presenter), writer, priest, famous conductor and Iranian poet — winner of the Nobel prize in literature take turns on the stage.
State security captain Lobov
1941년, 소련군 ‘미하일 칼라시니코프’는 제2차 세계대전에 T-34의 전차장으로 참전했다가 중상을 입게 된다. 고향으로 돌아가던 중 소련군 총기의 설계 결함으로 독일군에게 다시 한 번 죽다 살아나게 되고, 그는 독일군에 대항할 수 있는 수제 소총을 설계하기로 결심한다. 발명한 무기를 군대에서 사용하기 위해 거쳐야하는 무기경진대회 우승을 위해 소총 개발에 매진하게 되는데...
A well-known civil servant from the Mayor's Office in a provincial Russian town receives a note: You'll soon die. He takes no notice, and gets ready for his normal Sunday – family problems, his personal life, work, other matters… But this Sunday turns out very far from normal. From the very start things come crashing down, smiting everything in its path, including all plans, external composure, and even his own life.
The city of Vyshny Volochyok: broken roads, snow and fog. The car service station in the suburb of the town where Olya and Vadim live and work, and love each other. Both are well in their thirties, they are simple and serious people, they share the ups and downs in their lives, until a third, superfluous party intrudes: the Internet.
The Eternal Life of Alexander Christoforov
The misanthrope Alexander Christoforov, nicknamed "Alec", is a hopeless loser. The actor, who was celebrated in the Soviet era as the hero of "Eugene Onegin", is carving out a depressing existence as a bad paid figure of a ridicule historical show. Despised by his ex-wife, alienated from his son, Alec has totally screwed up his life. But when diagnosed with a mortal illness, he sets off on a ludicrous tour de force at the end of which a piece of eternity surprisingly awaits him - A comedy with a happy end.
After visiting a doctor young woman finds out there is not much time left.
Mitya's Love
A film based on Boris Shergin’s story “Mitya’s Love.” Mitya, a shipbuilder, walked to a theater in Solombala from Arkhangelsk. Along the way, he ran into a wind. Near him a girl, Maria Ivanovna, flew Mitya helped her fly to the theater and fell in love with her. They were able to confess their feelings for one another, but Maria Ivanovna then disappeared. What is Mitya to do? He decided to go around the whole city to find her. In the film, images by avant-garde Russian artists Mikhail Larionov and Natalia Goncharova and naïve artists Pavel Leonov and Lyubov Maikova are used.
디시젼: 리퀴데이션
러시아 연방 보안국 소속 요원인 이고르는 북 카프카스에서 극악한 테러범 샤밀 일당에게 붙잡혔다가 병사 한 명의 목숨과 맞바꿔 간신히 탈출한다. 2년 후, 트라우마에 빠져 있는 이고르에게 전 동료 라빌이 찾아와 테러 제거 작전에 함께할 것을 제안한다. 망설이던 이고르는 악순환의 고리를 끊기 위해 다시 카프카스로 향하는데…
Sergei leads the ordinary life of an ordinary family man with a small business, but through a fatal combination of circumstances he becomes the target of killers. His last words seem to suggest an unexpected recognition, after which he is ready to carry out the lethal shot. Apparently we all have something to confess before death, and sometimes it is more difficult to live with it than die.
고골: 악령과의 전쟁
Homa Brut
19세기 초, 우크라이나 디칸카 마을에서는 악령에 의한 미스터리 살인이 계속 되고있다. 발작 증세를 통해 환영을 보는 수사관 고골은 유명 수사관 구로가 남겨둔 메모를 통해 악령의 힘이 세지는 축제날에 살인이 일어난다는 것을 알아낸다. 고골은 축제날에 일어날 살인을 막으려 하지만 실패하고, 예고된 피해자 중 한 명이 여자친구 ‘리사’라는 사실을 알게 된다. 자신의 힘으로는 살인을 막을 수 없다고 생각한 고골은 악령 사냥꾼 코마 부르트를 만나 악령의 살인을 해결하기 위해 사악한 영혼 ‘VIY’를 부르는데...
