Alicia Vázquez

참여 작품

The Red Star
Art Direction
The investigation about an alleged international spy after the Nazi refugees in Argentina gives way to a plot that expands, becomes delirious and branches off. A mockumentary that has, at its center, an elusive woman whose trail can be traced in the most emphatic convulsions of the 20th century.
Nocturna - The Great Old Man's Night
Art Direction
Ulysses is a hundred-year-old man, he lives alone and is on the verge of death. The last night of his life, he will experience something that will force him to rethink his past, his present and his sight about his reality. Tortured by remorse of guilt, confused by his senile dementia, he must make a last effort to reach his death in freedom or to become a soul in sorrow in eternal return.
The Use of a Magazine Rack
Art Direction
Two women meet for a job interview that spills over into an intimate dialogue that encompasses their secret loves, fears, and dreams. Filmed entirely in a single shot and over the course of a single conversation, this one-of-a-kind indie won Best Argentine Film and Best Argentine Director at the 2013 Mar del Plata Film Festival.
Production Design
Fifteen years ago Pablo, Andres, Juan and Carolina were together for the last time. The days when their lives revolved around the old hideout were they grew up as teenagers are now over. It was during 1987 when the adventure that made them fell free ended abruptly. Two seconds changed everything forever. A story that starts as an apparently normal reunion of old friends evolves into the pursuit to rebuild their lives with the pieces of others that were broken.
Art Direction
A porn director is getting close to the dawn of his career.
네온 플레쉬
Set Decoration
리키는 오늘 죽을지도 모른다. 총알 한 발이 그의 머리를 향해 거침없이 날아간다. 왜 나를 죽이려고 하는 것일까! 그의 머릿속엔 많은 생각이 휘몰아친다. 갱단과 마피아, 트랜스젠더, 자신의 매춘업 개업에 관한 이야기가 담겨있다. 언더그라운드 세계의 암울한 분위기와 범죄집단 내에서 갈등하는 인간적 고민이 범죄영화 특유의 스릴러 플롯을 통해 펼쳐지는 암울한 꼴라쥬. 어릴 때 버려진 엄마의 기억은 손에 들고 있는 사진 한 장뿐인 리키는 뒷골목 생활을 하며 얼마 후 출옥 할 엄마를 위해 착실히 돈을 모아 둔다. 그리고 엄마와 함께 할 클럽을 열고 엄마의 출옥을 마중 나가지만, 정작 엄마는 치매에 걸려 누가 누군지 하나도 기억하지 못한다. 매춘 클럽을 시작 하며 일어나는 뒷골목생활과 갱단, 매춘의 이야기를 통해 전개되는 이 영화는리키가 엄마를 생각하는 마음과 흑인 매춘부 여성을 사랑하는 치노의 열정, 성전환 수술을 받고 싶어하는 프렌세스가 흑인 매춘부 여성의 갓난 아기를 보며 갖는 따뜻한 마음 등 코믹하면서도 인간적인 면을 보여준다.