Carlos Hipólito

Carlos Hipólito

출생 : 1956-01-01, Madrid, Spain

프로필 사진

Carlos Hipólito

참여 작품

Blanco ne mente
Izan wakes up in a completely empty room with a stranger and will only be able to leave on one condition; answer three questions honestly.
Laura y el misterio del asesino inesperado
After years of leave, Laura Lebrel returns to action. Lydia asks him for help on a case: Eugenio Ortiz, Laura's former instructor, has been murdered. But a new detective, Hector, finds evidence that incriminates Laura. She asks to be allowed to find the killer and Lydia gives her 24 hours to solve the case before arresting her.
La Tempranica
Manuel de Falla
Zarzuela in one act.
마이 하트 고즈 붐!
Spain, 1970s. While a cruel dictatorship rules an eternally grey country through fear, violence, repression and censorship, María, a young dancer, dreams of bringing bright colours into her life and the lives of others, as she makes her way towards personal freedom and pursues her crazy dream of becoming a TV star; a very funny journey in which she will be comforted by the pop songs of the incomparable Italian singer and dancer Raffaella Carrà.
La maldición del guapo
Humberto, a seductive con artist, lives a quiet life in Madrid after having done his time for a big job that cost him his relationship with his son Jorge, who reaches out to him for help when the jewellery where he works is robbed.
1898: 필리핀의 마지막 병사들
Doctor Vigil
16세기부터 19세기까지 스페인의 식민지였던 필리핀은 긴 독립 운동 끝에 1898년 6월 12일, 스페인으로부터 독립한다. 영화는 이 혼란의 시기를 배경으로 필리핀 ‘반군’과 마지막까지 싸운 스페인의 군인들을 그린다. 이들은 패배가 거의 코앞에 다가왔음에도 조국의 영광을 지키기 위해 외딴 요새에 틀어박혀 현실을 받아들이지 않는다. 2017년 고야상 의상상 수상.
로마로 향하는 기차 안, 바티칸 취재 기자 '아나'는 우연히 남미의 베르골리오 신부를 만나게 된다. 이를 인연으로 친구가 된 '아나'는 그에게 평범한 청년에서 지금에 이르기까지 지난 날의 이야기를 듣게 된다. ‘아나’가 듣게 된 베르골리오 신부의 이야기는 어머니의 반대에도 불구, 사제의 길을 걷기 시작한 청년 시절로 시작된다. 첫 눈에 반한 여인과의 만남, 갖은 협박과 외압의 위기도 있었지만, 이 때 마다 베르골리오 신부는 흔들리지 않고 가난하고 소외된 자들과 함께 세상으로 나아간다. 그리고 대주교로서 정년 퇴직만을 기다리고 있던 어느 날, 베르골리오는 교황을 선출하는 선거 콘클라베의 강력한 후보로 오르게 되는데... 모든 이들의 축복과 함께 그가 우리 곁에 옵니다!
Barefoot in the Kitchen
Himself - Narrator (voice)
What was the role of women in Spanish cinema from the 1930s to the present explained through fragments of different films, both fiction and non-fiction. (Followed by “Manda huevos,” 2016.)
Holmes & Watson: Madrid Days
Benito Pérez Galdós
Film based on the characters of the English writer Arthur Conan Doyle. It tells a hypothetical meeting in Madrid between the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper.
El asesino dentro del círculo
Castellón, 1997. A convicted rapist on probation becomes a serial killer.
La duquesa
Jesús Aguirre
Amores locos
Blood of May
Revolution in Spain, around the events of 2 May 1808, when the people of Madrid rise up in rebellion against French occupation.
Lola: The Movie
The rise to stardom of Lola Flores, one of Spain's most prestigious Flamenco singers and dancers, who died in 1995.
Andrés, a dowdy Spaniard, goes to Paris on holiday, hoping to meet a pretty French girl. His wishes may come true after meeting Ninette, his landlord's sensual and possessive young daughter.
Tiovivo c. 1950
This movie has any coherent plot. It is more the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how people manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: la colmena or roma (fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
일곱 번째 날
스페인 어느 시골 마을에서 이웃해서 살고 있으나, 수 년에 걸쳐 소유지 분쟁으로 원수처럼 지내는 두 가문이 있다. 한쪽 집안의 맏딸인 사춘기의 이자벨과 치노의 사랑은 다른 쪽 집안의 딸 루시아나의 마음에 상처를 입힌다. 오빠들을 부추겨 복수하려 하는 루시아나의 의도는 마을 전체에 피를 부르는데….1992년 실제로 일어난 사건을 영화화한 이 작품의 박진감 넘치는 연출도 여러 영화제에서 높은 평가를 받았다. 2004 몬트리올 국제영화제 감독상 수상
Marry Me, Maribel