A story about two Moscow young girls one of them is trying to become an architect and other is a beginner singer.
유럽 정복을 위해 러시아를 침략한 칭기즈 칸의 손자, 바투 칸. 하지만 단 십수 명의 인원으로 이들의 앞을 막아선 자들이 있다. 전설과도 같은 러시아의 인물, 콜로브라트의 싸움이 시작된다.
Children for Rent
A parents struggling with their children suddenly get an advise for psychologist - to exchange the kids...
A wannabe model from a small Russian town robs a local bank to fund her modeling career.
The grand constant flow of life
The Find
Learn to forgive others, and get forgiveness to yourself. In the forgotten taiga village lives a gloomy and unsociable Trofim Rusanov, senior fishing inspector. He is used to the fact that each day is filled with routine. But one day, on his usual round through the wood, Trofim faces a shocking discovery. He finds a baby in an abandoned forest house. For several days he wanders around the severe uninhabited taiga, fighting both for his life and the life of the little child. Finally, Trofim finds the way home... He wants to find a woman who left a baby in the forest. It takes for him a superhuman effort to find the baby's mother. But this long quest leads him to another, completely different find
Save My Speech
This is the story of the poet Osip Mandelstam, recreated at the intersection of the arts and genres: puppet theater, design, computer graphics, documentary. The rebellious spirit of Mandelstam's poetry sounded a challenge to the authorities, and their author was destroyed by a state machine - he died in a transit camp. Much of what he wrote could not have been preserved had it not been for her husband Nadezhda, who taught his works by heart, copied manually-in anticipation of times when they could be published.
Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes
Eleven comedic vignettes featuring conversations – some important, some less so – held in restaurants over coffee and cigarettes (how quickly time flies – cigarettes are banned in Russia’s restaurants now). The conversations are candid, and even veer into the territory of murder. In the final credits, the director apologizes to Jim Jarmusch, whose work (in the anthology Coffee and Cigarettes, which Jarmusch shot in pieces over many years) Oldenburg-Svintsov is clearly indebted to. Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes’s kinship with Jarmusch’s film extends to the fact that superstars play tiny roles in almost all of the vignettes.
Goodbye Mom
A story about a chance encounter that momentarily destroyed a successful and happy family life. All of a sudden the woman found passion and desire more important than her loving husband and cherished child. The father and son suffer from the realization that they are no longer needed, but try to understand and forgive. The woman, who failed to become happy, is in turmoil.
In the Encirclement
Short film created from footage that has not been incorporated in the final cut of the film "The White Tiger" In June 1944 the Soviet arm encircled 53 army corps of General Gollwitzer in the Vitebsk area. The Germans fiercely defended themselves, and the Soviet army tightened the rina...
화이트 타이거: 최강 전차군단
제2차 세계대전이 펼쳐지던 1943년 여름, 소련군은 전차에서 온몸에 화상을 입은 군인 한 명을 발견하게 된다. 이 군인은 신체의 90%에 화상을 입었지만, 놀랍게도 완벽하게 회복됐고, 전차병으로 복귀하게 된다. 당시 소련군은 ‘화이트 타이거’라는 전설의 독일 전차로 인해 속수무책으로 기습을 당하고 있었다. 하지만 화이트 타이거의 공격으로 화상을 입었다가 기적적으로 살아난 나이데노프 하사는 전차의 이야기를 들을 수 있는 능력을 갖게 된다. 부상 회복 후 그는 화이트 타이거에 맞서 계속 전투를 벌이게 되고, 종전이 된 후에도 그는 계속해서 화이트 타이거에 맞설 준비를 한다.
