Stacy Keach

Stacy Keach

출생 : 1941-06-02, Savannah, Georgia, USA


Walter Stacy Keach, Jr. (born June 2, 1941) is an American actor and narrator. He is most famous for his dramatic roles; however, he has done narration work in educational programming on PBS and the Discovery Channel, as well as some comedy (particularly his role in the FOX sitcom Titus as Ken, the hard-drinking, chain-smoking, womanizing father of comedian Christopher Titus) and musical roles. ​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

프로필 사진

Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach
Stacy Keach

참여 작품

Titus Family | Homecoming
Ken Titus
The Titus show ended with Christopher in a mental hospital. Ever wonder what happened after that?? Now that nagging, screaming, padded room-sized hole in your heart can be filled. Christopher Titus, Stacy Keach, Cynthia Watros, Zack Ward and David Shatraw are back, in a special 2-part reunion show that will answer every one of those questions.
Survival Skills
The Narrator
Survival Skills is a lost police training video from 1988, which tells the story of Jim, a rookie cop who gets in over his head when he tries to resolve a domestic violence case outside the law.
A documentary of the incredible life of actress Valerie Perrine and her battle with Parkinson's.
Neil Dellacroce
밑바닥부터 시작해 서서히 존재감을 드러내던 존 고티는 뉴욕 최고의 마피아 조직 감비노 패밀리 두목인 카를로 감비노의 조카를 유괴, 살해한 범인을 처리하며 정식 조직원으로 들어가게 된다. 점차 조직 내에서 자신의 입지를 넓혀가던 그는 마침내 감비노 조직의 대부 자리에 오르며 미국 전역을 들썩이는 유명인사가 되지만, 자신뿐 아니라 조직과 가족들은 위험에 노출된다. 거대한 도시 뉴욕 위에서 군림한 절대권력의 마피아 대부 존 고티의 진짜 이야기가 시작된다.
Noah Cross
A dying woman wishes to see her family through the good times and the bad times she will miss.
Habit & Armour
History of Teutonic Order and Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania.
걸프렌드 데이
운도 없고, 직장도 없는 기념일 카드 작가인 주인공. 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 살해의 위협까지 받는다. 이 난관을 빠져나가려면 완벽한 새 기념일 카드를 제작해 성공시켜야 한다.
Cop Stories: The Making of Richard Fleischer’s ‘The New Centurions’
Joseph Wambaugh wrote his first novel 'The New Centurions' while still active as a member of the Los Angeles Police Department, and his fact-based, painfully realistic book became a nation-wide bestseller when it came out in 1971. Replacing heroic cops with struggling, psychologically damaged characters, Wambaugh changed crime literature forever. Richard Fleischer’s filming of Wambaugh’s novel, also called THE NEW CENTURIONS, followed a year later and, in turn, revolutionized crime movies. Featuring newly filmed interviews with writer Joseph Wambaugh, star Stacy Keach, technical advisor Richard E. Kalk (Wambaugh’s real-life LAPD partner) and assistant cameraman Ronald Vidor, COP STORIES: THE MAKING OF RICHARD FLEISCHER’S THE NEW CENTURIONS chronicles the production of that landmark film in all its stages from script to screen.
셀: 인류 최후의 날
Charles Ardai
만화가인 클레이 리델(존 쿠삭)은 공항에서 아내와 통화하던 중 휴대폰에서 흘러나오는 정체 모를 전파에 의해 공항 내에 있는 사람들이 미치광이처럼 날뛰며 서로를 공격하는 끔찍한 광경을 목격한다. 이상한 전파에 노출되지 않은 사람들은 송신탑을 찾아 피난을 떠나고, 클레이는 피난 중 만난 괴짜 무신론자 톰 맥코트(사무엘 L. 잭슨)와 엄마를 잃은 소녀 앨리스(이사벨 퍼만)와 함께 자신의 아내와 아들을 구하기 위해 미쳐버린 세상 속으로 뛰어드는데… 과연, 클레이는 멸망 끝에 있는 세상에서 아내와 아들을 만날 수 있을까?
Must See TV: An All Star Tribute to James Burrows
The stars of America's greatest comedies - like Cheers, Friends, Taxi and The Big Bang Theory - get together for one night only to honor Director James Burrows. Watch Must See TV: An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows.
Clive Coleman
인생 역전의 한 방을 노리는 ‘케니’(매튜 맥커너히)는 최대 규모의 금광 발견을 꿈꾼다. 그런 그에게 모두가 코웃음을 치지만, 자신의 신념 하나만 믿고 지질학자와 함께 인도네시아 정글로 탐사를 떠난다. 끝이 보이지 않을 것 같던 그 순간, 170억 달러 규모의 금을 발견하는 데 성공한 ‘케니’. 금광 발견이라는 성취감에 빠져 있던 그에게 전세계를 뒤흔드는 예상치 못한 사건이 일어나는데…
Lt. Colonel Bill Burkett
CBS 뉴스 프로그램 [60분]의 베테랑 프로듀서 메리 메이프스. 진실보도를 위해 의기투합한 메이프스팀은 간판 앵커 댄 래더와 손을 맞잡고 [60분]을 이끌어 나간다. 부시 대통령의 재선 캠페인이 이어지던 중, 메리는 부시의 군복무 비리 의혹을 뒷받침할 증거를 입수하고 추적 끝에 심층 보도 방송을 한다. 하지만 이내 증거 조작과 오보라는 주장이 제기되며 진실을 밝힐 논점은 조금씩 변질되어 [60분]팀을 위협하기 시작하는데…
Father Rupert Mayer
Colonel von Bayern
The Shopkeeper
An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
Fifty Shades of Erotica
Before Fifty Shades of Grey and beyond the limits of desire, Nucleus Films draw back the veil on Fifty Shades of Erotica. Now, in the privacy of your own home and as a consenting adult, you can succumb to trailers from carnal classics like The Libertine, Story of O, Venus In Furs, Cruel Passion, Gwendoline, Education Anglaise, Dressage and many, many more as you enter the timeless world of fetishistic fantasy, deviant desires and pulsating pleasure! Submit yourself to the salacious sensations and cruel caresses of this mind-blowing collection of curated carnality, the rare and raunchy, re-mastered from the finest available materials. So, lie back, relax and prepare to enter the sensual world of Fifty Shades of Erotica...
Vitaminamulch: Air Spectacular
It's Leadbottom's big day—the day of the flashy air show to promote Vitaminamulch fertilizer—and Dusty Crophopper and all his friends are there to support him. But when the main attraction, a star stunt duo, doesn't show up, it's up to Dusty and Chug to impersonate them and keep the audience happy. The chaos that results could spell disaster for Leadbottom—or it could be the greatest thing the crowd has ever seen!
