Edna Doré

Edna Doré

출생 : 1921-05-31, Bromley, Kent, England

사망 : 2014-04-11


Born Edna Lillian Gorring on May 31, 1921 in Bromely, Kent Edna Doré was an actress, best known for playing the battleaxe Mo Butcher in EastEnders from 1988 to 1990 and for the films Les Misérables (1998), and the Mike Leigh films Another Year, All or Nothing and High Hopes, the latter saw her receive the award for Best Supporting Player at the 1989 European Film Awards. She was married to Alexander Doré. She died on April 11, 2014 in Sussex, England at the age of 92.

프로필 사진

Edna Doré

참여 작품

세상의 모든 계절
Allotment Lady
런던에 사는 노부부 톰과 제리는 소박하지만 행복한 일상을 보낸다. 과거의 잘못된 선택과 그로 인한 상처로 힘들어하는 제리의 직장동료 메리, 퇴직을 앞두고 삶의 기쁨을 찾지 못하는 톰의 친구 켄 등 부부는 주위의 가족과 친구들의 외로움과 슬픔, 기쁨과 행복을 함께하는 벗이 되어 준다. 그러던 어느날 아들 조이가 여자친구 케이티를 소개하는 자리에 갑자기 메리가 찾아오고, 그녀는 그간 말하지 않았던 자신의 속마음을 드러내는데...
44인치 가슴
Archie's Mum
Colin is in agony, shattered by his wife’s infidelity, so his friends kidnap the wife's lover so he can have his revenge.
An ordinary boy named Michael is going through some extraordinary changes in his life. His family has just moved into an unfamiliar house, and his brand new baby sister has fallen ill. One day, while cleaning out the garden shed, he stumbles across something mysterious, a strange creature huddled in the corner; weak of body but strong of will. This is Skellig.
스튜어트: 어 라이프 백워즈
Stuart's Gran
작가인 알렉산더(베네딕트 컴버배치)는 우연히 홈리스 알콜 중독자 스튜어트(톰 하디)를 만나 친구가 되고 그의 인생에 흥미를 가지게 돼 '노숙인의 자서전'이 쓰고싶어진다. 스튜어트의 제안을 따라 스튜어트의 인생을 현재부터 어린시절까지 거꾸로 쓰기로 하며 영화의 구성 역시 스튜어트가 왜 약물,알콜 중독에 걸려 거리를 전전하는지 시간을 역으로 되짚어가며 진행된다.
전부 아니면 무
택시 기사 필을 위한 페니의 사랑이 점점 식어간다. 그는 점잖고 철학적인 남자. 페니는 수퍼마켓에서 일한다. 그들의 딸 레이첼은 집안 청소를 맡고 있고, 아들 로리는 실직했지만 진취적인 사람이다. 필과 페니의 인생에서 즐거움이 점점 사라지고 두 사람에게 예기치 않은 비극이 찾아온다.
Weak at Denise
Colin (Bill Thomas) flies remote-controlled model aeroplanes and plods away as a bureaucrat in a local benefit office. A confirmed failure in all romantic matters, woefully under the thumb of his elderly mother, Colin's latent sexual passions are suddenly set ablaze when the gorgeous Denise (Chrissie Cotterill) appears on the scene. Except that Denise and her boyfriend Roy (Craig Fairbrass) have evil plans for the naive Colin which draw him into a web of sexual intrigue, bizarre life-threatening experiences and a very incompetent murder plot. An off-beat comedy.
Goodbye Charlie Bright
Miss Saville
Following Charlie Bright and his friends over one hot summer on the South London housing estate where they live. With Tommy about to join the army and Francis having fallen in love, friendships and loyalties are tested as the friends drift in their own directions.
Tube Tales
Bag Lady (My Father The Liar)
Nine short stories based on the true experiences of London Underground passengers.
레 미제라블
Old Woman
지금은 비구시의 시장으로 살아가는 쟝 발장(리암 니슨)은 절도죄로 19년형을 선고받았던 전과를 갖고 있다. 지난 과거를 생각하며 어려운 이들에게 온정을 베풀어 시민들의 사랑과 존경을 받고 있는 그는 딸의 양육비를 벌기 위해 거리에서 몸을 파는 여인 팡틴(우마 써먼)을 돌보고 있다. 하지만, 경찰서장 쟈베르(제프리 러쉬)가 부임하면서 그의 평화로운 삶은 흔들리기 시작한다. 법과 제도를 맹신하는 철두철미한 원칙주의자인 쟈베르는 과거 자신이 감방 간수로 있던 시절 가석방되었다가 달아난 범법자 쟝 발장을 떠올린다. 그리고 쟝 발장을 체포하기 위한 수사에 착수한다. 쟝 발장은 자신의 과거가 밝혀지고 팡틴이 죽자 그녀의 어린 딸 코제트(클레어 데인즈)와 비구시를 떠날 계획을 세운다. 경찰에 쫓기는 몸이 된 쟝 발장은 코제트와 경계가 삼엄한 파리의 성벽을 뛰어넘어 수녀원으로 숨어들어 은둔 생활을 시작하는데...
