Georg Föcking

참여 작품

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Action comedy with Franco Nero
베를린의 밤
Production Manager
1923년 서커스단에서 형 맥스와 함께 공중 곡예사로 있던 아벨은 맥스가 손목을 다치게 되자 서커스를 포기하고 독일의 베를린까지 흘러 들어와 술로 세월을 보내고 있습니다. 그 시절 베를린의 분위기는 극심한 경제난 때문에 아주 음습하고 무거움 그 자체이다. 독일 국민들은 육체적, 정신적으로 피폐해져 있고 마르크화의 가치는 종잇장보다 못했으며 나치즘과 파시즘을 비롯한 여러 공포정치 때문에 아주 어지럽고 복잡한 시절이었다. 그러던 어느 날 맥스가 갑작스럽게 자살을 하자 아벨은 큰 상실감에 빠지게 된다. 더군다나 자신과 아주 조금씩이 나나 관련이 있던 7명의 사람들이 시체로 발견되자 큰 충격과 공포 그리고 의문에 휩싸이게 되는데.. 이에 정신적인 고통에 시달리는 아벨은....
To the Bitter End
Production Manager
15 years ago Paul Jordan was a star in Hollywood musicals. But then he retired from showbiz and married the rich Joan. Now, after being dependent on his wife's money for many years, he's sick of it and wants to work again. A romantic affair with his stepdaughter, Shirley, gives him the guts to ask for a role. His former agent gets him one but it's with a small company in Vienna, Austria. The stress worsens his alcoholism; the tablets he takes to hide the effects lead him to hallucinations. When his wife and girlfriend appear at the same time, he's no longer capable of handling the situation.
Gott schützt die Liebenden
Production Manager
Wir hau'n die Pauker in die Pfanne
Executive Producer
Principal Gottlieb Taft's twin brother Gotthold Taft partakes in the most recent prank by faking his death and promising a large inheritance to the Mommsen-Gymnasium and the principal. Of course, the inheritance is tied to many embarrassing conditions.
Pepe, der Paukerschreck
Executive Producer
Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft secretly places his nephew as a spy with the difficult class of Pepe Nietnagel. During the celebration for the 100th anniversary, a simulated fire forces the school to shut down for a week. The director's attempt to get a tough teacher assigned by the department of education results in the exact opposite because of Nietnagel's intervention.