이프 아이 스테이
첼리스트를 꿈꾸는 미아 홀(클로이 모레츠)은 더할 나위 없이 행복한 소녀다. 록 뮤지션 출신인 아빠와 그의 열혈팬이었던 엄마의 전폭적인 지원과 사랑을 받으며 성장한 그녀는 줄리아드의 입학 허가를 기다리는 중이다. 잠시 냉전기이긴 하지만 록밴드 보컬인 멋진 남자친구 아담(제이미 블랙클리)도 있다. 하지만 미아의 행복은 단 한순간에 사라지고 만다. 폭설로 휴교령이 내려진 겨울 아침, 드라이브를 나선 미아네 가족은 교통사고를 당해 부모님이 사망하고, 남동생 테디가 중상을 입는다. 미아는 곧 눈을 뜨지만, 눈 앞에서 벌어지는 상황에 뭔가 낯선 기분을 느낀다. 그녀는 이미 혼수상태에 빠져 유체 이탈 상태였던 것. 미아의 영혼은 자신의 육체를 뒤따라 병원으로 간다. 그곳에서 미아는 자신이 살아남길 기도하는 할아버지와 할머니, 아담, 단짝친구 킴 등을 만난다. 모든 걸 놓아버리고 싶은 미아는 그들과 함께 보낸 소중한 시간들, 그리고 부모님에 대한 생생한 추억과 사랑을 떠올리며 생명을 이어간다. 그런데 테디마저 죽었다는 소식을 듣게 된 미아는 이제 그만 삶을 끝내려고 하는데…
씬 시티: 다크히어로의 부활
씬 시티의 절대권력 ‘로어크’와의 도박판에 끼어든 겁 없는 겜블러 ‘조니’(조셉 고든-레빗)는 도박에서는 승리하지만 ‘로어크’에게 처절한 응징을 당하게 되고 그를 향한 복수의 칼날을 간다. 부패한 권력의 도시 씬 시티의 마지막 로맨티스트 ‘드와이트’(조슈 브롤린)는 용서를 구하는 옛 연인 ‘아바’(에바 그린)의 유혹에 넘어가 그녀의 남편을 살해하지만 결국 그 자신도 ‘아바’에 의해 위험에 처한다. 밤의 여신 ‘낸시’(제시카 알바)는 자신의 은인이자 연인 ‘하티건’(브루스 윌리스)을 잃고 ‘하티건’을 죽음으로 몰고 간 ‘로어크’를 향한 복수를 다짐한다. 이 모든 상황을 지켜보던 도시의 지배자 ‘마브’(미키 루크)는 이들의 복수에 가세한다. 씬 시티의 절대 악 ‘로어크’는 과연 제거 될 수 있을 것인가! 다크히어로의 부활을 맞이하라!
비행기 2: 소방구조대
Skipper (voice)
세계적으로 유명한 초고속 레이싱 비행기인 더스티는 엔진 고장으로 더 이상 레이싱을 할 수 없게 된다. 하는 수 없이 고향으로 돌아오지만 실수로 화재 사고를 일으키게 되고, 낙후된 장비 때문에 작은 불은 큰 불로 번지고 만다. 결국 고향을 위해 소방 구조대의 길로 뛰어 들게 된 더스티는 베테랑 소방 구조대인 블레이드 레인저의 팀에 합류해 차차 구조대의 일을 익히게 된다. 용감한 동료들과 함께 거대한 불길 속으로 뛰어 들면서 조금씩 성장하는 더스티. 과연 더스티는 진정한 영웅이 될 수 있을까?
Ed Pegram
"디센던트"의 알렉산더 페인이 다시 한 번 가족을 테마로 한 작품을 만들었다. "네브라스카"는 네브라스카로 향하는 부자의 로드무비이다. 건조한 유머와 독특한 영상으로 아버지를 절대 이해할 수 없는 아들의 이야기를 담았다.
Skipper (voice)
시골의 농약살포기 ‘더스티’는 세계 최고의 레이싱 챔피언을 꿈꾸는 비행기. 높은 곳을 무서워하는 고소공포증에도 불구하고 꿈을 위해 용기를 낸 ‘더스티’는 친구들의 도움을 받아 세계 레이싱 대회에 도전한다. 전 세계 최고의 레이서 비행기들이 출전하는 세계일주 비행대회에서 과연, 시골에서 온 고소공포증 비행기 ‘더스티’는 레이싱 챔피언의 꿈을 이룰 수 있을까?
The Great Chameleon
An ex-con searches for his niece as cops search for the money he stole.
Ooga Booga
Revenge is served on a spear when dirty cops brutally murder Devin, an innocent African-American med student. Devin's soul is magically transferred into the body of an action figure named Ooga Booga. Armed only with his tribal weapon and the help of his old girlfriend, Donna, Ooga Booga takes to the streets and trailer parks to find the men who stole his bright future away from him. The bodies begin to pile up as Ooga Booga slices and dices his way through crooked cops, meth heads and demented city officials in order to clear his name.
An Amazing Time: A Conversation About End of the Road
Documentary about the 1970 film, "End of The Road."
본 레거시
국방부에서 극비리에 진행중인 아웃컴 프로그램를 통해 제이슨 본을 능가하는 최정예 요원으로 훈련 받은 애론 크로스(제레미 레너). 제이슨 본에 의해 CIA의 트레드스톤의 존재가 세상에 알려지자, 아웃컴 프로그램 역시 보안을 보장할 수 없게 된다. 프로그램의 수장인 바이어(애드워드 노튼)는 각국의 모든 1급 요원들은 물론, 아웃컴 프로그램을 가장 잘 알고 있는 연구원 마르타(레이첼 와이즈)까지 제거해 모든 증거를 없애려 한다. 하지만 제거된 줄 알았던 애론 크로스가 요원들로부터 그녀를 구해내고 음모의 표적이 된 두 사람은 목숨을 건 반격을 시작하는데...
Warden Merville
Leroy Lowe, grand dragon of the Texas Ku Klux Klan confronts everything he's been taught to hate when he's sentenced to three years of hard labor on a prison work farm, where Warden Merville, dead set on rehabilitating Leroy, chooses Emilio, a Hispanic field worker imprisoned for fighting for labor rights, to be his cell-mate. Leroy, confined in a small cell with the enemy, far from the KKK comrades who deserted him, finds the chatty Emilio slowly chipping away at his anger and prejudice. His weekly rehabilitation meetings with the warden, barely tolerable as the man drones on about farm labor and field crops, take on a different meaning when Madalena, a beautiful Mexican maid is hired to clean the warden's office. An unconventional love story develops that opens Leroy's eyes to the possibility of a different life. And a man who was a born and bred racist finds himself heading down a completely different path to salvation.
세계 최강국으로서의 미국의 입지를 다지고자, 과학분야 박사들이 모여 ‘썬더헤드 프로젝트’에 착수한다. 하지만 재정 상의 문제로 프로젝트의 자금이 폐지되고 모든 연구가 물거품으로 돌아가자, 마커스 박사는 분노에 못 이겨 복수를 다짐한다. 몇 년 후, 워싱턴 미 의회를 시작으로 미국 전역에서 악천후 재앙이 발생하며 시민들을 공포에 몰아넣는 사건이 발생하게 되는데...
예루살렘 카운트다운
핵무기가 미국으로 밀반입되었을 때, FBI 요원 쉐인 도트리는 핵무기가 폭발하기 전에 그것들을 찾아야 하는 불가능한 임무에 직면했다. 시간이 촉박하게 흘러가고 있는 가운데 도울 수 있는 사람은 밀수된 무기 거래상과 이스라엘 모사드 요원, 그리고 장부에 적힌 CIA 부국장뿐입니다.
에어 메이터
Skipper (voice)
비행기를 타기로 한 메이터의 결정은 우연히 큰 에어쇼에 도착합니다.
Miller's Tale
Miller's Tale is a personal journey into the life of playwright and actor Jason Miller and his relationship with his hometown, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Best known for his performance as Father Karras in The Exorcist, Miller experienced a brief but brilliant period of national acclaim, then curiously abandoned Hollywood to return to his hometown. After Miller died in a local bar Scranton, at the age of 62, filmmaker and fellow Scranton native Rebecca Marshall Ferris set out with her camera to find out why did this exceptional playwright, who achieved such phenomenal early success, never write a Broadway play again? And what happened to Miller in Hollywood that would make him run away from a promising acting career?