The Canterville Ghost
Mrs. Umney
'The Canterville Ghost' is one of the most popular choice for making a film in Oscar Wilde's works, and the original short story deserves the popularity. It is a witty spoof about a ghost and the 'haunted' mansion where a rich American family start to live. In this story, the family are not annoyed by the presence of the ghost; no, it is the ghost who is annoyed by the family who just refuse to be terrified. After all, why should we be scared by an old man wearing rusty coat of mail, whose best trick is to walk in the middle of night making big noises?
Nil by Mouth
The family of Raymond, his wife Val and her brother Billy live in working-class London district. Also in their family is Val and Billy's mother Janet and grandmother Kath. Billy is a drug addict and Raymond kicks him out of the house, making him live on his own. Raymond is generally a rough and even violent person, and that leads to problems in the life of the family.
Brazen Hussies
Justin's Gran
After meeting her old school friend Sandra Delaney, who now works as a stripper, pub owner Maureen Hardcastle decides to spice up her flagging business by turning it into a male stripper club, with the help of untrustworthy businessman Billy Bowman.
Trust Me
Harry plays hoaxes on gullible tabloid journalists. But when he gets ambitious and tries to sell the faked memoirs of a contract killer to a publisher, things start to go seriously wrong.
Gas and Candles
Black comedy play about two pensioners struggling to manage on an old-age pension and living in a high-rise block of flats.
높은 희망
Mrs Bender
런던의 셰릴과 사이릴은 행복한 노동자 커플처럼 보인다. 그들의 창백한 이웃들과 함께 중간 계급으로 보이는 나이 탓인지 건망증이 심한 사이릴의 엄마, 그리고 허영심 많은 사이릴의 여동생과 그녀의 남편이 함께 살고 있다. 셰릴은 아이를 원하지만 사이릴은 그렇지가 않다. 자주 열쇠를 두고 밖에서 문을 잠그는 엄마와 놀기 좋아하는 여동생 발레리와 그녀의 남편을 돌보는 것만으로도 끔직하기 때문이다.
King of the Ghetto
Mrs Deedes
An idealistic former soldier helps unite and house ethnic minorities in a run down area of the east end
Under the Skin
Mrs. Clark
"When you get to a man in the case, they're like as a row of pins - For the colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skins." - Kipling. Polly writes for a magazine producing glamorous makeovers for young women. Befriending a member of the women's movement prompts her to re-examine her own feminist values.
Colin Pasmore tests his strength against his family ties but finds them stronger than he ever imagined.
The Wind of Change
Taking its title from Harold Macmillan's widely-reported Cape Town speech about the process of decolonisation in Africa, The Wind of Change showed the other side of the coin: the impact of colonial immigration at 'home'. The film deals with the 'colour problem' within the context of Teddy boy violence.
Jungle Street
Mrs. Collins
In this crime drama, a mugger accidently kills a man during a robbery and finds himself blackmailed into cracking a nightclub safe. The mugger escapes by double crossing the blackmailer by stealing the money and his girlfriend to boot. Unfortunately the police are in hot pursuit.
More Deadly than the Male
Ruth LeFol
An American in London kills the husband of a woman he covets. She returns the favor by killing his fiancée.