Based loosely on the Monkey King legend, but set before he was sent to languish under a mountain for 500 years. The movie mainly focuses on two kids, a young Piggie (played by a fat kid with quite good makeup and a deadly fart weapon) and a young martial art master whose identity I didn't quite recognise. They get caught up in the affairs of The Dragon Princess Of The West Sea who rebels against her father by refusing to marry the Dragon Prince of The East Sea (or something like that!), and along with the Monkey King they have to fight various "fairies" (immortals) to ensure that justice is done.
Taiwan movie
Red Pirate and his people caught women for ransom with two girls from royal British family among them. But his ingenious plan gets complicated when his men decide to rape hostages and one of the women manages to escape and informs police about Red Pirate's hideout. HK police joins their forces with Vietnamese commandos, navy and air-force and the battle with pirates begins.
Husband of Amazon Tribal Chief
유명한 보물 사냥꾼 '재키'는 백작에게서 2차 세계 대전 때 독일 정부의 명령으로 250만 톤 규모의 황금을 중동 사막에 숨겨둔 황금을 찾으라는 의뢰를 받게 되고, 황금 기지를 열 수 있는 유일한 열쇠를 건네받게 된다. 재키는 백작의 소개로 여류 사학자 '에이다'를 만나고 황금을 숨기러 갔다가 죽음에 이른 장교 중 한 사람인 할아버지를 찾으러 가는 '엘사', 공예품을 파는 사막을 사랑하는 일본 소녀 '모모코' 와 함께 사막을 향해 떠난다. 하지만 그동안 황금을 노리고 있었던 중동 악당들의 위협으로 인해 재키 일행은 호텔 안에서 위험한 총격전을 벌이고 사막의 노예시장에 팔려가는 등 수 많은 난관에 부딪히게 된다. 우여곡절 끝에 목적지인 황금 기지에 당도하지만, 예전 황금을 숨기는 임무를 수행했던 병사 중 한 명인 '아돌프'가 불구가 된 채 자신의 부하들과 함께 먼저 와있다는 것을 알게 된다. 수적 열세에 재키는 그들에게 열쇠를 빼앗기고 황금마저 내어줘야 할 위기에 처하게 되는데...
Kwong is a mafia king. When a rival gang steals a rare chinese artifact from him, he blaims his two "bag-men" and threatens to "cut their life" if they don't recover the treasure.
Police School is haunted. Chan Sir and Tong Sir in order to drive out the ghosts, so they find out nine police, who is the dragon-year born, to practice an array. Because of arrogant of Inspector Li Lan Yuk, makes others with bad feeling. They decide to play a trick on her and have lots of joke. They know the goal of training is to seize the ghosts, they all left the training. But the camp is already controlled by the ghosts, causes they stay here to help Chan to seize the ghosts. In Lunar night, on July 14, Chan unable to seize the ghosts, Madam Lee takes out the family secrets and turns into a Taoist priestess to fight with the ghosts. At last, Lee and master drive out all the ghosts
마지막 잔돈을 털어 행운의 장미 한 송이를 산 시골총각 ‘곽진화’는 우연히 조직들의 싸움에 말려들어 얼떨결에 조직의 두목으로 추대된다. 그러던 어느 날 자신에게 장미를 판 여인의 딱한 사정을 듣게 된다. 장미여인에게는 상해에서 대학에 다니는 딸이 있는데, 그곳에서 갑부의 아들과 만나 결혼을 약속하고 홍콩으로 상견례를 오기로 했다는 것. 하지만 그에 비해 너무나도 가난한 자신의 처지가 딸에게 피해를 줄까 우려하여 몸져누운 장미여인의 모정에 감동한 ‘곽진화’는 그녀를 일류 호텔로 데려가 귀부인으로 둔갑 시킨다. 드디어 상견례가 있는 날, 모든 것이 순조롭게 진행되는 듯 하지만 곧 조직간의 싸움과 형사의 방해작전으로 모든 계획이 수포로 돌아갈 위기에 놓이는데…
Man Passing Elevator
양어장의 사장 엽홍은 마약을 만드는 화 회장의 공장에서 나오는 폐수로 물고기들이 죽어 나가자 회장을 상대로 소송을 건다. 그리고 화 회장의 변호사로 선임된 재키는 잘나가는 바람둥이 변호사. 그는 손쉬운 사건 해결을 위해 돈을 밝히는 속물스러운 친구 왕비웅이 엽홍에게 접근해 양어장을 팔도록 설득하게 하고, 또 다른 친구 동덕표를 시켜 엽홍의 집에 도청장치까지 설치하려고 한다. 하지만 이 과정에서 왕비웅과 엽홍은 점점 가까워지고, 재키 또한 엽홍의 사촌동생 온미령과 진정한 사랑에 빠져 버리는데...