Doc Franklin
몸을 도화지처럼 사용한 문신들, 상대방을 쏘아붙이는 번들거리는 눈빛... 불량배로만 보이는 마세티(대니 트레조)는 사실 전직 연방수사관이다. 악명 높은 멕시코 마약 밀매업자 토레스(스티븐 시걸)를 체포하려 했지만, 거꾸로 음모에 휘말려 가족의 죽음을 맞게 된 마세티는 텍사스로 탈출해 끔찍한 과거를 잊고 살고자 했다. 하지만 음모에 휘말린 마세티는 상원의원을 살해한 암살범으로 몰리며 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 그러던 어느 날 한 미모의 여수사관이 찾아오면서, 마세티의 멈출 수 없는 복수가 시작되는데...
The Aristofrogs
A short promotional film for the 2010 Oldenburg Film Festival consisting of various actors and film personalities telling a joke about an exceptionally talented frog.
The Portal
Professor Haffler
Investigators pursuing a bizarre hemorrhagic illness are lead to a strange black painting that they discover is a portal to another dimension.
Chicago Overcoat
Ray Berkowski
The fates of an aging hitman and a washed up detective become entwined when one last job leads to one last chance to settle an old score.
The Assistants
Jasper / The Garbage Man
Tinseltown has its movers and shakers, but they all first started somewhere as The Assistants in Hollywood. The Assistants is a new movie opening December 3. It's a story about a group of Hollywood assistants who use their positions to lie, con, and blackmail their way into producing their own movie. Though it's funny, certainly, there's also great truth in it. In the film, all these twentysomethings - wannabe actors, writers, directors, craftsmen, etc. - yearn, dream, hope and pray to one day be a success in the film business like those they work for and see all around them. Be careful what you wish for - particularly in Hollywood.
The Assistants
Harlin W. Keyes
Tinseltown has its movers and shakers, but they all first started somewhere as The Assistants in Hollywood. The Assistants is a new movie opening December 3. It's a story about a group of Hollywood assistants who use their positions to lie, con, and blackmail their way into producing their own movie. Though it's funny, certainly, there's also great truth in it. In the film, all these twentysomethings - wannabe actors, writers, directors, craftsmen, etc. - yearn, dream, hope and pray to one day be a success in the film business like those they work for and see all around them. Be careful what you wish for - particularly in Hollywood.
The Boxer
Ben is a tormented young man who escapes abuse, his life in crime streets to spend, with the result that he was in prison ends. If Ben is released, he comes back as a boxer, with the help of his mentor, Joe, a bokstrainer. Have a new found love named Natalie. But then he finds out that he more than just fighting for the title, he fights for his life, justice and honor
내니 익스프레스
Reverend MacGregor
With their mother dead, Emily and Ben torment their nannies to quit as fast as their father hires them. Till a nanny named Kate shows up and slowly wins Ben over. That's bad enough, but when her father and Kate start to fall in love, Emily sets out to break them up and match him with her ballet teacher.
카 툰 메이터의 놀라운 이야기
한때 잘 나가던 스턴트맨 메이터. 메이터는 자신의 옛 이야기를 폐차장 동료들에게 자랑스럽게 얘기한다. 공중 점프와 비행기를 이용한 묘기, 원형 불구덩이를 통과하는 등 못하는 묘기가 없었던 메이터. 그 중 메이터가 가장 자랑스러워하는 묘기는 바로 카부레터 캐년을 건너 뛴 이야기. 동료들 모두 믿지 못하는 가운데 메이터는 맥퀸도 같이 뛰었다며 이야기를 이어간다. 과연 맥퀸이 기억하지 못하는 메이터 최고의 묘기의 결말은 어떤 것일까?
더 프레지던트
Rev. Earle Hudd
술과 여자, 제멋대로 방탕한 삶을 살던 부시. 대통령 아버지에 대한 열등감에 출마한 주지사 선거에 덜컥 당선된다. 내친김에 나선 대통령 선거. 맙소사! 눈 떠보니 이제 미 대통령이다? 911 테러가 일어나고 단단히 기분 잡쳐 ‘악의 축’ 전쟁을 선포하고 전 세계는 전쟁의 소용돌이와 대규모 반전 시위로 발칵 뒤집히는데…
낫 콰이트 할리우드
As Australian cinema broke through to international audiences in the 1970s through respected art house films like Peter Weir's "Picnic At Hanging Rock," a new underground of low-budget exploitation filmmakers were turning out considerably less highbrow fare. Documentary filmmaker Mark Hartley explores this unbridled era of sex and violence, complete with clips from some of the scene's most outrageous flicks and interviews with the renegade filmmakers themselves.
Ring of Death
Warden Carl Golan
On the inside, there are no rules. See what happens when Prison Officials Profit from Illegal fights.
Camelot: Live from Lincoln Center
A production of the beloved Lerner and Loewe musical "Camelot," about the love triangle involving King Arthur (Gabriel Byrne), Guenevere (Marin Mazzie) and Sir Lancelot (Nathan Gunn). Pellinore: Christopher Lloyd. Morgan le Fey: Fran Drescher. Lionel: Marc Kudisch.
Lone Rider
Robert Hattaway
Bobby Hattaway (Lou Diamond Phillips), an honored soldier, returns home after the American Civil War to find his father's (Stacy Keach) formerly prosperous ranch now dangerously in debt to the town's ruthless leader, and Bobby's childhood friend, Stu Croker (Vincent Spano). Bobby will now face off against his former friend to take control from Stu.
The Last Full Measure
This emotionally charged drama takes you to Gettysburg and the actual sites of this awesome moment in history, where you'll visit Lttle Round Top, Seminary Ridge and of course the site of Pickett's charge. Archival historic commentary by famed Civil War historian Bruce Catton.
Sheriff Pugh
허니드리퍼는 달콤한 그대라는 뜻의 흑인 속어로, 1945년에 미국 빌보드차트에서 18주 연속 1등을 차지했던 전설적인 곡의 제목이다. 알라바마 시골 마을의 클럽 허니드리퍼에 의욕적인 젊은 기타리스트 샘이 들어오면서 부채에 시달리던 클럽은 활기를 띈다. 목화 따는 흑인들의 거친 삶에 잠재되어 있는 폭력과 그로 인해 발생하는 팽팽한 긴장감이 흥겨운 로큰롤 리듬과 함께 녹아내려 한 편의 드라마가 된다.
픽사 스토리
Narrator (voice)
루카스필름 산하의 그래픽 부서로 출범해 세계 최고의 3D 애니메이션 스튜디오로 성장한 픽사. 토이 스토리의 성공, 유능한 인재를 대접하는 픽사의 정책, 디즈니와의 관계, 그리고 놀라운 8개의 히트작에 이르기까지, 픽사 애니메이션 스튜디오의 뒷이야기를 초창기부터 살펴본다. 픽사의 창립 멤버였던 존 라세터와 에드윈 캐트멀, 그리고 스티브 잡스가 픽사에 미친 영향 또한 소개한다.
더 록 : 죽음의 섬
John Elias
죽음의 감옥 섬을 탈출하라! 탈출불가능!! 그곳은 알카트라즈를 능가하는 ‘죽음의 감옥 섬’이었다!! 인간 대 악령의 처절한 싸움을 묘사한 충격의 액션 호러!! 사형수의 원한이 소용돌이치는 공포의 감옥 섬 ‘이슬라 델 라 로커’ 그 저주받은 폐허에 그들이 발을 내딛는다. 도망 중인 무장강도단과 심령 다큐멘터리 촬영팀. 출구가 없는 감옥 ‘록’에서 악령과의 사투가 시작된다.
Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America
Collin Reed
An outbreak of avian flu mutates into a virus that becomes transmittable from human to human.
Come Early Morning
Owen Allen
A thirty-something southern woman searches for love, despite the burdens she carries with her.
Desolation Canyon
Samuel Kendrick
Following a bank robbery, the responsible gang stops by the home of one of their members and kidnaps his son. The sheriff enlists the aid of a retired gunfighter, who is the boy's grandfather. On the gang's trail, they find there are two bounty hunters also after the gang for crimes in Mexico.