There's No Hurry
Every year, 25,000 people die on Russian roads. You could say a whole city is disappearing from our planet. And about a third of its "residents" were involved in an accident due to speeding. Many drivers do not consider acceleration even at 30 km / h a violation, but statistics show that they are wrong. Five different stories combined in movie almanacs will make every viewer, at least, think about the right choice of speed. Both on the road and in life.
My Joy
Young Lieutenant
Georgy is driving a load of freight into Russia when, after an unpleasant encounter with the police at a border crossing, he finds himself giving a lift to a strange old man with disturbing stories about his younger days in the Army. After next picking up a young woman who works as a prostitute and is wary of the territory, Georgy finds himself lost, and despite asking some homeless men for help, he’s less sure than he was before of how to make his way back where he belongs. As brutal images of violence and alienation cross the screen, Georgy’s odyssey becomes darker and more desperate until it reaches an unexpected conclusion.
A young truck driver from a small, nameless Russian town sets off on a spiritual journey that has no actual purpose and no verifiable destination, encountering lonely women and small time crooks along the way.
Peter on the Way to Heaven
In the small town of Kandalaksha, Petya lives out a fantasy life as a traffic cop. He has a holster, a wooden gun, and the locals humor him by following his "orders." When a convict escapes from a nearby prison, Petya joins the manhunt as any good officer would.
The House of Sun
The whole world of a young girl Sasha is changing after she meets Sun - a hippie leader.
Ward No. 6
Simultaneously nihilistic and heartening, Ward No. 6 is based on a story by Chekov, in which a psychiatric doctor becomes a patient in his own asylum. Updated to contemporary Russia, the film is a cocktail of anxieties and riddles, showcasing how easy it is to become what we fear most.
Short experimental film by Andrey Pershin (Zhora Kryzhovnikov)
A group of American doctors travel to a war-ravaged hot spot in the Middle East in order to distribute vaccines. They clash with the Russian military presence, the Middle Eastern locals, and ultimately, themselves, as they learn that being American heroes is not so easy as they thought. Before they can save the world, they have to save themselves.
한 남자가 가족과 함께 시골에 있는 아버지의 집으로 여행을 가게 되고, 이 여행길에서 평화롭고 화목한 가정이라는 환상이 깨지고 만다. 에 이은 감독의 차기작으로, 절망의 상황에 빠진 평범한 사람들에 대한 이야기를 아름다운 촬영과 함께 전해준다. 남들이 보기엔 아무 문제가 없이 화목한 가정 그러나 대화가 단절된 부부. 아내 베라는 그 단절된 대화에 죽음보다 깊은 절망에 빠져 남편 알렉산더에게 자신이 임신을 했으며 그 아이가 남편의 아이가 아니라고 말한다. 더 나아가 자신의 부재중에 절친한 자신의 가장 친한 친구가 자신의 집을 방문했었고 아이들을 내 보낸후 한참을 있었다는 사실을 알게 되면서 알렉은 깊은 고민에 빠진다. 죽일것인가, 같이 그냥 잊고 살것인가......형에게 의논을 한 후 내린 결론은 유산을 시키고 그냥 잊고 사는 것. 불법 의료 시설을 이용해 낙태를 시켰으나 아내는 심장 마비로 죽고만다. 모든 것을 잃은 상실감으로 괴로워하는 알렉, 그러나 그 아이는 자신의 아이였으며 대화가 단절된 불통의 세상에서의 생명은 이미 살아도 죽은것이라는 베라의 깊은 절망감이 불러 일으킨 해프닝이었고 심장마비도 사실은 그녀가 수술후 내준 진통제를 다량 투여하여 스스로 선택한 죽음이었다. 이런 사실을 알리 없는 알랙은 친한 친구의 집으로 자신의 아이를 데리러 가지만.......
The Runaways
Fun story about two girls, accidentally encountered on the highway. Each one of them has its own providence problem: a well-known metropolitan Pushkina Anya is in the center of the scandal, for theft in the pharmacy, and granddaughter famous village witches Njura minimizing damage to the defender.