아국과 소호, 뚱보는 어릴 때부터 깊은 산골에서 살아왔기 때문에 세상물정을 전혀 모른다. 그들의 할아버지는 혹독한 방법으로 무술을 가르쳐 3형제는 모주 일당백의 무술실력을 쌓았다. 그러던 어느 날 할아버지가 애지중지하던 새가 날아가자 3형제는 벌을 받을 것이 두려워 한 번도 보지 못한 할머니를 찾아 무작정 도시로 떠난다. 번화한 도시는 3형제를 어리둥절하게 만들기에 충분했고, 가는 곳마다 웃지못할 촌극이 벌어진다. 그러다가 악당의 하수인 "따꺼"가 그들의 무술실력을 보고 범죄에 이용하기 위해 소굴로 데려간다. 순진무구한 3형제는 악당이 시키는대로 하다가 실수를 저질러 결국 쫓기는 신세가 된다. 우여곡절 끝에 그들은 할머니와 누이동생 칭칭을 만나게 되는데 악당들은 칭칭을 납치해 3형제를 협박한다. 3형제는 다시 악당들과 대결을 벌이게 되고 위기의 순간 할아버지가 나타나 구해준다. 3형제의 눈부신 활약으로 악당들은 일망타진되고 그동안 헤어져 살아오던 할아버지와 할머니는 아이들 성화에 못이겨 화해를 하게 된다.
The Progenitor, Cheng Yang, Cheng Jen and his brother, Chung Yin-Chiu tried all means to acquaint with the “Yin Yang Separate Body Style”, which was the most powerful Taoism Kung-fu of Yin Yang Tang. One day, Student, Ko Sheng practiced the style secretly. Since his basic Kung-fu training was not well-established, he made his soul separated from the body. At the most critical moment, he was saved by Yin-Chiu. The leader of Tien Wu Men, Master Fu Luen wanted to rule over the community by force, bitterly practiced the “Tzu Yin Wicked Style” kung fu. He controlled Kuan Shih-Chung by using poison and ordered him to get the urea of children and women's placenta for him to practice...
The story of Ming Ling Shur, a girl who was raised by apes and thus has a natural ability with monkey kung fu. She also resembles a monkey for most of the film (not really explained why). She grows up and falls for a prince who is really an evil kung fu master, who exploits her abilities for his own gain. Now here's why the film works; Kam Fung does an excellent job as the Ape Girl, being very eccentric at times with the actions of a monkey. Also, we see early performances by Lo Lieh as an assassin, and Chen Sing as the prince.
An orphan boy seeks revenge upon a villainous kung-fu sect that killed his friends. He chances upon two old kung fu masters who are fighting to determine who's the better fighter; one is a drunk, the other puffs constantly on a pipe. Fei Fei convinces them to teach him kung fu, and then he'll fight using both of their techniques and will discover which is superior. So Fei Fei ends up fighting his way up the ranks of the evil sect with the two old men trailing after him, evaluating the battles and counting how many of their individual moves Fei Fei uses. The final battle with the white-haired master of the sect, using new kung fu moves inspired by dancers in a brothel, is amazingly gymnastic. --Bret Fetzer
고려는 몽고와의 전쟁에서 패하고 그 댓가로 몽고에 조공을 바쳐야 하는 굴욕을 당하게 된다. 그러나 조공 행렬은 번번이 비적들로부터 약탈을 당하고, 이유를 받아들이지 않는 몽고의 독촉을 받게 된다. 이에 고려는 새로운 조공책으로 장군 이방위를 임명하고 그의 딸 영란과 떠돌이 무사 강도성, 그의 사부 모오로 하여금 조공행렬을 호위하게 한다. 이들은 지나는 길에 오독문 장문인 묘춘화와 그 부하 만당곤을 만나기도 하고 태행쌍괴 형제들의 위협에 쫓기면서 행렬을 계속한다. 마지막 협곡에서는 수많은 죄수들이 나타나 위기에 처하나 강도성과 모오의 신묘한 무술로 그들을 전부 쓰러뜨린다
원나라 중엽 고려국의 고승 지공대사는 무림대회에서 승리하여 중국의 팔문대파의 맹주로서 추대된다. 어느날 낙양성에 서영풍이라는 한 젊은이가 실종된 사학비권을 가지고 나타남으로서 팔대문파의 쟁취전이 벌어진다. 군웅이 난림하여 싸움이 계속될 때 지공대사가 나타나 다시 평화를 찾는다.