Jesus, Mary and Joey
Jack O`Callahan
Twenty-something and aimless, Joey Vitello still lives at home with his colorful Italian-American family when he is reunited with a childhood schoolmate, Mary O'Callahan. Once mocked as 'Scary Mary' this ugly duckling has blossomed into an irresistible beauty. She's returned to the old neighborhood after an intense bout with cancer. When Joey learns her cure was the result of a miracle, friendship turns to romance as she educates him on the crossroads to the Almighty. Joey challenges his family's faith with his new found revelations and chaos ensues as they all search for a miracle of their own.
킵 유어 디스턴스
Brooks Voight
완벽하게 평온한 마을에서 모든 것을 가지고 완벽한 일상을 살아가던 데이빗은 익명에게서 보내진 미스테리한 편지들로 아내 수잔의 불륜을 알게 된다. 우연히 제약회사의 직원을 만나 문제를 해결하며 사랑에 빠지는데...
Man with the Screaming Brain
Dr. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
The brains of a Russian taxi driver and a wealthy businessman are brought together in one body by a mad scientist.
Caught in the Headlights
Mr. Jones
A federal agent, Kate Parker arrives in a small rural town to extradite Claire Scott, a young woman suspected of murdering a government scientist. Kate is prevented from delivering her prisoner as the mysterious John Lawson, a rouge agent, now selling classified information on the black market, wants what Claire has - a deadly biological formula. Claire, unaware that she has it, proclaims her innocence, and together with Kate, must escape from Lawson and his two seasoned assassins Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Harry Eden, a CIA operative and Kate's former lover, is dropped into the equation to help Kate but ultimately might lead to her demise as a deadly game of cat-and-mouse is played to its extreme.
El padrino: The Latin Godfather
Gov. Lancaster
In the streets of East Los Angeles, Manny is a formidable drug dealer. Impressed by his extravagant lifestyle and prowess, his young son, Kilo, yearns to follow in his footsteps. Kilo resolves to learn how to prosper in the drug world, and his new life as a dealer begins. In a world where a man wants everything, he may end up with nothing.
The Hollow
Claus Van Ripper
The presence of Ichabod Crane's descendant in Sleepy Hollow conjures the Headless Horseman, and slaughter ensues.
Galaxy Hunter
Well into the future, a senior interplanetary investigator, 3V3, sends a distress signal. Ginger, a tough and ravishing stellar investigator takes the assignment and follows the signal to a planet where a nasty villain, Zidian, is brewing and exporting an addictive drug called "toad." It's also he who has captured 3V3. Ginger recruits four tough female bounty hunters. We learn more about 3V3's identity and Ginger's skills at entrapment. Plus, there's Ray, a bartender who has a history with Ginger. Can the five women find and rescue 3V3, foil Zidian's plans, and escape with their lives?
John Carpenter: The Man and His Movies
Chronicles the work of cult director John Carpenter through interviews with him and his associates, with emphases on the earlier work.
Kangaroo Hitchcock: The Making of 'Road Games'
A look behind the scenes at the making of the 1981 thriller, "Roadgames".
How Do You Change Your Parents?
Richard Hendersen
Lydia and Vincent Lufft adopted the now 10-year-old Marie, so Vincent has better career prospects at the very child-friendly Henderson Games. But Marie forges with her friend Nick a plan: they want to fake a kidnapping to get away from the adoptive parents. To find the alleged abducted Marie Max Hoch, expert of a security company, consulted. Max himself does not want to have children unlike his girlfriend. He soon finds out that the abduction can only be faked. However, when Heinz Michelin, a friend of the family who wants to pay Marie's debt back with the reward, urges to help with the kidnapping, he brings with him two real hijackers. Max brings Marie to his unsuspecting girlfriend Karo to protect her. In the meantime, Max is himself suspected by the police to have kidnapped Marie. Only with a trap can he prove his innocence.
Frozen Impact
Pete Crane
A plane, carrying the liver destined for a child's transplant, crashes in a hailstorm.
Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science
For the first time, scientists from many disciplines put the most compelling sasquatch evidence under the microscope and apply forensic science to the on-going mystery. Their conclusions shed new light as to whether we have a living, breathing North American ape living in our forests. Evidence collected by the BFRO, including the Skookum Cast, is featured. This cutting edge 1-hour 35mm film documentary is a co-production by Doug Hajicek of Whitewolf Entertainment Inc., The Discovery Channel, and Bosch Media.
Operation Balikatan
General Thurmond
An elite group of American soldiers are in a race against time in this action thriller from director Cirio H. Santiago. Stacy Keach stars as the general in charge of the team tasked with infiltrating a terrorist organization and saving an American politician before the bad guys kill him. When Eagles Strike also stars Christian Boeving and Davee Youngblood.
The Real Death Star
This documentary examines theories behind the creation of gamma ray bursts, destructive explosions in space that can wipe out entire star systems.
The Santa Trap
It's Christmas Eve and Judy Emerson is told there's no such thing as Santa. Determined to prove her family wrong, she sets an elaborate trap and successfully captures Santa Claus himself. But her parents think the jolly old elf is a burglar and have Santa arrested.
Lightning: Fire from the Sky
Bart Pointdexter
Overwhelmed by a disastrous lightning storm that his son predicted, a man must learn to trust his son in order to save his family and the whole community.
Birds of Passage
Captain Savienko
A quest for freedom in the South China Sea. Victims of China’s “One-Child” policy, 100 orphans, all girls, are shepherded by a determined activist, Mrs. Brown (Charlotte De Turckheim) onto a tramp freighter for a harrowing escape from the Chinese authorities.
The Face: Jesus in Art
This documentary traces the dramatically different ways in which Jesus has been represented in art throughout history and around the world. Narrated by Mel Gibson, Ricardo Montalban, Bill Moyers, Edward Herrmann, Patricia Neal and others, the program utilizes the latest digital technology and motion control photography to reconstruct and relocate works into their original locations. Amazing digital morphing sequences dramatically illustrate how the image of Jesus has changed over time while unique special effects virtually reconstruct art that has been destroyed or lost forever. A sweeping and visually riveting lesson in art history, The Face: Jesus In Art is a documentary of stunning beauty and unprecedented innovation.
Gen. John Parker
When The General is assassinated in the streets of San Juan, his four daughters are left embroiled in a scheme that leads all the way to the CIA and U.S. Treasury department. Now they must rely on each other to escape with their lives.
Majestic White Horses
This equine odyssey travels such little-known turf as General George Patton's involvement in a daredevil World War II coup called "Operation Cowboy" that rescued 500 of Austria's famous white Lipizzans. It is a stunning behind-the-scenes production on the Spanish Riding School of Vienna, spiced with legends even linked to the prophet Mohammed.
Mercy Streets
Estranged twin brothers - one a con man, the other an Episcopal deacon - accidentally switch places... and find God in the process.
Savage Planet: Deadly Skies
Look out from above: These would seem to be the watchwords of this Stacy Keach-narrated PBS presentation about the dangers that emerge from the Earth's upper atmosphere. From a 27-pound meteor that crashes into a motorist's car to a lightning bolt that blows a pair of glider pilots out of the sky and a freak hailstorm in Sydney, Australia, this episode explains, explores and details the power of the Earth's savage skies.
Alien technology
A look at the possible effect of recovered alien technology on our lives.
Fear Runs Silent
Mr. Hill
When high school science teacher, Mr.Hill, convinces his student, Kerry Johnson, and a group of her friends to go on an overnight field trip, they find themselves face to face with the darkest side of terror. Not even their worst nightmares will compare to what they encounter in the depths of the forest. Neither Mr.Hill nor sheriff could ever hope to save them from what lurks in the unknown.
