Frau Sutter
Beate Heinle
Years after the end of the Bosnian war, a woman finds evidence that her young daughter, who disappeared during the war, might have survived and been adopted by a German family.
Frustrated with their lazy new intern, a trio of offbeat builders decide to teach him a lesson with a series of escalating pranks.
1907년~1925년에 출생한 여섯 명의 여성에게 그들의 삶을 돌아보는 매우 개인적인 질문을- 본인의 출생에 대해, 첫 경험, 초경, 첫 키스에 대해, 어떤 꿈을 가졌는지에 대해, 나이가 들어가는 것에 대해-한다. 2차 세계대전을 겪으며, 혹독한 나치정권을 살아온 그들은 자신이 기억하고 있는 과거와 마주하며 본인들의 삶을 담담하게 풀어 놓는다.
Angelika Heindl
For many years the old Waller worked as a railwayman. After Waller is informed that "his" track will be closed down and that he will be retired, he walks the route for one last time and starts to remember his life along the way: Beginning in his childhood in the 1920s, he commemorates the death of his great love as well as he recalls the legal battle with his illegitimate daughter.