After her father, a judge, is murdered by corrupt officials, a young woman must set out do recover the Blood Rain Sword, which her father had left to her, and encounters obstacles from the villainous Chao Pai.
When the three most feared fighters in the land are defeated by The First Family and leader Chen Tien Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World, the treachery that follows will find the noble leader attempting to uncover the traitor that has poisoned the clan from the inside in a dazzling martial arts epic from Chen Chi Hua. "Militant Dragon and Tiger," "Devil Stars," and "Three Horrid Mice" have tormented the countryside for far too long. Upon their defeat at the hands of the First Family, Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World by the grateful population of the Chinese countryside. His house subsequently beset upon by a malevolent band of anonymous fighters and vengeful wizards who seek to destabilize Wei's reign, Wei must now seek out the betrayer who lurks in his midst and restore his honor before his rule collapses under the weight of disloyalty
When the three most feared fighters in the land are defeated by The First Family and leader Chen Tien Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World, the treachery that follows will find the noble leader attempting to uncover the traitor that has poisoned the clan from the inside in a dazzling martial arts epic from Chen Chi Hua. "Militant Dragon and Tiger," "Devil Stars," and "Three Horrid Mice" have tormented the countryside for far too long. Upon their defeat at the hands of the First Family, Wei is elected Chief of the Martial World by the grateful population of the Chinese countryside. His house subsequently beset upon by a malevolent band of anonymous fighters and vengeful wizards who seek to destabilize Wei's reign, Wei must now seek out the betrayer who lurks in his midst and restore his honor before his rule collapses under the weight of disloyalty
When a young man's village is destroyed by a band of thugs, he seeks help from a great kung-fu master, but his real lessons come from a drunk old man, he basically learns kung fu by accident and seeks his revenge.
아버지의 원수에게 복수를 하기 위해 소림사에서 무술을 연마하는 벙어리(성룡). 그는 다른 제자들보다 배움의 속도가 느려 쫓겨날 위기에 처한다. 하지만 벙어리는 성실함 하나만으로 '취권'과 '사학팔보'를 배우고, 지하 감옥에 갇혀 있던 늙은 해지에게 음식을 가져다 주면서 소림 권법의 모든 것을 배우기에 이른다. 벙어리는 이렇게 배운 무술을 통해 소림을 떠나는 테스트에서 목인들을 이기고 소림 수제자의 표식을 받으며 해산에 성공한다. 한편, 지하 감옥에 갇혀 있던 해지는 감옥을 탈출한 뒤 복수를 위해 소림사를 공격할 계획을 세운다. 위기에 직면한 소림사는 대책 마련을 위해 벙어리를 다시 불러들이는데...
The lecherous Ming emperor Cheng Teh sat on the throne, women were utterly subservient to men. Businessmen, officials and scholars suggested building houses of infinite pleasure to their ives. In the Ching Hua House of pleasure, the girls underwent exacting drills and instruction in the sensual arts under a stern madam, who punished any uncooperative girl into submission. Susan, the fairest and most headstrong girl in the Ching Hua House, fell in love at first sight with a handsome young scholar. He was on his way to Peking to sit for the imperial xaminations. Yet he fell in love with Susan too, and he spent his last penny to pass the night with her......
Director of Photography
Haunted by her past, an ailing young woman who recently lost her mother and the roof over her head is reluctant to accept the generosity of an older man who fell out with his own daughter whose affair with his boss's son cost him his job; her reasons are revealed only after her death and when the past is dredged up. Based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Humiliated and Insulted, the film was filmed and distributed in Taiwan however was not released in Hong Kong. It is Ho Fan’s first attempt to fulfil his vision for an art house production in mainstream cinema which breaks the mould by mixing the nuance of art films with popular culture in a confrontation between the old and the new. It was selected in the 1980s by Hsu Li-Kong, director of then Film Library of the Motion Picture Development Foundation (now Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute), as part of its permanent collection. (By Reel to Reel Institute)
Li Tin Ming (Alex Lung) travels the countryside with his sidekick, Hsiao San (Hon Kwok Choi) defeating any martial arts school they come across in an effort to test his Kung Fu 10th Dan. Having become a heroic figure for killing a feared villain named 'The Leopard', Li soon questions his actions of testing his skills and the violence that is born from the never-ending fighting. Upon making a decision to fight no more, a new gang enslaves the town set free from the claws of 'The Leopard' and Li once again must take action to prove that DRAGONS NEVER DIE.