The Courage to Love
Jean-Baptiste Delille
In 19th century New Orleans creole Henriette must choose between love and devotion to the church. Neither choice is going to be easy, as there is great opposition to her ideas of breaking traditions.
Warden Kelso
Dramatisation of Harold Morris's book based on his own life as a racist who is falsely imprisoned, but turns his life around, becoming friends with a black man and winning an humanitarian award.
테슬라 - 전기의 아버지
Nikola Tesla (Voice)
교류시스템을 사용하여 나이아가라 폭포의 에너지를 이용했고 미국과 세계에 전력공급을 가능하게 했던 니콜라 테슬라에 대한 다큐멘터리이다.
Bill Foster
At the the Killington ski resort something has gone awry. Evil terrorists led by the sinister Greig have taken the resort hostage with a stolen nuclear device. It's up to Ski Patrol bum Matt Foster to save the day... and his fiancé.
George Armstrong Montgomery
When deadly anthrax missiles are stolen by a militia, ATF agent Ethan Carter must go undercover and join the group to save the country from disaster.
일리언 6 - 더 싸인 666
Dr. Michaels
A girl called Hannah goes back to her hometown (Gatlin) to find her mother but on the way she picks up a strange man who fore-shadows her life with a passage from the bible. When she gets there she wakes up Isaac from a coma he has been in for 19 years. Isaac is awake and wants to fulfil the final prophecy.
National Geographic's Dolphins: The Wild Side
Dolphins: The Wild Side follows these mammals in the wild as they fight for mating rights, hunt for food, and clash with other dolphin species. Thanks to some brilliant underwater camerawork, we're treated to the sight of dolphins hydroplaning through 10 inches of water after fish, ramming one other in a quarrel over females, and evading a group of hungry orcas in Alaska. (Killer whales are actually part of the dolphin family, but they feel no compunction about feeding on their smaller cousins--not a scene for the squeamish!) But perhaps the most impressive part of this documentary are the scenes of a dolphin pod working in concert to trap a shimmering, mammoth school of sardines. Through calculated use of air bubbles, tail slaps, and sonic pips, the animals corral their prey and have a feast. The clever, and at times ruthless, nature of these mammals is on abundant display in this entertaining documentary
Olympic Glory
A documentary covering the 1998 Olympic Games in Nagano, filmed for IMAX presentations.
Sea Devils
Captain Savienko
This edge-of-your-seat suspenser pitts Sam Spencer, a Mafia fugitive on the lam, against the obstinate and difficult Captain Savienko. When Spencer hops Savienko's nuclear waste-filled vessel as a stowaway - without asking permission - it sets the stage for a violent conflict between the two hotheaded men.
아메리칸 히스토리 X
3년 전 강도 사건으로 소방수였던 아버지를 잃은 데렉은 백인 우월주의자들의 모임인 DOC에 관심을 갖게 되면서 유색인종에게 그 분노와 증오를 터트린다. 그는 혐오스러운 유색인종들을 이 땅에서 몰아내야 한다고 주장하면서 강렬한 카리스마로 동료들 사이에서 영웅이 된다. 가족들은 그런 그의 모습을 걱정하여 만류하지만, 단 한 사람, 동생 대니만은 그를 전적으로 믿고 따른다. 어느 날, 데렉에게 적대감을 품은 흑인들이 아버지의 낡은 밴을 훔치러 왔을 때 그는 서슴없이 그들에게 총을 겨눈다. 그리고는 총을 맞고 신음하는 그를 참혹하게 죽이고 마는데...
Mike Hammer's Mickey Spillane
Mickey Spillane and actors and writers of the mystery genre discuss Mike Hammer.
Future Fear
General Wallace
An able-bodied scientist has found a cure for the plague from outer space which has eradicated almost all life on the planet. A mad general who wants to repopulate the planet with a new race sends a special female assassin to take him out.
Murder in My Mind
Brain cells from a murdered woman are transplanted into an FBI agent, in the hopes of finding the killer.
Legend of the Lost Tomb
Dr. William Bent
While excavating near the Pyramids, Dr. Leonhardt finds a small box with a map to the treasures of the Pharaoh Ramessess II. On his way to deliver this to the local authorities, he is kidnapped by his nemesis Dr. Bent. Before Bent can retrieve the papyrus map, Karen, who is Leonhardt's student assistant, and John, Leonhardt's son take the map to look for Leonhardt. They soon find that Bent is in hot pursuit and they figure that the only way to save Leonhardt is to be the first to the treasure so that they could ransom the Doctor from Bent. But Bent has other plans for all three of them.
Volcano: Nature's Inferno
Narrator (voice)
Travel around the world for a firsthand look at volcanoes - perhaps the most dazzling but destructive natural force on earth. Massive volcanic eruption can turn day into night, releasing the power of an atomic blast, spewing toxic avalanches of lava, gas, and ash. National Geographic Video transports you to some of the world's most notorious volcanoes, including Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines and Japan's Mount Unzen. Join volcanologists in their dangerous quest to forecast eruptions and save lives, putting you in the middle of the explosive excitement and human drama of Volcano: Nature's Inferno.
The Sea Wolf
Thrown overboard while conducting an environmental investigation, Humphrey Van Weyden is as good as dead. But before he can meet his watery doom, he is plucked up by the crew of the freighter "The Ghost". The ship's formidable captain, Wolf Larsen, sees a challenge in Humphrey; to turn this over educated idealist into a man of action like himself. Larsen succeeds in changing Humphrey's life, but in the process sacrifices himself to the same rage and instability that makes him such a powerful figure. In a gripping final confrontation, Humphrey must stop Wolf from destroying everything around him as he battles his own mortality. Based on the classic novel by Jack London.
Prey of the Jaguar
The Commander
When his wife and son are brutally murdered by a fugitive drug lord that he helped put behind bars, former Special Ops agent Derek Leigh vows to avenge their deaths. After mastering lethal fighting skills at the hands of a martial arts instructor, he assumes the identity of The Jaguar - a vigilante superhero from his son's drawings - and with nothing more to lose, sets out on a fierce, one-man blood hunt to bring the criminals to final justice.
LA 탈출
술, 담배, 마약, 총기소지, 여자와 심지어는 육식까지도 금지된 21세기의 미국. 종신 재임하게 된 미국 대통령은 아예 자신의 고향으로 백악관을 옮겨버리고, 지진으로 영토에서 분리된 LA를 미국 본토로부터 분리시켜 범법자나 반정부 단체들을 가두어 버려 LA는 무법 천지가 된다. 이때 대통령의 딸이 L.A.의 갱단 두목 쿠에르보 존슨에게 포섭되어 대통령의 블랙박스를 훔쳐 그에게로 가버린 사건이 발생했는데, 그 블랙박스 안에는 전세계의 전원을 차단시킬 수 있는 리모콘이 들어 있었다. 이에 정부는 반정부 세력의 신화로 존재하던 범법자 스네이크(Snake Plissken: 커트 러셀 분)에게 열 시간 후에 사망하는 바이러스를 주사 한 후 그에게 주어진 시간내에 블랙박스를 찾아올 것을 명령하고, 블랙박스와 해독제 주사를 교환하는 조건을 내건 것이다. L.A.에서의 작업은 처음부터 쉽지 않은데, 계속해서 생체 이식수술을 해서 살아가는 사람들이 있는 병원, 10초내로 10점을 따지 않으면 죽어야하는 농구 시합 등 여러 차례의 죽을 고비를 넘긴 그는 허쉬(팜 그리어 분)를 만나게 된다. 여장을 하고 있는 허쉬는 그가 예전부터 믿고 지내던 사람이었는데, 허쉬의 행글라이더를 이용해 스네이크는 결국 블랙박스를 손에 넣게 된다. 가까스로 대통령 관저에 도착한 스네이크가 리모콘을 건네주자 대통령은 제3 세계의 전원을 차단하기 위한 암호를 입력한다. 그러나 그가 건네준 리모트 컨트롤은 가짜였는데.