Maribel (Natalia Dicenta) is a prostitute working in Madrid in the late fifties. One night he meets Marcelino (Carlos Hipolito), shy and quiet man who falls for her. For Maribel is in principle a client more, but gradually begins to feel attracted to the shy provincial, owner of a chocolate factory in Soria. Pili (Nathalie Seseña), Rufi (Mireia Ros) and Nini (Malena Alterio), the companions of Maribel, truculent by nature suspicious of this relationship and begin to suspect that the provincial could be a murderer. When Maribel Marcelino asks her to marry him, they intervene and away from Marcelino and his "strange family". Adapted from the play "Maribel and the Strange Family" by Miguel Mihura.
Historia de un beso
Hombres felices
This Was Solitude
You're the One
Julia, an only child of an affluent, bank owning family living in Madrid, escapes from her family to get over her grief that her boyfriend has been imprisoned. Julia is a well educated woman, having studied in Switzerland and England, who wants to become a writer. Julia drives to a little village in Asturias called "Corralbos del Sella" and there she stays in a mansion "llendelabarca" of an old childhood friend "Pilara" she had spent many a happy summer with. Also living there is Pilara's mother in law Tia Gala, and her grandson Juanito. Julia's relationship with caretakers, teacher and priest makes Julia, a woman of the spanish capital, perhaps for the first time to not feel so alone.
Goya in Bordeaux
Juan Valdés
Francisco Goya (1746-1828), deaf and ill, lives the last years of his life in voluntary exile in Bordeaux, a Liberal protesting the oppressive rule of Ferdinand VII. He's living with his much younger wife Leocadia and their daughter Rosario. He continues to paint at night, and in flashbacks stirred by conversations with his daughter, by awful headaches, and by the befuddlement of age, he relives key times in his life.
Do It for Me
Andrés Uriarte
Andrés's wealthy father-in-law runs a textile factory; he retires and brings Andrés to Madrid, with wife and son, to run the company. Andrés works long hours, but his wife is bored, and there are tensions at home. When Isabel, a femme fatale, spots Andrés at a party, he's easy prey - but soon, she might be falling for him, perhaps enough to dump her boyfriend Paco, a small-time cocaine dealer. What if Andrés falls for her? What would he sacrifice to have her? And what about his wife; will she fight to keep him?
What Makes Women Laugh?
Domingo adulto (voice)
Luci, Graci and Mar­, three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.
Rober, Max and Ona, three young people living on the fringes of society, decide to commit a risky robbery.
My Soul Brother
Meeting of two very different brothers: Carlos is an ambitious young businessman happily married to Julia, Toni is a nerve that life has given him so many sticks as the people who surrounded him.
The Bird of Happiness
Enrique Jr.
While some people need to be surrounded by friends to be happy, Carmen (Mercedes Sampietro) is perfectly content by herself, pursuing her vocation as an art restorer. But her bubble of isolation is punctured when she becomes the survivor of a violent assault. Shaken by the incident, Carmen decides she needs a break from it all. So begins a soul-searching journey that takes Carmen back to her hometown in southern Spain, where she contemplates the joys and sorrows of her past.
After the Dream
Amós is a sailor and owner of a ship. He is impatient with the arrival of his uncle who returns from the Soviet Union, after having exiled there after the Civil War. They have no time to meet because the old man unexpectedly dies. Amos knows, thanks to the letters his mother received, that his uncle had a treasure. However, this one is not among the objects that were in the old man's room.
Compañeros en el crimen
Pink Sauce
Ana's husband is the perfect wealthy middle-class man. Koro's husband is a cook with no more ambitions. One day, Ana meets Koro in a night club and she proposes Ana to seduce each others husbands. The following morning Ana thinks this was a joke, but things are not always what it seems. Written by Dulzz
La monja alférez