António Fonseca

António Fonseca

출생 : 1953-10-14, Santo Tirso, Portugal

프로필 사진

António Fonseca

참여 작품

Jogos de Enganos
Dr. Álvaro
Primeira Obra
Fiction is never very far from reality. A young man, of Portuguese heritage, decides to do a PhD based on the documentary The Good People of Portugal, a work from 1980, also directed by Rui Simões. This opens the door to a parallel between the reality of the film we see and that of PREC, the moment of the studied documentary and the contemporary world, with the young Michel in between.
Criança Lobo
Tomás Menezes
Pê, a man with terminal cancer, wanders through his city, Lisbon. Throughout the day, he is confronted with a reality unaware of his suffering while he prepares his imminent death by writing a farewell letter to his daughter. When emptying her father’s house, the daughter discovers the letter. It is the beginning of a new encounter.
Salgueiro Maia - The Implicated
Marcello Caetano
On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal
The Lone Wolf
Raul Oliveira
One night on Viva FM's late night show, host Vitor Lobo gets a phone call from an old friend.
Lúcia is raped by her husband and presses charges against him. She fights the Portuguese legal system along with the Prosecutor's Assistant, Maria João Correia, to forceher husband, the son of the State's Vice Attorney, intoCourt. The case takes place in closed session where Lúcia tries to find justice in a predominantly male world.
A Matança Ritual de Gorge Mastromas
인비저블 라이프
1950년, 브라질 리우데자네이루, 구스망 집안의 두 딸, 에우리디스와 귀다는 보수적인 아버지 밑에서 자란다. 아버지 마누엘의 엄격함에 지친 언니 귀다는 잘생긴 항해사와 사랑에 빠져 몰래 그리스로 달아난다. 피아니스트가 꿈인 여동생 에우리디스는 언니를 그리워하며 기다린다. 한편, 임신한 채로 홀로 돌아온 귀다를 아버지는 매몰차게 쫓아내고, 에우리디스는 언니가 돌아온 사실도 모른 채, 귀다의 행방을 찾는데… 언젠가 다시 만날 거라는 희망을 놓지 못하는 자매 이야기, 운명에 맞선 여성 서사의 매혹적인 걸작!
António Ferreira Gomes
The story about the romance of Snu Abecassis and the former Portuguese prime minister Sá Carneiro.
Maria spends her daytime sewing and cleaning, while at night she works as a prostitute in Oporto's streets. Years ago her path crossed with José, a married man who became her most faithful client but who couldn't help her to escape the hard life. Today this old prostitute continues showing off her body through the long city's nights, though the clients are almost gone. José is still there, but he failed at what she desired the most: a son. In a very intimate and raw portray of a woman, MARIA disclosures how love and getting older can feels like.
Blood Lines
Threatened by a fascist plot, the Portuguese government recruits several "special people" to stop the coup.
John From
Rita is fifteen and spends the summer between warm afternoons of teenage love and party nights with her friend Sara. From Portugal to the South Pacific, the pleasures of this routine will take a turn when the young girl visits the art show of a new neighbor in the local community.
Histórias de Alice
Nzinga, Queen of Angola
Bento Banha Cardoso
In the 17th century a warrior woman fights for the independence of Angola. After witnessing the murder of her son and watching her people being humiliated by Portuguese colonizers, Njinga will become a Queen and struggle for their liberation embodying the motto: those who stay fight to win.
8816 Versos
The Great Kilapy
Homem do Restaurante de Luxo
Zézé Gamboa's sardonic historical drama follows a good-hearted, apolitical con man who, on the eve of Angolan independence in the mid-1970s, pulls off a massive swindle at the expense of the Portuguese colonial administration — and soon after finds himself hailed as a hero of the national liberation struggle.
João Espanca
Shaken by a divorce in the 1920s, Portuguese poetess Florbela Espanca uses her writing to deal with her tumultuous relationship with men, eroticism and love.
Anita Garibaldi
The City and The Sun
A woman and two dogs inside a city house. She rediscovers herself in daily gestures and in the remembrance of whom has left. The sun blinds her, it becomes fierce, and like death, she cannot look it in the eye - only to the shadows around her
My Name Is Bernadette
Committee Member
Between February and July 1858, in the Massabielle cave, the Virgin appeared eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous, a miserable little girl from Lourdes. A true revolution in the heart of the Second Empire that shakes the established order by his universal message of love and prayer.
Crónica Parisiense