The Pathfinder
Compte du Leon
In this sequel to The Last of the Mohicans, the Pathfinder (Kevin Dillon) defends a British fort under siege during the French and Indian Wars. His Indian father, Chingachgook (Graham Greene), and the lovely Mabel Dunham (Laurie Holden) are swept up in the battle, and the Pathfinder finds himself forced to choose between his father and the woman he loves. The film is based on last of James Fenimore Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales."
The Titanic's Lost Sister
Narrator - US Version (voice)
An account of Dr. Robert D. Ballard's exploration of the wreck of the Britannic in September 1995. Britannic, the sister-ship of the Titanic, was sunk after a mysterious explosion while serving as a hospital ship during World War One. Ballard sets out to relocate the wreck and attempts to prove once and for all whether it was a German mine or torpedo which inflicted the fatal damage. Documentary-
Young Ivanhoe
Ivanhoe is learning his way while having dealing with his father, Sir Cedric. The Normans are threatening England so he must quickly develop under the tutelage of the Black Knight, secretly King Richard, and followers of Robin Hood.
Amanda & the Alien
Emmitt Mallory
Amanda, an employee at an upscale clothing store, is leading a relatively lonely and unremarkable life. All this changes when an alien that's been held a secret military installation excapes by taking over the body of one of the base employees. Amanda finds the fugitive alien and decides to help it hide from the government agents chasing it, a seemingly easy task, as the alien must change host bodies every few days. Will she be able to help her new companion make a clean getaway?
Sam Houston
In the beginning of the 19th Century many Anglosaxons are settling in the Mexican province of Texas. As the years go by, political conflicts between the settlers and the Mexican government are escalating which would lead to war and Texan independence.
Andrew Wyeth: Self Portrait - Snow Hill
A documentary about the painter Andrew Wyeth. The program incorporates the artist's great works along with family photographs, home movies, and personal letters to give viewers insight into the artist's very private world.
Against Their Will: Women in Prison
Jack Devlin
Behind prison walls, corruption, sex and power make criminals out of the guards and heroes out of the guarded. For more than a decade, the lawless guards inside a maximum security women's prison have reigned with impunity - rape, sex for money and illegal favors have become the norm until one woman decides to battle the system. Leading a group of inmates on a risky life-or-death struggle for justice, a ten year silence is finally broken, exposing the twisted truth to the world and enabling the prisoners the freedom to live without fear.
The Secret of the Wild Child
A documentary about Genie, who spent the first thirteen years of her life imprisoned in her bedroom by her father, with her arms and legs immobilized.
New Crime City: Los Angeles 2020
In the 21st Century, Tony Ricks was a criminal who was executed for his crimes. In the distant year 2020, he is revived in a freak accident, and must infiltrate a futuristic prison and retrieve a powerful bioweapon in exchange for his freedom... and his life.
Raw Justice
Deputy Mayor Bob Jenkins
The mayor of a small town hires a bounty hunter to find his daughter's killer, but it turns out to be a very dangerous job.
배트맨: 유령의 마스크
Phantasm / Carl Beaumont (voice)
오리지널 만화책을 원작으로 한 90년대 TV만화시리즈가 팀 버튼의 영화로 스타일이 살아 넘치는 애니메이션 어드벤처로 만들어졌다. 1960년대 버전의 배트맨과는 달리 이 버전에서는 정의의 슈퍼 히어로에 대한 강박관념으로 반쯤 미친 배트맨이 되었다. 이 이야기는 Dark Knight 가 잡히지 않는 환영을 잡으려는 노력을 뒤쫓으면서 배트맨의 기원을 그린 성인 애니메이션 작품이다.
썬셋 그릴
Harrison Shelgrove
Ryder Hart is a private investigator and former police officer who is down on his luck and drinks too much. His estranged wife Anita runs a bar and restaurant called the Sunset Grill and is romantically involved with Jeff Carruthers, a detective who worked with Hart. When someone close to them is murdered, Hart and Carruthers team up to try to solve the crime.
보디 백
세 개의 단편 공포 영화 모음. 첫 번째는 연쇄살인범, 두 번째는 두발 이식, 세 번째는 야구 선수에 관한 이야기이다.
National Geographic: Ztracené lodě Guadalcanalu
Explorer follows Bob Ballard and veterans from both America and Japan as they search for ships that were sunk during the Battle of Guadalcanal.
Irresistible Force
Harris Stone
A police sergeant is hoping for a few quiet weeks before his impending retirement, but his plans are scuppered when he is joined by an over-enthusiastic rookie partner who is assigned to him after failing her field test. To make matters worse, trouble looms when a group of white supremacists hold up a local shopping centre.
Rio Diablo
Kenny Roger's leaves his good-guy image behind as the rugged, gutsy Quentin Leach, a bounty hunter with a quick temper and a trigger finger to match. If you're an outlaw with a price on your head, Leach is the last man you'll want to meet. Travis Tritt, in an impressive acting debut, stars as Benjamin Tabor, a man out for blood after a gang of murderous bank robbers flee with his beautiful young bride. Together, Tabor and Leach take to the Trail with guns blazing in search of the same outlaws. And they're not going to stop until they find them - dead or alive.
Warren Oates: Across the Border
A retrospective of the work of the late actor Warren Oates, with clips from his films and interviews with cast and crew members who worked with him.
Working with Orson Welles
"Working with Orson Welles" is a low-budget production put together by Gary Graver, who worked as a cameraman for Welles in the last 15 years of his life.
George McClellan (voice)
Famous actors read testimonies from people close to Lincoln about him and his actions during the Civil War.
Revenge on the Highway
Claude Sams
At his wedding Claude Sams has an argument with his son about his life-style; in anger Paul leaves. Together with a friend he sets out for Vegas to search a job. While changing a tire on the highway, he's killed by a passing truck. The police believes it's been an accident, but Claude doesn't accept this and frantically searches for a yellow truck and it's crazy driver at all truck stations.
Lincoln and the War Within
First few weeks of Lincoln's presidency where crucial for the direction the country would take. He had to bridge the gap between the victorious North and the jaded South and William H. Seward, his Secretary of State, played a crucial role.
The Secret World Of Bats
Cinematographer Dieter Plage follows Bat Conservation International founder Merlin Tuttle across five continents, capturing all aspects of bat behaviour with slow-motion photography. You'll see bats courting, rearing their young, and hunting prey. You'll witness the symbiosis between bats and desert cacti, tropical rain forest trees and the African baobab "tree of life." You'll meet bat conservationists the world over, from Thai monks to Australia's "bat mums."
Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis
Capt. Charles Butler McVay
True story of the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, its crew's struggle to survive the sharks and exposure, and the captain's scape-goat court-martial.
Prague, 1920. Milena's father wants her to follow in his footsteps and be one of the first female doctors in Czechoslovakia, but she is determined to be a writer. She elopes to Vienna with the Jewish music critic Ernst Pollak, and starts a correspondence with Franz Kafka. She leaves Pollak and returns to Prague with her father, where she befriends and translates Kafka. As a journalist, Milena covers the 1923 Ruhr worker's strike and meets the communist architect Jaromir.
Self - Narrator (voice)
Charles Lindbergh lived a life of absolutes, never doubting his own abilities or the altitude of his own moral high ground. His extraordinary character brought him unparalleled accomplishment but also public humiliation and lonely isolation, as his faith in genetic determinism could barely conceal his narrow, naive, and racist social and political views.
False Identity
Ben Driscoll / Harlan Errickson
When Rachel, a radio personality, discovers a Purple Heart at a garage sale she decides to find out its history. She finds that the medal belonged to a man named Harlan Erickson, a long-lost brother of the town's leading citizen.
Night Of 100 Stars III
A celebrity benefit for The Actors' Fund of America, featuring music, songs, dance and comedy.
폭력교실 1999
Dr. Bob Forrest
핵전쟁 이후 폐허에 가까운 세기말. 교실은 온통 난장판이다. 학교인지 건달소굴인지 모를 이 곳을 평정하기 위해 로봇 선생들이 파견된다. 학교는 평정되지만 로봇선생들은 점점 이상한 행동을 하는데, 학생들을 순화시키는 것이 그 정도를 지나쳐 폭력의 수준이다. 뭔가 이상한 낌새를 챈 학생들은 인정머리라고는 없는 로봇선생들에 대항해 폭력으로 맞서기 시작하는데...
Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All
Mike Hammer
Mike Hammer is kidnapped and led to believe it is the work of a Las Vegas entertainer, but soon realises somebody else is involved.
The Forgotten
Adam Roth
Based on a story by Vietnam veteran Paul Staples, the film concerns six American Green Berets, held for 17 years in a Vietnamese POW camp. They are finally released in secret, during a delicate trade-talk session between Vietnam and the United States. Captain Tom Watkins, the ex-prisoners' CO, begins to suspect that government-man Adam Roth, who is in charge of the debriefing, may be pursuing a hidden agenda that will result in the early deaths of Watkins and the five men under his command.
The Return of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer
Mike Hammer
After two attempts to kidnap a little girl Mike Hammer is hired to protect her.
Intimate Strangers
Dr. Jeff Bierston
A Vietnam War nurse, who was captured by the enemy and held prisoner of war for many years, escapes her captors and finds her way back to America. Upon returning to the States, she must cope with her readjustment to post-war society, POW nightmares and her husband's new wife.
More Than Murder
Mike Hammer
Private eye Mike Hammer tries to clear his friend, Captain Chambers, who has been framed for cocaine possession.
Murder Me, Murder You
Mike Hammer
Private eye Mike Hammer probes his long-lost love's death while seeking their daughter.
That Championship Season
James Daley
It started as a friendly meeting between 4 old buddies with their basketball coach and ended up in revealing the truth about their relationship. The meeting forces the five men to reveal their true identity, to be honest with each other for the first time in their lives. When the night comes to an end they decide to go back to the old glorious days and reunite into the team which won that championship season, back in 1957.
Jess Tyler
Jess Tyler lives a quiet life next to an abandoned mining factory by himself in the desert. His life is turned upside down when a sexually provocative young woman comes to visit him and tells him she's his daughter. Jess finds it hard to adapt to his newly found parenting role, as a mutual attraction grows between them.
Wait Until Dark
Roat / Roat Sr. / Roat Jr.
A videotaped production of the Frederick Knott play in which three criminals play an elaborate scam on a blind woman who is in possession of a doll that, unbeknownst to her, is very incriminating. The play had already been famously adapted for the screen in 1967 starring Audrey Hepburn. This 1982 version was frequently shown on HBO in the 1980s.
치치와 총의 나이스 드림
The Sarge Stedanko
대마초를 재배해 파는 두 남자와 그들을 쫓는 경찰 사이의 소동을 그린 영화
로드 게임
Patrick 'Pat' Quid
퀴드(Pat Quid: 스테이시 키치 분)는 오스트레일리아 동서부를 가로질러 정육을 운송하는 트럭 운전사이다. 모텔 앞에서 조심스럽게 쓰레기 꾸러미에 온 신경을 쓰는 수상한 자를 보게 된다. 하이웨이를 달리던 퀴드는 그 모텔에서 살인 사건이 일어난 것을 알게 되고 곧이어 인적없는 벌판에 차를 세운채 무언가를 묻는 사람을 다시 본다. 섬뜩한 느낌과 함께 하이웨이에서의 토막난 여인 살해 사건이 계속 보도되는데...
롱 라이더스
Executive Producer
남북전쟁 직후 아직 질서가 잡히지 않은 서부 미주리주. 무법의 시대에 서부사상 가장 유명한 제시 제임스가 출현한다. 제시 제임스일당은 은행을 털고, 열차를 습격하여 많은 현상금이 붙는다. 제시 제임스일당의 피해를 입은 마을은 추적대를 조직 제시 제임스 일당을 뒤쫓는다. 그러나 번번히 제시 제임스 일당은 추적대를 비웃듯이 포위망을 빠져나가는데...
롱 라이더스
남북전쟁 직후 아직 질서가 잡히지 않은 서부 미주리주. 무법의 시대에 서부사상 가장 유명한 제시 제임스가 출현한다. 제시 제임스일당은 은행을 털고, 열차를 습격하여 많은 현상금이 붙는다. 제시 제임스일당의 피해를 입은 마을은 추적대를 조직 제시 제임스 일당을 뒤쫓는다. 그러나 번번히 제시 제임스 일당은 추적대를 비웃듯이 포위망을 빠져나가는데...
롱 라이더스
Frank James
남북전쟁 직후 아직 질서가 잡히지 않은 서부 미주리주. 무법의 시대에 서부사상 가장 유명한 제시 제임스가 출현한다. 제시 제임스일당은 은행을 털고, 열차를 습격하여 많은 현상금이 붙는다. 제시 제임스일당의 피해를 입은 마을은 추적대를 조직 제시 제임스 일당을 뒤쫓는다. 그러나 번번히 제시 제임스 일당은 추적대를 비웃듯이 포위망을 빠져나가는데...
Portrait of a Rebel: The Remarkable Mrs. Sanger
Judge Murdock
The dramatized biography of Margaret Sanger, the crusader who founded America's first birth control clinic during World War I and was tried in court under obscenity laws.
9번째 배치
Col. Vincent Kane
'엑소시스트' 의 작가 윌리암 피터 블래티(William Peter Blatty)가 자신의 원작 '윈클 윈클 킬러 케인(Twinkle Twinkle Killer Kane)'을 직접 영화화한 감독 데뷔작.
Two Solitudes
Huntley McQueen
The story of the problems caused by what became known as the Conscripton Crisis in 1917 Canada, which threatened to divide the country.
Slave of the Cannibal God
Professor Edward Foster
A girl and her brother fly to New Guinea to look for a lost expedition, led by her husband, which has vanished in the great jungle.
업 인 스모크
Sgt. Stedenko (Narc)
An unemployed pot-smoking slacker and amateur drummer, Anthony Stoner ditches his strict parents and hits the road, eventually meeting kindred spirit Pedro de Pacas. While the drug-ingesting duo is soon arrested for possession of marijuana, Anthony and Pedro get released on a technicality, allowing them to continue their many misadventures and ultimately compete in a rock band contest, where they perform the raucous tune "Earache My Eye."
위기의 핵잠수함
Captain Bennett
원자력 잠수함이 고장난 화물선과의 충돌로 심해에 침몰하게 된다. 통신두절과 낙석들로 인해 승무원들의 불안과 공포는 극에 달하고,수압을 견디지 못하는 잠수함의 위기가 더해 갈 수록, 절박한 상황에서 울부짖는 승무원들의 공포가 커져만가고.
The Biggest Battle
Maggiore Mannfred Roland
A story of how World War II affected the lives of a German family and an American family, both of whom had sons and fathers fighting in the war.