Paris, March 1939. While the march of the Nazi troops makes itself heard throughout Europe, exiled artists and intellectuals from all over the world still converge in the French capital. Portuguese composer Fernando Lopes-Graça is among them, sharing this cosmopolitan environment, on the verge of rupture. A happy coincidence brings him into the presence of the man he considers his master, the intransigent Hungarian composer Béla Bartók. For Lopes-Graça, the occasion presents itself as a unique opportunity to show Bartók his scores...
George, a charismatic and adventurous young woman, born from an old, catholic family, falls in love, in her teens, with a female teacher named Sybil. Devastated by her lover's eventual suicide, some years later, George embarks on an exciting and reckless journey to the depths of Pigalle's nightlife, circa 1960. After an encounter with a very wealthy, still attractive, but older woman, Odete, who offers her money and gifts in return for sexual favours, George becomes Gigola, a kind of gigolo for women only.
Humberto hanged himself. Catarina, Paulo and Victor want the company where Humberto used to work for to take responsibility in his death, leading them to kidnappe the company’s director in an act of despair. Who is Humberto? What company is that? In which paths will he take us, after his death? Cinerama is an edgy, enigmatic, but not distant film that brings up genres of cinema as well as other forms of art like dance, theatre and poetry. The film reflects ways of being in life.
Star Crossed
José Carlos Silva, Invicta President
Follows the fictional rivalry between two of Portugal's most prominent football teams - Invicta e Castelo and how their mutual disdain has spread further than the pitch.
O Último Condenado à Morte
Pai de Francisco
The story about the last man to be sentenced to death in Portugal.
The Dead Queen
Bispo da Guarda
Royal romance and epic tragedy feature in this historical drama about Pedro I of Portugal and his lover, Ines de Castro. Their legendary, doomed love story is explored, as well as the darkness surrounding Pedro's powerful, sadistic father.
O Capacete Dourado
The darkness of night, a barely lit place, motorbikes flirting with danger: a group of teenagers at a crossroads playing chicken with unaware passing cars. Jota (Eduardo Frazão) stands out from this group, unclassifiable; his destiny has no straight lines save those on the asphalt. Jota lives in permanent conflict with everything and everybody in his small town. No room for stillness. And then comes Margarida (Ana Moreira). Jota has no inside, Margarida has no outside. In spite of, or because of, that, they meet. What can they do? They can just ride, they can get away with it even if its all messed up. Love is to be lived.
In mid-September 1992, journalist Guida Fontes have to go to Luanda to cover the elections in Angola. In the meantime, she had committed herself to discovering and interviewing the poet Júlio Vera. In 1988, he wrote a series of poems in which he mysteriously anticipated the fall of the USSR. Guida has only 12 days to complete the mission.
A Imitação
An act of passion, filmed in a church turned into a bar, on Easter 2003, and starring as many actors as the days of the year… Taking the sacred painting as a reference, the film questions the human condition: letting oneself die like Christ or betray scientifically like Peter?
The Uncertainty Principle
Having lost her place among the social elite, a widow remarries and starts a family.
Light Drops
Rui was raised in Mozambique in a small village at the frontier of a mysterious river. Son of Portuguese colonists, his best friend is Ana, a black girl godchild of his mother. At fourteen he is confronted with the tragic destruction of his childhood and has to learn to recognize two distinct realities - the European and the African.
Cães Raivosos
A director is trying to stage the play “The Jew of Linz”, but his dementia and delirium can’t take the production past rehearsals. The venue cancels the play and the director and his leading man go on an odyssey where they can’t distinguish life from fiction.
The Mutants
Man at Service Station
Three homeless teenage rejects struggle to survive together. Of them, Andreia is pregnant, while Pedro and Ricardo hustle, steal and are exploited by a pornographer.
Blind Man's Bluff
A blind beggar is robbed of his chest of money. The theft leads to a dramatic situation in the street where he begs every day.
Era Uma Vez Um Alferes
Colonial war in Africa. During a patrol, in the woods, a Portuguese soldier steps on a mine, that will explode when he raises his foot...