Narrated by (voice)
1800년대 나폴레옹이 프랑스를 지배하던 때, 프랑스군의 청년 장교인 알몬드 듀베르(키이스 캐러딘 분)은 시장의 조카를 상대로 결투를 벌여 큰 상처를 입힌 프랑스군의 청년 장교 가브리엘 페로(하비 케이틀 분)를 체포하라는 명령을 받는다. 공교롭게 페로는 듀베르가 자신을 모욕했다며 결투를 신청하지만 손놀림이 좀 더 빠른 듀베르에게 부상을 입어 승부를 가리지 못한다. 페로는 자신의 실추된 명예를 되찾겠다는 일념으로 전쟁 중에는 결투를 금지한다는 프랑스 법으로 인해 반년을 기다려 다시 결투를 신청한다. 이렇게 시작된 두 사람의 결투는 나폴레옹이 폴란드를 침공하고, 러시아로 진격해가는 과정에서도 그치지 않고 15년간이나 계속된다. 듀베르는 사랑하는 사람과 결혼을 하고 가정을 꾸려 평범한 삶을 살아가고자 하지만 명예를 되찾기 위해 혈안이 된 페로가 계속 방해를 한다. 처음엔 페로의 끊임없는 결투 신청을 피해보려던 듀베르도 차츰 결투에 집착하게 되고, 정권이 바뀌어 페로가 반역자 명단에 오르기도 하지만 결투를 계속하기 위해 그의 사건을 중재하는 일까지 벌어진다. 결국 15년간이나 계속된 두 사람의 결투는 차츰 '왜 싸우는가?'에 대한 이유조차 잊어버린 채 서로에 대한 증오와 집착으로 변해버린 채, 폐허가 된 성에서 서로 총을 겨누며 마지막 결전을 벌이게 된다.
The Squeeze
Jim Naboth
An alcoholic London ex-cop becomes involved in a kidnapping drama and tries to free the daughter of a friend from a brutal gangster mob.
Six Characters in Search of An Author
A rehearsal is disrupted when six figures mysteriously appear on the stage, claiming to be fictional characters from an unfinished play searching for an author to tell their tragic story. An adaptation of the classic Luigi Pirandello play, updated to take place in a 1970s television studio.
The Killer Inside Me
Lou Ford
Haunted by visions from his abusive childhood, Montana deputy sheriff Lou Ford gradually exhibits the signs of a homicidal schizophrenic.
Street People
Charlie Hanson
A Mafia boss is enraged when he is suspected of smuggling a heroin shipment into San Francisco. He dispatches his nephew, a hotshot Anglo-Sicilian lawyer, to identify the real culprit. The lawyer also enlists the aid of his best friend, a grand prix driver with an adventurous streak.
Matt Blackwood
The story of a pioneer family in the early 1800s that seeks its fortunes on the Ohio frontier.
James Dean: The First American Teenager
Narrator (voice)
Stacy Keach narrates this documentary that chronicles the abbreviated life and career of iconic brooding bad boy James Dean, from his obscure early days working in television to his rise to stardom in films such as Rebel Without a Cause. Clips from Dean's movies are intermingled with candid interviews with the star's friends and Hollywood colleagues, including Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dennis Hopper.
캡틴 클럽
Capitano Archer
A company of British soldiers in colonial India is shaken when the widow of their most honored hero is assaulted. A young officer must defend a fellow lieutenant from the charges in an unusual court-martial, while investigating the deepening mystery behind the attack.
One By One
Intended to be about the passing of the torch from Stewart to Cevert; One By One is a documentary chronicling the lives of Formula 1 racers in the seventies.
All the Kind Strangers
James "Jimmy" Wheeler
An LA photographer, driving through backwoods country, spots a young boy walking on the side of the road and offers him a ride home. After reaching the isolated house, he discovers that the boy and his siblings are keeping a woman prisoner as their "mom" and now he is expected to be their "dad"...or else.
Mike Mandell / Sonny
A district attorney becomes a fugitive from justice after a number of botched drug busts lead to conflict with a miltaristic narc. As the days drag on, he sinks deeper into drugs and paranoia.
The Dion Brothers
Two rural West Virginia brothers leave home, rob an armored car and become fugitives.
Martin Luther
One sixteenth-century clergyman's view breaks the Catholic Church apart.
Incident at Vichy
Adapted from Arthur Miller's play, film focuses on a group of Frenchmen who are detained at Vichy, the capital of France while under Nazi occupation, and "investigated" under suspicion of secretly being Jewish.
폴 뉴먼의 법과 질서
Bad Bob
문명과는 동떨어진 페코스강 유역의 한 마을에는 무법자들만 몰려든다. 은행을 털고 이곳에 숨어온 로이 빈은 판사가 되겠다고 자처하고 마을의 법과 질서를 유지하기 시작한다. 한편 그는 마을 땅의 소유자라며 굴러 들어온 변호사 개스를 강제로 정착시킨다. 그의 노력으로 마을은 점점 커져만 가는데...
The New Centurions
Roy Fehle
An idealistic rookie cop joins the LAPD to make ends meet while finishing law school, and is indoctrinated by a seasoned veteran. As time goes on, he loses his ambitions and family as police work becomes his entire life.
팻 시티
예전에는 잘나가는 프로복서였지만 어느덧 시합 잡기도 힘든 늙은 퇴물 복서가 된 주인공 툴리(스테이시 키치)는 나이는 젊지만 실력은 전혀 없는 신인 어니(제프 브리지스)를 가르치며 자신의 꿈을 이루려고 하지만 이것마저도 생활고로 무산되고 만다. 결국 돈 몇 푼을 벌기 위하여 지방 소도시를 혼자 떠돌며 같은 레벨의 퇴물 복서들이랑 처절한 시합을 벌이지만 치열한 난타전 끝에 남은 건 몇 푼의 파이트 머니와 일그러진 얼굴뿐인데...
Particular Men
A fictitious but powerful look at the dawn of the nuclear age, this stage performance follows several government scientists as they develop the atomic bomb, grapple with the morality of their work, and confront major problems with their superiors. Written by award-winning playwright Loring Mandel, this riveting production stars Stacy Keach, Alice Drummond, Lois Smith, Clifton James and Verna Bloom.
Doc Holliday
A revisionist western, "Doc" is Frank Perry's attempt to accurately portray the lives and persons of Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, and the now-legendary events that took place in the town of Tombstone, starring Stacy Keach, Faye Dunaway and Harris Yulin.
운명의 맥클라우드
Abraham Wright
로버트 알트만 감독이 자신의 영화사 '라이언 게이트 프로덕션'을 만들어 제작한 작품.
The Traveling Executioner
Jonas Candide
Jonas Candide performs his job as state executioner in early 20th century Mississippi like a combination preacher and carnival barker, persuading condemned men to accept their deaths before electrocuting them on his electric chair. After he's assigned his first woman to execute, however, Jonas' sense of purpose is shaken.
End of the Road
Jacob Horner
After a catatonic episode on a railway station platform, Jacob Horner is taken to "The Farm"...
마음은 외로운 사냥꾼
인기 상승의 가수 훈은 공항에서 우연히 오수미라는 여자를 만나 사랑을 느낀다. 그녀는 모그룹 회장의 숨겨진 애인으로 훈의 친구 대식은 그 둘의 관계를 걱정한다. 강회장과의 관계에서 권태로와진 수미는 훈에게 적극적으로 다가온다. 강회장도 결국 수미를 놓아주고 훈과 수미의 관계는 뜨거워진다. 그러나 훈이 다시 노래를 부르고 싶어하자 훈을 독점하고 싶어하는 수미는 그에게 집착하고 그들의 관계는 갈등에 휩싸인다.
A desert pickpocket, his sidekick, and an escaped slave help an incognito queen in danger.
Amanda and The Alien
Emmitt Mallory
A young Bohemian female artist falls in love with a nubile human-eating alien and teaches him how to be more human. However, government agents are on his trail.
Buckle Up
The story of ex-banger racer Jack Elger who has to honor his brothers gambling debt by picking up a rare diamond necklace from an Arab prince off the coast of Cornwall and bring it back to London before he his killed. The trick is to stay alive as they race through the streets of London's Westend dodging bullets in the process.